Top 50 Love Is Unspoken Quotes

#1. The language of love is unspoken. It is a feeling, an acknowledgment, and acceptance of not only our human frailties, but our divine eminence.

Charles F. Glassman

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1076064
#2. I just had a precognition, she told Anna silently,a stream of unspoken love and joy. You will be very happy. Your best friend says go for it.
Annas face was bright, as if someone had set a candle behind it. You're giving me permission?
I'm giving you an order!


Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1429082
#3. Much have we loved you. But speechless was our love, and with veils has it been veiled,
Yet now it cries aloud unto you, and would stand revealed before you.
And ever has it been that love knows not it's depth until the hour of separation

Kahlil Gibran

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #976097
#4. We had an unspoken love for one another. Probably because she'd never talk to me or return my phone calls or texts.

Dark Jar Tin Zoo

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1060747
#5. We should add that it is a privilege to be the recipient of a sulk: it means the other person respects and trusts us enough to think we should understand their unspoken hurt. It is one of the odder gifts of love. Eventually

Alain De Botton

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1118665
#6. You must really love this guy, huh? I mean, to be crying as ugly as you are?

Amber Silvia

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1169255
#7. Love unspoken is the most tremendous force in the world. One is amazed at the way in which people waste their time making speeches, agitating, praying, even. They might save their breath. The great lovers of the world, in silence, rule the world.

Mary Webb

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1238714
#8. Long standing hatred between a man and a woman is just unspoken attraction that has bruised egos.

Shannon L. Alder

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1244543
#9. These are the things you don't say, even to someone you love.

Johnny Rich

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1253553
#10. I love the unspoken dress code.

Tana French

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1299631
#11. Orange Juice? Sure. Toast? Sure. One last time on the couch? Sure. Phone number? Sure. See you again? Oooh, absolutely. That was the lie I told. Probably not, that was the truth, that was that which went unspoken.

T. Scott McLeod

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1303221
#12. The things left unsaid to people we care about, and the void those unspoken words leave, often have more impact than what is said.

Tyler Knight

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1310773
#13. It seems so much of my time and my energy have been focused on making or trying to make other people love me. The unspoken belief was that if I could make myself lovable to others I would feel loved ... The truth is, I can only feel loved by others when I love myself.

Kimberly Kirberger

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1343371
#14. If there's one thing I love, its people who wear their failures on their sleeve. And go on to teach the unspoken/spoken gospel of what not to do. And who still maintain that it CAN be done, and aren't going around preaching defeat to those who are still eager to try.

Njabulo P. Vilakazi

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #939269
#15. Silence is full of the unspoken, of deeds undone, of confessions to secret love, and of wonders not expressed. Our truth is hidden in our silence, Yours and I.

Ahmad Shamloo

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1473687
#16. There is an unspoken agreement in every successful relationship: "I'm not perfect and you're not perfect. I can ignore your imperfections if you can ignore mine. I choose to spend my life in your company.

Rick Cormier

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1478018
#17. The unspoken feeling that engulfs you and smolders you more and more each!

Kiran Joshi

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1516936
#18. I had an unspoken treaty with myself to never lie in my lyrics, so, for a long time, when I wrote love songs, I would use genderless pronouns, like "dear" and "darling" - like some kind of granny!


Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1641329
#19. In my crazy world, above all others ... you were the only one who was the ugliest. And you were the only one ... who was the most beautiful ... This is the unspoken truth.

Kaori Yuki

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1688284
#20. Unspoken words between you and I,
Present in the eyes of knowing,
Lost in the realm of unforeseen beauty,
I am yours.

Truth Devour

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1711864
#21. He played of love and loss and years of silence, words unsaid and vows unspoken, and all the spaces between his heart and theirs; and when he was done, and he'd set the violin back in its box, Will's eyes were closed, but Tessa's were full of tears.

Cassandra Clare

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1732146
#22. He shall never know how I love him

Emily Bronte

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1740544
#23. You were a pain, then. You still are. You're just a different kind of pain to me.

Amber Silvia

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1782324
#24. The unspoken factor is love. The reason I can work so hard at my writing is that it's not work for me.

John Irving

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1847469
#25. Still here.
Still miss you.
Still love you.

C.C. Hunter

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1867207
#26. I'm like Courtney Love without the drugs, right? Edgy. Full of unspoken feeling.'
'You're a brick when the guy is real and in front of you.

Cath Crowley

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #1878023
#27. Some secrets beg to be betrayed. The secret of undeclared love is like that.

Robin Hobb

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #336245
#28. Yes, but . . ." She hesitated, her gaze finally coming to me. "I survived because I fell in love."
With you was unspoken.

Kim Harrison

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #31302
#29. A thousand words blossomed to her lips and died there, because no amount of speaking could communicate the depths of how he'd affected her. Of how he'd changed her.

Katherine McIntyre

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #111194
#30. Try not to kill me with your love,
try not to break a glass wall
seeing everything,
but going unheard,
the words feel unspoken.

Crystals gleaming at our feet,
innocently joined by red fists
and a kiss.

Megan Hutchinson

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #144025
#31. Love's sweetest meanings are unspoken; the full heart knows no rhetoric of words.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #147210
#32. Love is a wordless unspoken poem

Tarif Naaz

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #150310
#33. With their unspoken words of love still echoing in her ears and aching in her heart, Kayn knew she had to be brave. He was gone. This was where their roads separated, right at the beginning.

Kim Cormack

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #223790
#34. The unspoken philosophy of all those in love with Ada was something like this: If I have to die to get that, then death it is.

John Corey Whaley

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #229631
#35. There is an unspoken feminist layer to Katana. She's an aggressive modern woman with traditional Japanese roots. She was in love with her sword because she believed it contained her husband.

Ann Nocenti

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #233303
#36. I nod, understanding the unspoken message: No matter what, he will never stop looking out for me. I can't argue with him about that, after all, I feel the same way.

J. Kenner

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #251902
#37. For the true angler, fishing produces a deep,unspoken joy, born of longing for that which is quiet and peaceful, and fostered by an inbred love of communing with nature

Thaddeus Norris

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #279720
#38. Love is the language of the heart. It can feel the movements of every atom and understand every language spoken or unspoken.

Debasish Mridha

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #325330
#39. In the end you always crashed against the unspoken barricades of their love, like the walls of a padded cell. The truth of their love rendered further meaningful discussion impossible and made what had gone before empty of meaning.

Stephen King

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #938464
#40. The love of nature is religion, and that religion is poetry; these three things are one thing. This is the unspoken creed of haiku poets.

R.H. Blyth

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #449472
#41. I was inclined to leave love unspoken.

Rachel Hartman

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #607702
#42. If you love someone, tell them.
Tell them now.
Because two hearts can easily be broken
By 3 small words that are left unspoken.

Jose N. Harris

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #673604
#43. Many of the people who are most considered anti-American would love to partake of the American dream: the unspoken slogan of many protesters outside U.S. embassies abroad is really: 'Yankee go home, but take me with you.'

Shashi Tharoor

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #676653
#44. None but those who have loved can be supposed to understand the oratory of the eye, the mute eloquence of a look, or the conversational powers of the face. Love's sweetest meanings are unspoken; the full heart knows no rhetoric of words, and resorts to the pantomime of sighs and glances.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #685970
#45. I am the drying meadow; you the unspoken apology; he is the fluctuating distance between mother and son; she is the first gesture that creates a quiet that is full enough to make the baby sleep.
My genes, my love, are rubber bands and rope; make yourself a structure you can live inside.

Aimee Bender

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #730736
#46. Love causes us to be deeply connected in an unspoken way. It happens when we're really available, really open.


Love Is Unspoken Quotes #759919
#47. You don't hit on your best friend's love interest; it's an unspoken rule of friendship.


Love Is Unspoken Quotes #783095
#48. Love is complicated, and in its best form, it's unspoken. It shows in the things we do, not what we say.

Lisa De Jong

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #823949
#49. Della?" he muttered-
"I love you."
"You are not dying!" she seethed.
He chuckled. "I didn't say I was ... But just in case." his knees gave. She caught him,-

C.C. Hunter

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #871839
#50. Within each of us there is an intense need to feel that we belong. This feeling of unity and togetherness comes through the warmth of a smile, a handshake, or a hug, through laughter and unspoken demonstrations of love. It comes in the quiet, reverent moments of soft conversation and in listening.

William R. Bradford

Love Is Unspoken Quotes #904355

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