Top 30 Louis Gossett Quotes

#1. I was invited to play with the New York Knicks. I was never drafted, but I was invited to the rookie camp.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #904797
#2. When I see imposters like ... Swinburne, [and] Fleay, who know as much early English as my dog, & who fancy they can settle Chaucer difficulties as they blow their noses, then I ridicule or kick them. But earnest students I treat with respect, & am only too glad to learn from them.

James Turner

Louis Gossett Quotes #1702582
#3. Nazis don't have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust museum in Washington.

Newt Gingrich

Louis Gossett Quotes #1638221
#4. What is uttered is finished and done with.

Thomas Mann

Louis Gossett Quotes #1621539
#5. You have a bout with death, things that touch your mortality, when that happens, all that bling-bling gets thrown away because all you've got is you and God.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #1619621
#6. 'Avatar' was gorgeous. There are good stories in there, but when used in other movies they're similar to those violent video games. Characters using deadly weapons. The children follow these movies.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #1576082
#7. We need to do whatever it takes to get our children together and pay attention to them, because that's our future. What's in the hearts and minds of our children is what's in our future.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #1568305
#8. I was at Woodstock. In the mud.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #1299571
#9. I can put my legs behind my head and sing 'Happy Birthday.' Because that's something that me and my friends used to do when we were in gymnastics class as kids, and I can still do it. I was doing it since I was 8 and 9. They used to call me Gumby. Very bendy.

Emmy Rossum

Louis Gossett Quotes #1258302
#10. If a role isn't different, it's not worth doing.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #1232966
#11. If your heart is open it can never stay broken.

Jane Seymour

Louis Gossett Quotes #1176170
#12. When you feel good is when you're not afraid to feel the worst.

Kirsten Dunst

Louis Gossett Quotes #1033670
#13. CBS has received a strong and positive response from the YouTube community about the quality of its programming.

Chad Hurley

Louis Gossett Quotes #1008247
#14. It's a balancing act of you feel horrible that you're away but there is something about the road that is rather liberating.

Jim Gaffigan

Louis Gossett Quotes #953279
#15. My father was adopted. He grew up in the Italian household.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #943361
#16. I'm cancer-free. And I'm on antioxidants and acupuncture and a different diet. And I have a different outlook on life. I don't have resentment any more. It's wonderful.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #5626
#17. I think more important than law is the hearts of people.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #803741
#18. I didn't know anything about acting, I didn't know anything about theater, but I was just an exceptional student at high school. I wanted to play ball; I'm going after a basketball scholarship and be a doctor. I got injured and my marks began to drop.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #761380
#19. My father's best friend, Georgie Terra, was an Italian guy. The children and the cousins and nieces and nephews were children of the Mafia. Those were the children he grew up with. If you want to go to a safe neighborhood, go to where the Mafia is.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #756050
#20. The worst resentment that anybody can have is one you feel justified to keep.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #741911
#21. Expect the Best, Expect Divine Guidance, Expect your Fortunes to Change, Expect a Miracle!

Wayne Dyer

Louis Gossett Quotes #715212
#22. I didn't come to see Sammie. I came to talk to you. And I'm not high. Exactly." "Then what are you? Exactly?" "Available, sexy and free for the rest of the night." And that's when I threw up in my mouth a little.

Chantay M. James

Louis Gossett Quotes #712875
#23. The Lord may not come when you want Him, but he's always going to be there on time.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #687209
#24. When I'm offered a role, I look at what I think I can do with it. I look to see if I can project myself into it.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #650049
#25. I was president of the schools in junior high and high school, got a scholarship to New York University, played a little basketball, and was a celebrity.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #505213
#26. My father, an entrepreneur but hardly a technologist, was looking to buy a computer to 'automate' our family business. In 1981, he characteristically dove head first into computing and bought an Osborne I.

Steven Sinofsky

Louis Gossett Quotes #254720
#27. I can do more than anyone suspects. I pride myself on my versatility. It took 32 years of difficult parts, second leads, villains and juveniles. The Oscar changed the quality of the roles I was being offered.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #251936
#28. When I became a mother, there was no doubt in my mind that it would be the most vital and important job I would ever have because I knew firsthand what it was like not to have a mother.

Janette Rallison

Louis Gossett Quotes #137278
#29. I was always told that I'd have to do a movie with a white guy in order to get the money. That's the way it was. That made me feel that I should have chosen some other profession, so I could have gotten my just deserts.

Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Quotes #90769
#30. God's love helps us to reach the unreachable, He's a great God.

Euginia Herlihy

Louis Gossett Quotes #37633

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