Top 100 Looking For It Quotes
#1. I don't really know what I'm ever looking for, it's kind of like whatever happens to resonate at the time with me.
Mark Webber
#2. People will survive, and they will find happiness. Happiness only comes when you're not looking for it.
Hugh Laurie
#3. Just because Shangri-La may not exist doesn't mean we shouldn't keep looking for it, because maybe that's exactly where it does exist, in the striving.
Greg F. Gifune
#4. I believe happiness is always there. That's why we have to keep looking for it. Because we can't always see it.
Because it doesn't always find us.
Lisa Mangum
#5. If you don't know what you're looking for, it's not easy to look for it." Erika
Haruki Murakami
#6. Peace will be there when you will be looking for it and ready for it.
Debasish Mridha
#7. And that was how the young writer found love, just when he had stopped looking for it.
Marcus Sedgwick
#8. I knew from that moment on that all the fairy tale bullshit I was fed by Disney and everyone else was nonexistent. I stopped looking for it, got more realistic, and I've been fine. Until now," I look up into Corbin's eyes. "Until you.
Kandi Steiner
#9. But perhaps revelation often comes when you're not looking for it, resolution when you don't realize you need it.
Robert Goddard
#10. I wouldn't throw all spitballs. I'd go maybe two or three innings without throwing a spitter, but I always had them looking for it.
Stan Coveleski
#11. I don't think I'll get married again. I'm not looking for it. What I can say about my divorce and my failed engagement is that I learned where my bar is.
Jill Scott
#12. I want you to use your misplaced acorn for a brain before the squirrel comes looking for it again.
Scott Lynch
#13. Piper's lust was like a single bear trap in the wilderness. It was nearly impossible to find if you were looking for it, but it was something you wanted to be prepared for if you stepped into it by accident.
Maggie Stiefvater
#14. she knew the real threat to her happiness came not from the dot in the distance, but from looking for it. Expecting it. Waiting for it. And in some cases, creating it.
Louise Penny
#15. The important thing isn't the house. It's the ability to make it. You carry that in your brains and in your hands, wherever you go ... It's one thing to carry your life wherever you go. Another thing to always go looking for it somewhere else.
Barbara Kingsolver
#16. Real search is about providing valuable information when it's really needed to those who are actually looking for it.
David Amerland
#17. It's easy to lose control when you were never looking for it in the first place
Wes Moore
#18. Arsenic sticks around and today it's easily found after death if somebody thinks of looking for it, because the problem with arsenic, it isn't looked for in the common tests for drugs.
Michael Baden
#19. Happiness is what you trample over when you are looking for it
Eric Amidi
#20. This is the place of nightmares in so many ways, but there's nightmares on the outside, too, and one day, when you're not even looking for it, you'll find something perfect in here, and you'll feel whole. Hold onto that.
Ashley Newell
#21. If we're missing life it's probably because we're expecting it to reveal itself to us, rather than realizing that life is revealed by us looking for it.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
#22. Even if you don't find what you think you're looking for, darling, it's the going out and looking for it that counts.
Kim Fay
#23. It has an L on it. L for love. See? It's the key to the universe, Dad. You said you were looking for it. You told Mom you were. I found it for you so you don't have to look anymore. So you can come home at night.
Jennifer Donnelly
#24. What an artist finds, he finds without looking for it.
Marty Rubin
#25. To look for some kind of insight or meaning in pop songs is not really - well there's plenty of other places where you should probably look first before you start looking for it in a pop song.
Jason Newsted
#26. Contradiction is the heart and soul of character and drama. You're always looking for it. I loved her so much I hit her; that's character. I loved her so much I hit her again; that's even more character.
Paul Schrader
#27. I want to know what good is a web search engine that returns 324,909,188 'matches' to my key word. That's like saying, Good news, we've located the product you're looking for. It's on Earth.
W. Bruce Cameron
#28. You are really in search of yourself, without knowing it. You are love-longing for the love-worthy, the perfect lovable. Due to ignorance you are looking for it in the world of opposites and contradictions. When you find it within, your search will be over.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
#29. People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it
Edith Schaeffer
#30. When success finds you, it's because you were looking for it.
Larry Fitzgerald
#31. Besides it only happens when you're not looking for it.
That's what everybody claims. Easier to say that than This shit sucks.
Junot Diaz
#32. One of the first rules of police work is that trouble will always come looking for you, so there's no point looking for it.
Ben Aaronovitch
#33. I have grown tired of the articulate utterances of men and things. The Mystical in Art, the Mystical in Life, the Mystical in Nature this is what I am looking for. It is absolutely necessary for me to find it somewhere.
Oscar Wilde
#34. Palestinian and Israeli leaders finally recover the Road Map to Peace, only to discover that, while they were looking for it, the Lug Nuts of Mutual Interest came off the Front Left Wheel of Accommodation, causing the Sport Utility Vehicle of Progress to crash into the Ditch of Despair.
Dave Barry
#35. The horizon is out there somewhere and you keep chasing it, looking for it and working for it.
Bob Dole
#36. Every woman in her late 20s goes through a period where she just doesn't believe love is out there anymore, but it is. And I think the minute you stop looking for it is when it comes for you.
Kristen Bell
#37. Any teen gets into a little trouble here and there. It's not hard to find trouble when you're looking for it as a kid.
Channing Tatum
#38. Because I'm the author of my screenplays I know what I'm looking for. It's true that I can be stubborn in demanding that I get what I want, but it's also a question of working with patience and love.
Michael Haneke
#39. I'm not a quester or a searcher for the truth. I don't really think there is one answer, so I never went looking for it. My impulse is less questing and more playful. I like trying on ideas and ways of life and religious approaches. I'm just not a good candidate for conversion.
Ursula K. Le Guin
#40. I am the prodigal son every time I search for unconditional love where it cannot be found. Why do I keep ignoring the place of true love and persist in looking for it elsewhere? Why do I keep leaving home where I am called a child of God, the Beloved of the Father? 9
J.P. Moreland
#42. I love you, Allison. It happened when I wasn't looking for it, when I didn't know I needed it. But I fell in love with you so quickly and so smoothly. So without question.
Jessica Park
#43. I try not to read reviews because I know how sensitive I am and how debilitating it is and how it follows me around. If they're bad, you feel terrible, you feel worthless, no matter if you think they're wrong - and if they're good, it feels cheap and sleazy because you went looking for it.
Thao Nguyen
#44. Amy Morton is a machine. If she misses a show it's because someone amputated her leg and she's looking for it.
Anna D. Shapiro
#45. Love can sneak up on you in a heartbeat, even when you aren't looking for it.
Meredith Wild
#46. Originality is definitely missing from EDM. There are people looking for it and exploring but I feel it's so big now it is just getting milked. House music is losing all its melody as it becomes more about how dirty the drop is and how energetic it is. It loses touch with what music really is.
#47. Love is where you find it. I think it is foolish to go around looking for it, and I think it can be poisonous. I wish that people who are conventionally supposed to love each other would say to each other, when they fight, 'Please - a little less love, and a little more common decency'.
Kurt Vonnegut
#48. I know you're not a man of faith, Edmond, but faith is found when one isn't looking for it and the day will come when your heart, and not your mind, will long for the purification of the soul.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
#49. Got to start by finding it, have we? Can't start by looking for it, I suppose?
C.S. Lewis
#50. Nevertheless, when you did not know what you were looking for, it was important to avoid all prejudices and preconceptions; something that at first sight seemed irrelevant, or even nonsensical, might turn out to be a vital clue.
Arthur C. Clarke
#51. Because you've been giving me happy for months now. All my life I've been looking for it. I didn't know what I was looking for, exactly. Only that I'd know it when I found it. You're it. You're my happily ever after. (Bennet)
A.S. Green
#52. If you are trying to find something, it means you haven't got it. And if you find it simply by looking for it, that means it's false.
Pablo Picasso
#53. Sometimes a good idea comes to you when you are not looking for it. Through an improbable combination of coincidence, naivete and lucky mistakes ...
Kary Mullis
#54. Anything's hard to find if you go around looking for it with your eyes shut.
Shelagh Delaney
#55. I'm a great observer of delicate situations and women. I really like that bygone type of movement, and for a long time I had been looking for it.
Manolo Blahnik
#56. People haven't found meaning in their lives, so they're running all the time looking for it. They think the next car, the next house, the next job. Then they find those things are empty, too, and they keep running.
Mitch Albom
#57. Love was as flawed and terrible and beautiful as we were.
To be alive meant looking for it in ourselves and in others, an imperfection searching for an impossible perfection.
Because in that journey was where truth resided.
Love wasn't about being held. It was about being freed.
Emma Raveling
#58. I put a thong on a few months ago trying to be sexy. I've been looking for it but ain't seen it since.
Tyler Perry
#59. If you go to Jesus to get a new personality, Lewis says, you still haven't really gone to Jesus. Your real self will not come out as long as you are looking for it; it will only emerge when you're looking for Him.
Timothy J. Keller
#60. It's such a funny thing when you see your daughter transitioning from your baby, your little girl, to suddenly being a young woman. If you're not really looking for it, you can miss it, and Lily-Rose is on that road already, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
Johnny Depp
#61. I want to know why I'm alive. I want to understand. It's like exploration; it's like someone being interested in a place and its history, digging into the earth and looking for it, searching - it's a passion.
Juliette Binoche
#62. The thing about love was that it caught you unawares, turned up in the most unexpected places, even when you weren't looking for it.
Sarra Manning
#63. When you get into trouble 5,000 miles from home, you've got to have been looking for it.
Will Rogers
#64. It's hard to know what to say about somebody like that, except there are people who look for trouble. And trouble is very easy to find when you go looking for it.
Patty Hearst
#65. The key to lasting happiness is to stop looking for it, and to know that you already have it.
Deepak Chopra
#66. I try to get on stage whenever I can. I'm always trying to be involved in the theater, doing something on stage, whenever I have downtime. I'm always looking for it.
Scott Bakula
#67. Behind a very sturdily built and staunchly defended facade of practical, unromantic hard-headedness towards life, there was just that little pool of softness that would never show if you poked for it, but could be reached if you knew just how - and never let on that you were looking for it.
Isaac Asimov
#68. Happiness is your inherent nature. In the hustle and bustle of life, you have forgotten a part of yourself, and looking for it outside. Fill this void with happiness that is sustainable, not transitory; that illuminates your life and that of others, that is life giving and so natural.
Sanchita Pandey
#69. Those who are actively seeking enlightenment will not find it because the act of looking for it is the distraction from it.
Enza Vita
#70. 'Glee' found me. I didn't really go looking for it.
Grant Gustin
#71. Got to start by finding it, have we?" answered Puddleglum. " Not allowed to start by looking for it, I suppose?
C.S. Lewis
#72. I realize it's not just Willem I'm looking for; it's Lulu too.
Gayle Forman
#74. The more you want it [romantic relationship], the more you are looking for it, the more you repel it for whatever reason. I don't know why. If you kind of create this vacuum, let life take its course, then you tend to free yourself up for the unexpected.
Katherine Heigl
#75. My mother used to tell this corny story about how the doctor smacked me on the behind when I was born and I thought it was applause, and I have been looking for it ever since.
Kathy Bates
#76. Change could surprise you only if you didn't expect it and weren't looking for it
Spencer Johnson
#77. Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.
Richard Whately
#78. Truth has to be given in riddles. People can't take truth if it comes charging at them like a bull. The bull is always killed. You have to give people the truth in a riddle, hide it so they go looking for it and find it piece by piece; that way they learn to live with it.
Chaim Potok
#79. What you're looking for, you won't find. But only by looking for it can it find you.
Charles Eisenstein
#80. Love is everywhere, but if our eyes aren't open to see it, we miss out. Who among us hasn't missed out on love because we were looking for it in one package and it came in another? Our problem is rarely a lack of love so much as a mental block to our awareness of its presence.*
Marianne Williamson
#81. The answer will only arrive after we stop looking for it.
Jonah Lehrer
#82. Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.
A.A. Milne
#83. With movies, they have a certain person or style that they're looking for. It's not that they don't like you, but maybe you're not the person that's right for their movie. That happens a lot.
Darlene Love
#84. Ultimately, your theme will find you. You don't have to go looking for it.
Richard Russo
#85. When I was growing up in East Germay, everyone said there was no God. So I started looking for it myself.
Nina Hagen
#86. I've come close to matching the feeling of that night in 1944 in music, when I first heard Diz and Bird, but I've never got there ... I'm always looking for it, listening and feeling for it, though, trying to always feel it in and through the music I play everyday.
Miles Davis
#87. Can you hold happiness? Can you drink it? Can you taste it? Can you touch it? Of course not, it is immaterial. So, stop looking for it in the material world! Happiness is experienced within; when we bridge the gap between what we want to experience and how we choose to behave.
Steve Maraboli
#88. Serendipity (n.) finding something good without looking for it
#89. If God had meant for me to be religious, he would have alphabetized the books of the Bible. It was just too hard for me to find what I was looking for, especially if I was looking for it through a few glasses of scotch.
Cathie Pelletier
#90. To find meaning in our lives we need consistent exposure to kids, elders and animals ... cuz kids and animals aren't looking for it, and elders are the closest to finding it.
Gregor Collins
#91. Reading someone else's newspaper is like sleeping with someone else's wife. Nothing seems to be precisely in the right place, and when you find what you are looking for, it is not clear then how to respond to it.
Malcolm Bradbury
#92. Trouble is always easy to find when you have enough people looking for it.
Terry Pratchett
#93. Life sucks. It's all random bullshit that adds up to nothing but chaos. Serendipity: accidentally finding something wonderful while not looking for it. A few get lucky. The rest of us fight for what's left over.
Adriana Law
#94. In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it.
Norman Vincent Peale
#95. Charlotte had never forgotten it - she was always looking for it. An old house facing seaward, ships going up and down. Spruce woods and musty hills, cold salt air from the water, rest, quiet, silence.
L.M. Montgomery
#96. In a world where there is so much sadness and so much to be afraid of, good things do happen to people. Romance is still something we can find even if we're not consciously looking for it.
Kathleen Quinlan
#97. When you look around your life and you notice that something is missing, don't go looking for it
create it! The key is to design a compelling destination, while enjoying the journey!
Laura Whitworth
#98. What they need is a little immorality in their lives. Then they wouldn't be so busy looking for it in other people's.
Agatha Christie
#99. Sometimes the best way to find what you really desire in life is to stop looking for it.
T.R. Wallace
#100. I seem to have misplaced my heart so long ago and I don't know where to even begin looking for it.
Claire Contreras
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