Top 14 Little Paws Quotes

#1. When fully fluffed they looked like oversized wads of dryer lint with six little paws and two big, innocent blue eyes.

Jayne Castle

Little Paws Quotes #1258129
#2. Dex lowered his voice, growling as his fingers moved the puppet's little paws. "Hi, I'm Ash. My hobbies include shooting things, shooting things, and uh, shooting things. Oh and I like fish.

Charlie Cochet

Little Paws Quotes #1694547
#3. Love, she thought, must come suddenly, with great outbursts and lightnings,
a hurricane of the skies, which falls upon life, revolutionises it, roots up the will like a leaf, and sweeps the whole heart into the abyss.

Gustave Flaubert

Little Paws Quotes #235369
#4. As a human being, member of society, you must clearly state your mind. It's a responsibility. It is the way you identify yourself otherwise you don't know who you are and why you are here.

Ai Weiwei

Little Paws Quotes #337676
#5. The little shit was standing on it like he owned it, wet, sandy paws and all. Arf, arf!

Jill Shalvis

Little Paws Quotes #381316
#6. The future remains unwritten, but I'm writing as fast as I can!

Bill DeSmedt

Little Paws Quotes #406946
#7. We're left alone with each other. We have to creep close to each other and give gentle little nudges with our paws and our muzzles before we can slip into sleep and rest for the next day's playtime.

Tennessee Williams

Little Paws Quotes #564691
#8. If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.

Jay Leno

Little Paws Quotes #659612
#9. Science ever has been, and ever must be, the safeguard of religion.

David Brewster

Little Paws Quotes #738512
#10. Russians will consume marinated mushrooms and vodka, salted herring and vodka, smoked salmon and vodka, salami and vodka, caviar on brown bread and vodka, pickled cucumbers and vodka, cold tongue and vodka, red beet salad and vodka, scallions and vodka-anything and everything and vodka.

Hedrick Smith

Little Paws Quotes #858812
#11. Sassy the basset hound sat up on the seat and yawned. Her tongue rolled into a long bologna canoe. She did a little shuffle on her front paws and snorted. Maybe it was a friendly greeting. Maybe she was having a doggie coronary.

Rick Riordan

Little Paws Quotes #950541
#12. "Bruce" was an Eddie Murphy film, so there was a whole different vibe, working on that film, as opposed to working on a [Adam] Sandler film, which I'd done a few of. First of all, there were tons of kids running around. I'm surprised I ever had a kid after doing that film.

Kevin Nealon

Little Paws Quotes #993136
#13. I have a fine sense of the ridiculous, but no sense of humor.

Edward Albee

Little Paws Quotes #1651578
#14. Each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.

Mitch Albom

Little Paws Quotes #1734606

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