Top 10 Lisa Lampanelli Sayings

#1. Lisa Lampanelli lost 100 pounds, but that's because she was poached for ivory.

Reno Collier

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #11338
#2. Usually I'm on top to keep the guy from escaping.

Lisa Lampanelli

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #129686
#3. Style is about fun. True style is not about having a closet full of expensive and beautiful things - it is instead about knowing when, where, and how to utilize your collection.

Nina Garcia

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #501354
#4. Scientists in California have discovered a chemical in the brain that causes use of Windows in otherwise normal human beings. It's called alcohol.

David Pogue

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #1095127
#5. Jeff Foxworthy is a legend. Every time I see his moustache it reminds me to wax my lip and every time I hear his jokes it reminds me to wipe my ass.

Lisa Lampanelli

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #1244479
#6. You can't make a mistake when you improvise.

Patti Smith

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #1272035
#7. Larry the Cable Guy has everything: sleeveless shirts, stupid catchphrases. He's Mr. T without the acting chops.

Lisa Lampanelli

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #1420673
#8. I'm decorating my parents' house for Christmas ... I hope they find my manger with a baby yeezus in it as funny as I do!

Lisa Lampanelli

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #1728834
#9. You are more powerful and intelligent than you think.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #1849416
#10. An anti-racist person is on a life-long journey that includes forming new understanding of and ways to live her or his racial identity and then increasing commitment to and engagement in anti-racism actions

Louise Derman-Sparks

Lisa Lampanelli Sayings #1862211

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