Top 13 Liniment Quotes

#1. At least two of those present tonight were wearing Granny Weatherwax's famous goose-grease-and-sage chest liniment.

Terry Pratchett

Liniment Quotes #118406
#2. Your Brain on drugs is a terrible sight, but Mr Tulip was living proof of the fact that so was Your Brain on a a cocktail of horse liniment, sherbet, and powdered water-retention pills.

Terry Pratchett

Liniment Quotes #822195
#3. Weaver always says freedom is like Sloan's Liniment, always promising more than it delivers.

Jennifer Donnelly

Liniment Quotes #1008282
#4. [about a book lent by a crush]
Last night I read into the wee small hours. Fell asleep with my face in the book, my nose pressed up against the print. Could smell Sean on the pages, the lingering odours from his sportsbag. Man scent, liniment, damp earth.

Bob Condron

Liniment Quotes #1113590
#5. I shall always be pointed at as the girl who flavored a cake with anodyne liniment.

L.M. Montgomery

Liniment Quotes #1188341
#6. God has saved my life on more than one occasion.

Gloria Coleman

Liniment Quotes #72822
#7. I always say my age is connected with three Cs. In here, cuore, which means the heart. Up here, cervello, which is the brain. And, of course, down here: the coglioni. I no feel my age, I tell you.

Dino De Laurentiis

Liniment Quotes #260201
#8. Listen, I believe I should be winning Sport Personality of the Year because if it's about sporting achievements and it's about personality, then I'm a winner hands down.

Tyson Fury

Liniment Quotes #318170
#9. My roots are in stand-up, and stand-up is very freeing. There's no script involved; you just fly.

Harland Williams

Liniment Quotes #912093
#10. Any new producer starting up is to get investors' confidence. Investors are still very very wary of anything to do with the arts world.

Ann Macbeth

Liniment Quotes #1330393
#11. I'm very much down to earth, just not this earth.

Karl Lagerfeld

Liniment Quotes #1704960
#12. I'm a dude who likes to create music with good feeling. I live like a chameleon through music. It all depends on what the beat tells me to do; that's why you're always gonna get passionate hooks, because I'm feeling the beats and the emotion behind the drums and melodies.

Kid Cudi

Liniment Quotes #1725854
#13. I created a manuscript, and she created a life. I

Gillian Flynn

Liniment Quotes #1866233

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