Top 50 Light Beam Quotes

#1. Even the most complicated and the most profound message can be given in a simplest way! Be like a light beam entering into a dark sanctuary: Be clear, be pure, and be simple!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Light Beam Quotes #1004366
#2. After all, it wouldn't be the first time that I'd let a beautiful woman rip the molecules of my body apart, shoot them through a light beam, and throw them back together somewhere else for credits. But that's another story...

John Zakour

Light Beam Quotes #1643147
#3. Have trembled beneath the pressure of a light beam.

Jay Woodman

Light Beam Quotes #1776256
#4. Oblivion is the dark page, whereon Memory writes her light-beam characters, and makes them legible; were it all light, nothing could be read there, any more than if it were all darkness.

Thomas Carlyle

Light Beam Quotes #1820815
#5. I could see jabs from his flashlight cutting into the woods on either side of me. He was back there, somewhere. The light beam was like a knife and I didn't want it on my back.

Augusten Burroughs

Light Beam Quotes #596008
#6. A Christian's wit is offensive light,
A beam that aids, but never grieves the sight;
Vig'rous in age as in the flush of youth,
'Tis always active on the side of truth.

William Cowper

Light Beam Quotes #830531
#7. If you combine all the spectral rays into a single beam, you get white light; and, if you combine all the virtues into a single beam, you get charity.

Austin O'Malley

Light Beam Quotes #1811782
#8. Art flies around truth, but with the definite intention of not getting burnt. Its capacity lies in finding in the dark void a place where the beam of light can be intensely caught, without this having been perceptible before.

Franz Kafka

Light Beam Quotes #831735
#9. I do not separate Christ from God more than a voice from the speaker or a beam from the sun. Christ is the voice of the speaker. He and the Father are the same thing, as the beam and the light, are the same light.

Michael Servetus

Light Beam Quotes #844679
#10. A true friend will never stand in your allotted beam of light. They will get out of the way so you can grow, but they'll stay nearby in case you need what they can offer.

Toni Sorenson

Light Beam Quotes #854681
#11. Do you expect to suffer long nights of languishing and days of pain? O be not sad! That bed may become a throne to you. You little know how every pang that shoots through your body may be a refining fire to consume your dross
a beam of glory to light up the secret parts of your soul.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Light Beam Quotes #981418
#12. A powerful hand lens [Eschenback Leutchlupe] with a focused beam of light opens up an entire world below the threshold of the ordinary experience of seeing.

Allen Lacy

Light Beam Quotes #1109203
#13. I extract significance from melodrama, a significance which it does not in fact contain; but occasionally, from out of this matter, there escapes a thin beam of light that, seen at the right angle, can crack the shell of mortality.

Tom Stoppard

Light Beam Quotes #1117654
#14. I have inherited fragrance of classic books. Drilling the wall for light, hair tied to a beam in fear of drowsing, I wrest from nature excellence in letters.

Lisa See

Light Beam Quotes #1150747
#15. I cannot cause light; the most I can do is try to put myself in the path of its beam.

Annie Dillard

Light Beam Quotes #1193034
#16. A woman is a beam of the divine light
she is not the being whom sensual
desire takes as it's object
she is a creator it should be said
she is not a creature
she is infinite love
can find all this


Light Beam Quotes #1267878
#17. There's a fount about to stream, There's a light about to beam, There's a warmth about to glow, There's a flower about to blow; There's a midnight blackness changing Into gray; Men of thought and men of action, Clear the way.

Charles Mackay

Light Beam Quotes #1341428
#18. A painting is more than the sum of its parts,' he would tell me, and then go on to explain how the cow by itself is just a cow, and the meadow by itself is just grass and flowers, and the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light, but put them all together and you've got magic.

Wendelin Van Draanen

Light Beam Quotes #1375852
#19. Only that, nothing more - a tiny beam of light to show some hidden aspect of reality, to help decipher and understand it and thus to initiate, if possible, a change in the conscience of some readers.

Isabel Allende

Light Beam Quotes #1407234
#20. A beam of light takes about two million years to reach from us to the Andromeda nebula. But my thought covers this distance in a few seconds. Perhaps some day some intermediate form of body and mind may permit us to say that we actually can travel faster than light.

Ragnar Frisch

Light Beam Quotes #1484036
#21. Through the passage of my life I have learned, that the power of positive association is so much stronger than any amount of negativity in the world. No matter how dark it is, a tiny beam of light is all it takes to kill the darkest of darkness.

Asma Naqi

Light Beam Quotes #1493515
#22. Jealousy has the amazing power to illuminate a single person in an intense beam of light, keeping the multitude of others in total darkness.

Milan Kundera

Light Beam Quotes #1512846
#23. The two of us warmed by a bold beam of light that wicks the moisture from my dress, my hair, and my skin - returning it to the sky where it promises to find me again in the form of dew, snow, or rain.

Alyson Noel

Light Beam Quotes #1618878
#24. We never see any boats. But you man the light anyway
just in case. And WE got to see it
all these years. The great light. The beautiful sweeping beam! We were here to see it, and that was enough ... Weed your mind. And man the great light. Even when no one is looking.

Matthew Quick

Light Beam Quotes #1638727
#25. Who knows how many artists fail because the light that shines through them is defracted in a thousand directions and not concentrated in a single beam?

Eric Maisel

Light Beam Quotes #1738481
#26. Anger needed an anchor, a plug, a wall. (I am angry because of .)
Otherwise you had a beam of red feeling searching vainly through the universe. You had a heart that shot red light into space.

Karen Russell

Light Beam Quotes #1757457
#27. My friend, God wants to throw a beam of light on your path today.

Joseph Prince

Light Beam Quotes #1778489
#28. When your attention is diffuse, it's like a broad, weak beam of light that doesn't reveal much. Concentration brings the weak beam down to a single, sharply focused, supremely bright, exponentially more illuminating point.

Sharon Salzberg

Light Beam Quotes #456234
#29. In the future I man a lighthouse with my wife, daughter, and father-in-law. We send out a great beam of light every night even though no one ever sees it.

Matthew Quick

Light Beam Quotes #40674
#30. You cannot behave appropriately, unless you perceive correctly. Once you perceive you are a beam of Light, that comes from the mind of God, you will carry yourself differently.

Carlos Santana

Light Beam Quotes #80624
#31. Faith, like light, should always be simple and unbending; while love, like warmth, should beam forth on every side, and bend to every necessity of our brethren.

Martin Luther

Light Beam Quotes #120778
#32. If every child might live the life predestined in a mother's heart, all the way from the cradle to the coffin, he would walk upon a beam of light, and shine in glory.

Henry Ward Beecher

Light Beam Quotes #125315
#33. When we set goals, we are in command. Clearly understood goals bring our lives into focus just as a magnifying glass focuses a beam of light into a burning point. Without goals our efforts may be scattered and unproductive

Ezra Taft Benson

Light Beam Quotes #147108
#34. And the love I felt for him was weightless, like a feather, like a beam of light, like falling forever and never touching the ground.

Laurelin Paige

Light Beam Quotes #278898
#35. Her black brows, her reddish-tawny hair and the pure red and white of her complexion defied the searching decomposing radiance: she might have been some fabled creature whose home was in a beam of light.

Edith Wharton

Light Beam Quotes #279811
#36. God's word is tailor-made for gray-slush days. It sends a beam of light through the fog. It signals safety when we fear we'll never make it through.

Charles R. Swindoll

Light Beam Quotes #313637
#37. People are darkened rooms, and each person they choose to include in their lives is a beam of light, uncovering some new, previously hidden part of them.

Abigail Barnette

Light Beam Quotes #351657
#38. She saw the world as if in a vision: a dark room into which a beam of sunlight fell, with dust motes tumbling in and out, from darkness to light, and she felt that now she had finally moved into the sunbeam.

Sigrid Undset

Light Beam Quotes #418088
#39. The best engineer a few decades ago was someone who could create the most beautiful beam or structure; today it's to do a structure you cannot see or understand how it's done. It disappears and you can talk only about color, symbols, and light. It's an aesthetic of miracle.

Jean Nouvel

Light Beam Quotes #435734
#40. The beam of light flashed across her own face and she thought, Yes, me, Khady Demba, still happy to utter her name silently and to sense its apt harmony with the precise, satisfying image she had of her own features and of the Khady heart that dwelled within her to which no one but she had access.

Marie NDiaye

Light Beam Quotes #799361
#41. There is a light within every soul; it only needs the clouds that overshadow it to be broken for it to beam forth.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Light Beam Quotes #470700
#42. A beam of God's countenance is enough to fill the heart of a believer to overflowing. It is enough to light up the pale cheek of a dying saint with seraphic brightness, and make the heart of the lone widow sing for joy.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Light Beam Quotes #585314
#43. Move like a beam of light: fly like lightning, strike like thunder, whirl in circles around a stable center

Morihei Ueshiba

Light Beam Quotes #594228
#44. God created each one of us with a light inside. I've had sex with all kinds of people; every single person has a kind of beam inside that shines once they are touched properly.

Rawi Hage

Light Beam Quotes #602382
#45. Hell is nothing else but nature departed or excluded from the beam of divine light.

William Law

Light Beam Quotes #620999
#46. Love radiates the full beam of light.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Light Beam Quotes #634807
#47. How much does a beam of light weigh?

Ijosephi Lowly Worm

Light Beam Quotes #645224
#48. And then she hears the sound of a helicopter, from somewhere behind her and, turning, sees the long white beam of light sweeping the dead ground as it comes, like a lighthouse gone mad from loneliness, and searching that barren ground as foolishly, as randomly, as any grieving heart ever has.

William Gibson

Light Beam Quotes #693530
#49. Remember when you were in school and the teacher would put a picture under an overhead projector so you could see it on the wall? God, I loved that. Tellya the truth, I used to look at that beam of light and think it was God.

Lynda Barry

Light Beam Quotes #760995
#50. Hail, holy light! offspring of heaven firstborn! Or of th' eternal co-eternal beam, May I express thee unblam'd? since God is light And never but in unapproached light Dwelt from eternity, dwelt then in thee, Bright effluence of bright essence increate!

John Milton

Light Beam Quotes #797737

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