Top 100 Life Quest Quotes

#1. A Quest of any kind is a heroic journey. It is a rite of passage that carries you to an inner place of silence and majesty and encourages you to live life more courageously and genuinely.

Denise Linn

Life Quest Quotes #734128
#2. Life is less a quest than a quilt. We find meaning, love, and prosperity through the process of stitching together our bold attempts to help others find their own way in their lives. The relationships we weave become an exquisite and endless pattern.

Keith Ferrazzi

Life Quest Quotes #1015603
#3. There is what I would call the hero journey, the night sea journey, the hero quest, where the individual is going to bring forth in his life something that was never beheld before.

Joseph Campbell

Life Quest Quotes #1015218
#4. I cannot think of a day in my life when the library didn't exert a potent attraction for me, offering a sense of the specialness of each individual's curiosity and his or her quest to satisfy it.

Scott Turow

Life Quest Quotes #1015002
#5. To turn away from the great questions and dilemmas of life is a tragedy, for the quest for meaning and truth makes life worth living.

Charles Colson

Life Quest Quotes #988326
#6. Consciously or not, we are all on a quest for answers, trying to learn the lessons of life. We grapple with fear and guilt. We search for meaning, love, and power. We try to understand fear, loss, and time. We seek to discover who we are and how we can become truly happy.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Life Quest Quotes #958664
#7. Question is the Champion of Quest

Vineet Raj Kapoor

Life Quest Quotes #952099
#8. Lori's biggest quest in life was to find Mr. Right Now, not to be confused with Mr. Right.

Lindsay Chamberlin

Life Quest Quotes #945352
#9. The greatest quest in life is to reach one's potential.

Mychal Wynn

Life Quest Quotes #875842
#10. At various points in our lives, or on a quest, and for reasons that often remain obscure, we are driven to make decisions which prove with hindsight to be loaded with meaning. (225)

Swami Satchidananda

Life Quest Quotes #810402
#11. In our quest for happiness many times we evade the truth and remain unhappy. The truth lies within our hearts, regarding faith, family and inner peace. To love yourself is the largest truth you'll ever have. It's there where happiness begins.

Ron Baratono

Life Quest Quotes #798808
#12. For the Puritans, the God-centered life meant making the quest for spiritual and moral holiness the great business of life.

Leland Ryken

Life Quest Quotes #739336
#13. We must remember that the mortals prefer plant-life for food, for next time."
The other statue nodded in agreement and replied. "Yes. Every day we learn new things Donkor. These mortals have some funny ways don't they?" - Quest Two: The Cursed Nile

S.W. Lothian

Life Quest Quotes #734899
#14. I'm living my life as a journey. My quest is to make it better every year.

Cameron Diaz

Life Quest Quotes #1058460
#15. Two things are going on at the same time with the flattening of the world: The relentless quest for efficiency is squeezing some of the fat out of life.

Thomas Friedman

Life Quest Quotes #728217
#16. There are trials in life that feel as tremendous as a quest to slay dragons. These trials are daunting. They require hard work, determination, and courage. But when the dragon is finally slain, the relief is immense.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Life Quest Quotes #696285
#17. Life and art are nothing but associations of ideas and sorrows that nourish our illusory quest for the Holy Grail of human existence. It's a mystery!

Carl William Brown

Life Quest Quotes #684696
#18. The pursuit of love is passionate life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Life Quest Quotes #679984
#19. On your quest to spirituality it is often required to suspend your rationality; but true spirituality asks that you enhance your rationality.

Steve Maraboli

Life Quest Quotes #679132
#20. You lie upon my heart as on a nest,
Folded in peace, for you can never know
How crushed I am with having you at rest
Heavy upon my life. I love you so
You bind my freedom from its rightful quest.
In mercy lift your drooping wings and go.

Amy Lowell

Life Quest Quotes #676050
#21. Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. So we lost our center and have to find it again.

Anais Nin

Life Quest Quotes #671394
#22. For me, the key question is what's behind the dangerous idea. If it's simply to stir things up and appear radical, I'm not interested. But if it's done with a quest to learn, evolve, and improve the quality of life for people everywhere, I'm on board.

David Livermore

Life Quest Quotes #663901
#23. In the absence of a story or foundation that gives hope or meaning, life has become a never-ending quest for pleasure and experience. Instead of being good, people want to feel good.

Mark Sayers

Life Quest Quotes #656280
#24. Marriage is the sanctuary of the heart. You have been entrusted with the heart of another human being. Whatever else your life's great mission will entail, loving and defending this heart next to you is part of your great quest.

John Eldredge

Life Quest Quotes #655518
#25. It is one thing when the culture doesn't "get" adoption. What else could one expect when all of life is seen as the quest of "selfish genes" for survival? It is one thing when the culture doesn't "get" adoption and so speaks of buying a cat as "adopting" a pet.

Russell D. Moore

Life Quest Quotes #654817
#26. A mark.... is left when you complete your internal quest when you leave........


Life Quest Quotes #1166996
#27. We will pursue every factor, every element, every second of the timeline, of the final hours of Maurice's life. We will pursue that relentlessly. That will be our quest from now on.

Robin Gibb

Life Quest Quotes #1310419
#28. We need more people in this world, energised by chasing a quest or a goal and that is what will energise the world.

Tony Curl

Life Quest Quotes #1291282
#29. Some will say that searching for your dreams is like looking for unicorns in an emerald forest.

Fennel Hudson

Life Quest Quotes #1285606
#30. I'd given him bits and pieces of my peculiar life, but colored softer and funnier than they had been. I'd painted my dad as Don Quixote in a semi, on a quest for philosophical truths and the best cup of coffee in the nation.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Life Quest Quotes #1284233
#31. My quest and passionate curiosity are the basis for my love for scientific adventure.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Life Quest Quotes #1227089
#32. Our inability to think beyond our own species, or to be able to co-habit with other life forms in what is patently a massive collaborative quest for survival, is surely a malady that pervades the human soul.

Lawrence Anthony

Life Quest Quotes #1226853
#33. The quest for homeland security is heading ... toward the quasi-militarization of everyday life ... If danger might lurk anywhere, maybe everything must be protected and policed.

William Greider

Life Quest Quotes #1203878
#34. Sometimes in the quest for enlightenment the only thing that gets lighter is your wallet.

Steve Maraboli

Life Quest Quotes #1202453
#35. Always engage in the quest for life's meaning, which is inner peace.


Life Quest Quotes #1200002
#36. My quest for cosmic understanding is a book I have picked up and put down many times, always forgetting to insert a bookmark.

Robert Breault

Life Quest Quotes #1197218
#37. I feel the older I get, the more I'm learning to handle life. Being on this quest for a long time, it's all about finding yourself.

Ringo Starr

Life Quest Quotes #1185459
#38. Myths of the heroes speak most eloquently of man's quest to choose life over death.

Dorothy Norman

Life Quest Quotes #1175119
#39. This life is but a brief tenure, one of many perspectives a spirit must experience in the quest for eternity.

Brian Rathbone

Life Quest Quotes #636307
#40. Maybe some of my quest for success comes from Joan of Arc but theres no conscious part of Catholicism in my life.

Joan Van Ark

Life Quest Quotes #1165168
#41. Taking a toddler to school is one of the most satisfying moments in my many years in public life. There is no better joy than laying the foundations of a strong future for these little children ... Friends, let us all become partners in this quest for ensuring education for all!

Narendra Modi

Life Quest Quotes #1160444
#42. The spiritual quest was always the predominant aspect of my life. It's always been there. But there's also an incredible passion connected to it; it's not just a dry investigative process. I have been extremely emotional about it, and that comes out in the songs.

Cat Stevens

Life Quest Quotes #1148810
#43. Life's a quest - A long search for something we can't name; something we want and usually can't get. We don't know precisely what it is - all we know is that we don't get it. What a fellow needs is something in which he can lose himself when everything else is a mess.

Peter Ruber

Life Quest Quotes #1139547
#44. Till the time, you are enjoying the outside process, everything seems alright, but when the query arises, about why life, you search for the deeper meaning with life.

Roshan Sharma

Life Quest Quotes #1105857
#45. Imagination and the journey-quest is at the heart of every life well-lived

Azar Nafisi

Life Quest Quotes #1099626
#46. As the woodpecker taps in a spiral quest
From the root to the top of the tree,
Then flies to another tree,
So have I bored into life to find what lay therein,
And now it is time to die,
And I will fly to another tree.

Sidney Lanier

Life Quest Quotes #1087196
#47. Life expectancy in America is about 79, we should be able to live to 92. Somewhere along the line, we're leaving 13 years on the table. So my quest is
how do we get those extra 13 years? And how do we make those extra 13 years good years?

Dan Buettner

Life Quest Quotes #1085136
#48. It felt as if everything that had happened so far in my life had been leading me to this point, preparing me for this task, and that I was uniquely equipped to pursue this quest. It was a perfect collision of personality, past experience, purpose, and timing.

Roz Savage

Life Quest Quotes #1079962
#49. By sharing something, I realized that I'm not alone, that there are a lot of people that share with me the same preoccupations, the same ideas, the same ideals, and the same quest for a meaning for this life.

Paulo Coelho

Life Quest Quotes #1062876
#50. Life is beautiful, forever! - In my quest to inspire positivity, I will encounter variety - Yet, I believe in the power of inspiration. Elysse

Elysse Poetis

Life Quest Quotes #1060814
#51. I want to build a life with someone that's based on their dreams as well as my dreams. I think that the idea of finding another person to share with is the most fascinating, beautiful quest you could ever be on in life.

Taylor Swift

Life Quest Quotes #214304
#52. Maturity means acknowledging that Romantic love might constitute only a narrow, and perhaps rather mean-minded, aspect of emotional life, one principally focused on a quest to find love rather than to give it; to be loved rather than to love. Children

Alain De Botton

Life Quest Quotes #344410
#53. The truest knowledge is to know thy Creator and thy self.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Life Quest Quotes #333119
#54. Quest stories are about the oldest form of narrative there is, and they're also the perfect metaphor for life because we're all on a journey trying to figure out where we're going and who we are. 'Solomon Creed' is just doing it with more danger and guns involved.

Simon Toyne

Life Quest Quotes #323919
#55. Life is less a burden without an absolute quest for material possessions

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Life Quest Quotes #322636
#56. We begin to ask questions, such as: "What is the purpose of life? What is my true nature? What is the source and origin of this entire creation?" When questions of this kind arise in a person's mind, his or her quest for knowledge begins.


Life Quest Quotes #314709
#57. So, we both know why you're here. You're tired of living life in single player mode; you're on a quest for a Player Two to call your own.

Eric Smith

Life Quest Quotes #306223
#58. My dad's one true quest in life was for the Platonic ideal of peanut butter. And I remember one day he announced, with a look of utter transfiguration on his face, that he had found paradise on Earth in a jar with a yellow cap. And it was called Red Wing.

Christopher Buckley

Life Quest Quotes #288930
#59. The spiritual quest is not some added benefit to our life, something you embark on if you have the time and inclination. We are spiritual beings on an earthly journey. Our spirituality makes up our beingness.

John Bradshaw

Life Quest Quotes #274756
#60. But then it occured to him that any progress he had made on his quest so far he had made by accepting the help that had been offered to him.

Neil Gaiman

Life Quest Quotes #272839
#61. Every man's life is, consciously or unconsciously, a quest for the infinite and the eternal reality.

Lyman Abbott

Life Quest Quotes #265400
#62. Going overboard on a quest for perfection leads to life suckage and backsliding.

James S. Fell

Life Quest Quotes #252406
#63. In certain fiction, she perceives truths that she rarely finds in nonfiction; therefore, in her quest to better understand the world and the meaning of her life, she reads those novels that suggest a world of wonders, dark and light, forever unfolding for eyes willing to see.

Dean Koontz

Life Quest Quotes #235296
#64. In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.

Mahatma Gandhi

Life Quest Quotes #350416
#65. Life is mundane without the new and unexpected. I guess that has been and continues to be my downfall ... I'm constantly searching ...

Adria J. Cimino

Life Quest Quotes #199928
#66. Education is an adventurous quest for the meaning of life, involving an ability to think things through.
Z. Applewhite.

Stephanie S. Tolan

Life Quest Quotes #180458
#67. At last, psychology gets serious about glee, fun, and happiness. Martin Seligman has given us a gift-a practical map for the perennial quest for a flourishing life.

Daniel Goleman

Life Quest Quotes #179631
#68. He'd spent enough time thinking he was a mistake - as a demigod, on this quest, in life in general. He didn't need a random crazy goddess reinforcing the idea.


Life Quest Quotes #163697
#69. Life-long learning is the modus of keeping your brain ... your thoughts ... your ideas ... engaged in a quest for knowledge that enriches and expands the mind with a constant thirst for wisdom.

Wes Adamson

Life Quest Quotes #152174
#70. Part of me thinks that your very vulnerability brings you closer to the meaning of life, just as for others, the quest to believe oneself white divides them from it.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Life Quest Quotes #103765
#71. The great quest of life has always been to discover truth.

Joyce Meyer

Life Quest Quotes #78585
#72. The word 'question' is derived from the Latin quaerere 'to seek,' which is the same root as the word for quest. A creative life is a continued quest, and good questions are useful guides.

Paul A. Kaufman

Life Quest Quotes #76297
#73. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon ... probably the demigod Hazel admired most. He'd saved her life so many times on their quest to Alaska; but when he had needed Hazel's help in Rome, she'd failed him. She'd watched, powerless, as he and Annabeth had plunged into that pit.

Rick Riordan

Life Quest Quotes #55941
#74. Indeed, life is full of tests. You don't know what they are, so you must treat everything in life with the same care you would bring to a test on which your future rests. I realize that the most important test of all, in my quest, and in every bird's quest, is the test to be the master of fate.

Nancy Yi Fan

Life Quest Quotes #53262
#75. Spiritual seekers particularly are on a quest to understand life; we want to examine our own lives and find meaning in what we do and who we are ... We find meaning in the seeking itself. Every step along the way is the Way ...

Surya Das

Life Quest Quotes #12825
#76. I have to pause the video while I corral the dogs in the other room. They howl in protest, and I tell them they are harshing my mellow and Yogi Beef Jerky's going to be pissed.
Such a Pretty Fat: One Narcissist's Quest To Discover if Her Life Makes Her Ass Look Big, Or Why Pie is Not The Answer

Jen Lancaster

Life Quest Quotes #513669
#77. Change the world, I know I won't,
Enthralling as always I hope it remains,
A kaleidoscope of joy, sorrow and pain.
But my only wish as I take this jaunt,
Is for my words on you to impress upon,
A smile, a tear or even an angry frown.

Anurag Anand

Life Quest Quotes #634931
#78. Sometimes, when tragedy strikes, people give up hope that they can expect anything more from life, when the real quest is finding out what life expects from them.

Richard Paul Evans

Life Quest Quotes #625621
#79. The hidden keys of true happiness are individual responsibility and an incessant quest for joy.

Amy Leigh Mercree

Life Quest Quotes #620351
#80. I only hope that when I am free,
as they are free to go in quest,
of the knowledge beyond the bounds of life,
it may not seem better to me to rest.

Robert Frost

Life Quest Quotes #604146
#81. Our days and years are strung upon
The thread that runs so true.
The game of life is played and
Lost to love.
-Nancy Janes
Nancy Janes

Nancy Janes

Life Quest Quotes #603661
#82. A disciple said to him, "I am ready, in the quest for God , to give up anything: wealth, friends, family, country, life itself. What else can a person give up?" The Master calmly replied, "One's beliefs about God.

Anthony De Mello

Life Quest Quotes #601481
#83. Life is a quest for love and a quest for god, and there is no car or plane for this trip. it is an old-fashioned quest made on our own two feet.

Peter Kreeft

Life Quest Quotes #597671
#84. Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning.

Viktor E. Frankl

Life Quest Quotes #575894
#85. We should try to ensure that everyone has a fair opportunity to find a great life. It's a quest that will require political will and ingenious policies. President Obama's proposed expansion of the earned-income tax credit goes in this direction, but we need more.

Sendhil Mullainathan

Life Quest Quotes #571906
#86. My life has been a quest for knowledge and understanding, and I am nowhere near having achieved that. And it doesn't bother me in the least. I will die without having come up with the answers to many things in life.

Alex Trebek

Life Quest Quotes #534454
#87. What is your quest in life?

Lailah Gifty Akita

Life Quest Quotes #530184
#88. He's lost his muse, Signor Salvatore. Max made a pact with her and gave up his normal life. But his muse has gone. Now he doesn't have a life--either a normal one or an artistic one. And s he's on a quest to find her.

Nina George

Life Quest Quotes #527362
#89. From eternity to eternity, the beauty of God is pervasive and practical. Ask him to open the eyes of your heart (Ephesians 1:18). Give your life to this quest - seeing and savoring more and more of the happifying beauty of God.

John Piper

Life Quest Quotes #12747
#90. I consider myself a student of many religions. The more I learn, the more questions I have. For me, the spiritual quest will be a life-long work in progress.

Dan Brown

Life Quest Quotes #490811
#91. We tend to overlook the simplest of things in our quest for a better life.

Anuja Ghosh

Life Quest Quotes #475515
#92. Let us hope for the best, let us dream and go for the quest.

Debasish Mridha

Life Quest Quotes #469263
#93. Without a quest, life is quickly reduced to bleak black and wimpy white, a diet too bland to get anybody out of bed in the morning. A quest fuels our fire. It refuses to let us drift downstream gathering debris.

Charles R. Swindoll

Life Quest Quotes #445307
#94. Your intuition won't fail you, the quest dear; is to silence your mind so you can feel your way home.

Nikki Rowe

Life Quest Quotes #432113
#95. But the duchess, God bless her, knew her role in life, and after a six-month recuperative period, she opened the connecting door between their bedrooms, and the duke once again commenced his quest for a son. Five

Julia Quinn

Life Quest Quotes #414375
#96. Sometimes we must leave our true homes for something greater to come.

Mary-Jean Harris

Life Quest Quotes #402701
#97. Life is too short to be spent doing just one thing!


Life Quest Quotes #397280
#98. I remember writing the series with great enthusiasm, and I hope this enthusiasm continues to inspire newcomers to see the truly life-changing possibilities Wicca can offer. As a 'religion of self expression' I wish everyone an inspiring quest on this path called Wicca.

Morgana Sythove

Life Quest Quotes #377872
#99. The supreme good - to examine everything - a life which was not devoted to such research would not be worth living. Happiness would thus consist in their never-ending quest. PLATO

Alexandra Stoddard

Life Quest Quotes #367100
#100. Purify your life by keeping the commandments. This will help you qualify for the Spirit, who will assist you in your quest.

Ann M. Dibb

Life Quest Quotes #357603

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