Top 10 Life Is Full Of Obstacles Quotes
#1. Life Is Full Of Obstacles, But You Must Complete Them All To Find True Happiness
Terrin White
#2. While we read a novel, we are insane - bonkers. We believe in the existence of people who aren't there, we hear their voices ... Sanity returns (in most cases) when the book is closed.
Ursula K. Le Guin
#3. Regardless of life- which is full of obstacles and disappointments, we can make it to our dream place if we stop the blame game...
Assegid Habtewold
#4. A happy life, a life making full use of all our potential is and must be a balanced life. The obstacles to it are mainly illusory; most of our limitations are self-imposed.
Louis Tice
#5. With Eclipse, I felt like I was doing a completely different movie and a completely different character. So, yeah, it was nice and challenging.
Robert Pattinson
#6. We become merciful, she wrote, when we behave as the "concerned reader of a novel," understanding each person's life as a "complex narrative of human effort in a world full of obstacles.
Martha C. Nussbaum
#7. I went into Andie's bathroom, took a piss, looked at myself in the mirror, and made myself say it: You are a cheater. You have failed one of the most basic male tests. You are not a good man. And when that didn't bother me, I thought: You're really not a good man.
Gillian Flynn
#8. Love isn't about happy endings where knowing every day from here on out will be full of sunshine and rainbows. Love is about obstacles, about travelling through life together despite them. Obstacles make us stronger.
R.K. Ryals
#9. I believe in freedom, I'm for a world without borders. But that's an ideal. On a practical level, I'm for a secular state where religion only plays a minor role.
Shahin Najafi
#10. Every man is free to push the mountains, but mountains won't move with these pushes.
Mehmet Murat Ildan
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