Top 100 Life Hell Quotes

#1. She was the love of his life. Hell.

Julie Garwood

Life Hell Quotes #1876
#2. What man can quote a scene from the 1939 film classic? That does not happen in real life, hell, it doesn't even happen in books. I halted hastily in the middle of the parking lot. Of course - it was obvious as a hooker at a debutant ball - Hunter. Was. Gay.

Genna Rulon

Life Hell Quotes #61258
#3. I'd had a key to the marina's locks at one time, but I'd lost track of it when I got shot, drowned, died, got revived into a coma, haunted my friends for a while, and then woke up in Mab's bed.
(My life. Hell's bells.)

Jim Butcher

Life Hell Quotes #127859
#4. If you don't fit into the system, the system makes life hell.

David Mitchell

Life Hell Quotes #416652
#5. Tongue and expression plays a big role in twisting the words and make the life hell.

Kishore Bansal

Life Hell Quotes #771137
#6. I spent the last eleven years making your life hell. I'm ready to spend the rest of mine making it up to you. Spoiling you is just the start. Will you let me?

B.B. Reid

Life Hell Quotes #854082
#7. I often challenge the people, who can make my life hell, and I do it to break the chain of command and fear, I get their attention so badly, and I work very hard to prove I am better than everyone.

M.F. Moonzajer

Life Hell Quotes #882071
#8. Shabelsky: I'd go into the flames of hell, into the jaws of the crocodile, just so as not to stay here. I am bored.
I've become dulled from boredom. I've got on everyone's nerves. You leave me at home so she isn't bored alone, but I've made her life hell, I've eaten her up!

Anton Chekhov

Life Hell Quotes #895278
#9. Paradise is the heart of the people who speak well of you; who think fondly about you because of your exemplary life. Hell is is the heart of the people who curse you, who wish you were dead for your evil actions against them

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Life Hell Quotes #971374
#10. All you did was make my life hell, and the lives of others. Do you think any of this matters? In ten years, where will you be? Still judging people on the very little you know about them?

Missy Johnson

Life Hell Quotes #1019546
#11. How you expect the heaven, when you make someone else's life hell.

M.F. Moonzajer

Life Hell Quotes #1868303
#12. Unfortunately, the simplest things - such as thinking for myself, creating my own reality and being whatever the hell I want to be each day of my life - are a sin. To be a good Christian basically means to give up the reigns of your life and let some unseen force do it for you.

Brandon Boyd

Life Hell Quotes #2287
#13. You should write about your life. It's kind of funny. When it's not depressing as hell.

Jeni Decker

Life Hell Quotes #2291
#14. Where I come from, family's defined as those who don't screw you over a paycheck. Blood makes no difference. If you can trust them with your life and know that they'll be there come whatever hell rains down, then they're your family.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Life Hell Quotes #2645
#15. She comes to naught, my dear one, she comes to naught, all that there business. What the hell, maybe twice in your life you have yourself a whore of a good time, and then you spend every night of the rest of your life trying to get that good time back. But she comes to naught.

Lynn Coady

Life Hell Quotes #2839
#16. I'd definitely found my equal, the woman who made my life a living hell and lived to antagonize me. A woman whose mouth I wanted to tape shut ... every bit as much as I wanted to kiss it.

Christina Lauren

Life Hell Quotes #4770
#17. When you've had a near-death experience, your life is never the same. A divine fire is supernaturally transferred into your soul, to tell everyone about your encounter. This in itself, is a miracle. As such, I am on a mission to rid hell of its future recruits.

Josephine Akhagbeme

Life Hell Quotes #4959
#18. When you die I bet you want real life, pure real life, eulogies that are unpoetic and messy, smeared with tears and truisms, cliched as hell, the kind of stuff a person means.

Kate Hattemer

Life Hell Quotes #10613
#19. Success is the accomplishment of any number of possible aims, dreams, aspirations or goals. It's very personal and unique to you. Your greatest desire could be someone else's idea of hell; you might want to be an award-winning chef while your best friend hates cooking.

Nigel Cumberland

Life Hell Quotes #12186
#20. Let me say before I go any further that I forgive nobody. I wish them all an atrocious life and then the fires and ice of hell and in the execrable generations to come an honoured name.


Life Hell Quotes #13910
#21. My best advice for
you, honey, is to stop if you possibly can! And if you just can't, then get ready to work
like hell. Hang onto your day job. And remember, you may not make a living, but you'll
make a wonderful life.

Doris Betts

Life Hell Quotes #16085
#22. Why the hell are we conditioned into the smooth strawberry-and-cream Mother-Goose-world, Alice-in-Wonderland fable, only to be broken on the wheel as we grow older and become aware of ourselves as individuals with a dull responsibility in life?

Sylvia Plath

Life Hell Quotes #17758
#23. What could he have against love? Sure, it sucked sometimes, but what was the point of living if there wasn't love?

Chani Lynn Feener

Life Hell Quotes #27135
#24. If America does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty and make it possible for all of God's children to have the basic necessities of life, she too will go to hell.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Life Hell Quotes #29785
#25. Oh, yeah, looks like things have been super easy for you this far. Look, high school is hell for most people. It's one of the many facts of life. But I had friends. I was happy with who I was, and I'm happy with who I am now.

Leah Rae Miller

Life Hell Quotes #30075
#26. Hell is a matter of everyday life, like the Kingdom of God. The choice is yours.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Life Hell Quotes #33286
#27. I was like, what the hell is my life coming to? I'm a trained actor! I've done Shakespeare and here I am having farting contests with an imaginary dog!

Matthew Lillard

Life Hell Quotes #36629
#28. It's hell writing and it's hell not writing. The only tolerable state is having just written.

Robert Hass

Life Hell Quotes #40479
#29. It was Hell, if hell is where the life we love cannot exist.

Jeanette Winterson

Life Hell Quotes #43305
#30. Lesson in life, kids. Life isn't like the movies, but you can sure as hell act like it is


Life Hell Quotes #46425
#31. Mars is a rock - cold, empty, almost airless, dead. Yet it's heaven in a way. We can see it in the night sky, a whole other world, but too nearby, too close within the reach of the people who've made such a hell of life here on Earth.

Octavia E. Butler

Life Hell Quotes #46607
#32. Life isn't about being perfect and sometimes life sure as hell isn't about having perfect timing. It just is. Either you embrace it or you lose your opportunity to what could be something amazing.

M. Clarke

Life Hell Quotes #47610
#33. Some cats are angry at being called cats. To achieve peace with them, never call them by their real name

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Life Hell Quotes #50879
#34. BRODIE:
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for SEGA.

Kevin Smith

Life Hell Quotes #53318
#35. Life can be both hell and bliss or it can be nothing at all.

Majandra Delfino

Life Hell Quotes #53319
#36. How could you not want to draw breath one more day? How could your own life be such a cheap commodity? But then I started to understand: when your existence is hell, death must be heaven.

Jodi Picoult

Life Hell Quotes #53487
#37. From what I could tell, whenever an archangel or a burning bush turns up, it's generally not to say, 'Hey, go out and have a happy and uncomplicated life.' (p. 205, Highway to Hell).

Rosemary Clement-Moore

Life Hell Quotes #53593
#38. Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.

Robert C. Shannon

Life Hell Quotes #56805
#39. There is no place so dark that light cannot lead the way.

Slade Combs

Life Hell Quotes #57479
#40. This is my life and lovestory listen losely and hold on tight this a roller coaster hell of a ride

Patrick Cruz

Life Hell Quotes #59943
#41. Without literature, life is hell.

Charles Bukowski

Life Hell Quotes #61342
#42. Would anyone choose Hell over Heaven? YES! Why? Pride. They don't want to go in the only way you can go in, on your knees. They don't want to admit they are a failure, that their life is a mess.

Alistair Begg

Life Hell Quotes #63894
#43. So if the ties that bind ever do come loose
Tie them in a knot like a hangman's noose
Cause I'll go to heaven or I'll go to hell
Before I'll see you with someone else.

The Band Perry

Life Hell Quotes #68668
#44. There should be as much difference between the worldling and the Christian, as between hell and heaven, between destruction and eternal life.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Life Hell Quotes #68962
#45. Sometimes jn your life you make a decision and you find yourself questioning it. A lot. You don't regret it, know that you probably made the best choice and that you're probably better off for it. But you do spend a lot of time wondering what the hell you were thinking

K.A. Tucker

Life Hell Quotes #69150
#46. I have a dream my life would be. So different from this hell I'm living. So different now from what it seem. Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

Victor Hugo

Life Hell Quotes #70641
#47. My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble Hell.

Kevin Spacey

Life Hell Quotes #80022
#48. It's the intoxication of nirvana. That's how you get us to endure this life. You promise us heaven, don't you? But what do you know of our hell?

Hugh Howey

Life Hell Quotes #81225
#49. Hasn't life taught me well enough? Love is not mine to find. I'm a fool. Damn it to hell.

Debra Anastasia

Life Hell Quotes #91075
#50. I would not for my life destroy one star of human hope, but I want it so that when a poor woman rocks the cradle and sings a lullaby to the dimpled darling, she will not be compelled to believe that ninety-nine chances in a hundred she is raising kindling wood for hell.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Life Hell Quotes #94220
#51. And if the world went to hell in a handbasket-as it seemed to be doing-you could say good-bye to everyone and retreat to your land, hunkering down and living off it.

Jeannette Walls

Life Hell Quotes #97377
#52. I have no fear of the Hereafter. An orthodox hell could hardly be more torture than my life has been.

Robert E. Howard

Life Hell Quotes #102483
#53. I needed Malcolm Ericson in my life right now. Hell, after the last seven years I needed him. He brought out the sun. "Yeah," he whispered. And then he kissed me and ruined everything.

Kylie Scott

Life Hell Quotes #102498
#54. There is a what-the-hell moment in life when you feel you have been pre-punished for every sin you'll ever commit.

Robert Breault

Life Hell Quotes #107190
#55. One very important key to maintaining our daily sanity is a simple scheduling tactic I call Putting Things the Hell Off.

Ian Frazier

Life Hell Quotes #107363
#56. Driving is boring," Rabbit pontificates, "but it's what we do. Most of American life is driving somewhere and then driving back wondering why the hell you went.

John Updike

Life Hell Quotes #107857
#57. Natural, hell! What was it Chaucer Said once about the long toil that goes like blood to the poems making? Leave it to nature and the verse sprawls, Limp as bindweed, if it break at all Life's iron crust Man, you must sweat And rhyme your guts taut, if you'd build Your verse a ladder.

R.S. Thomas

Life Hell Quotes #109970
#58. It took me 42 years to write this song, and 5 minutes to sing it.
[On The Heart of the Matter, during the Eagles' Hell Freezes Over tour.]

Don Henley

Life Hell Quotes #110327
#59. A time is coming when the whole round world will know that God reigns and that God is Love, when hell and heaven, life and death, sin and salvation, will be read and understood aright at last.

Oswald Chambers

Life Hell Quotes #113947
#60. In spite of their love, they had made each other's life a hell. The fact that they loved each other was merely proof that the fault lay not in themselves, in their behavior or inconstancy of feeling, but rather in their incompatibility: he was strong and she was weak.

Milan Kundera

Life Hell Quotes #116912
#61. Love isn't easy. It isn't perfect like in stories or movies--but it's real. When we feel it, it reminds us we are alive, and when we truly feel it--it hurts like hell--but it reminds us why we live... For the hope of love.

N.A. Koziol

Life Hell Quotes #121945
#62. To want a gift and not receive it,that is a life of torture. To have a gift and lose it--that is eternal hell.

J. Scott Featherstone

Life Hell Quotes #122269
#63. I had never been able to believe that God would give us poor frail humans only one chance at making it
that we would be assigned to some kind of hell because we failed during one experience of mortal life ... So the concepts of karma and reincarnation made logical sense to me.

Jane Goodall

Life Hell Quotes #130712
#64. Believe that you are someone worth saving.

Slade Combs

Life Hell Quotes #136327
#65. People who do not eat butterflies will wear their clothes the wrong way, and people who wear their clothes the wrong way are inviting lemmings inside." -- Muzhduk the Ugli the Third

Alexander Boldizar

Life Hell Quotes #142187
#66. To hell with you all, I DO believe

Cecelia Ahern

Life Hell Quotes #147897
#67. Hell, is trying to do what you can't do, trying to be what you're not

Anzia Yezierska

Life Hell Quotes #151317
#68. I said, to hell with the whole thing, to hell with show business. I'm gonna make a new life for myself, and I got off drugs, completely kicked all that stuff.

Tommy Kirk

Life Hell Quotes #151982
#69. Anyway, my ribs hurt like hell, my vision is still blurry from acceleration sickness, I'm really hungry, it'll be another 211 days before I'm back on Earth, and, apparently, I smell like a skunk took a shit on some sweat socks. This is the happiest day of my life.

Andy Weir

Life Hell Quotes #151991
#70. And I wondered if that was the problem with literature - it made sense only in theoretical situations and didn't often help in real life, where it took a hell of a lot more courage to live than to turn pages all alone, hidden away from the world in a corner or a bed or under a tree.

Matthew Quick

Life Hell Quotes #154682
#71. When people say money doesn't matter, it sure as hell does when you're able to show your mother a beach house and then hand her the keys to it. That was one of the happiest moments of my life.

Tony Robbins

Life Hell Quotes #155929
#72. Conversion is not merely a ticket out of hell. It is the beginning of a whole new life, not just an end to the old one.

Aimee Byrd

Life Hell Quotes #155978
#73. Life moves very fast. It rushes us from heaven to hell in a matter of second. -Eleven Minutes

Paulo Coelho

Life Hell Quotes #159992
#74. Everyone, some sooner than others, must endure his or her own personal 'hell on earth.' It is important to keep searching for the small joys, although they are often the most elusive. Trust that these joys will appear, sometimes unexpectedly, and often in life's darkest moments.

Katie Gill

Life Hell Quotes #164076
#75. I have watched patients stand and gaze longingly toward the city they in all likelihood will never enter again. It means liberty and life; it seems so near, and yet heaven is not further from hell.

Nellie Bly

Life Hell Quotes #165123
#76. My father toasted me mockingly with his glass. "Then eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow you die."

"Next week," Hades interrupted.

Zeus glowered at him. "Yes, obviously, but I was using a metaphor."
"No," his brother replied. "You were paraphrasing. Badly.

Tellulah Darling

Life Hell Quotes #166923
#77. My belief is that 'heaven' and 'hell' are metaphorical terms for what you make of your life. In any instant, you have the ability to make your life total pleasure or total hell.

Kelly Slater

Life Hell Quotes #170066
#78. We can go forward or we can go back, and even though I'm scared as hell, I don't want to go back.

Katie McGarry

Life Hell Quotes #170143
#79. I had to go through hell to get a piece of heaven?

Nicole Reed

Life Hell Quotes #175727
#80. Nothing's the same for anyone. That's why life's this Hell, if you do a thing you're damned, and if you don't you're damned . . . .

E. M. Forster

Life Hell Quotes #177624
#81. I've lived in a good climate, and it bores the hell out of me.

John Steinbeck

Life Hell Quotes #177770
#82. My whole life long I learn'd to love,
This hour my utmost art I prove.
And speak my passion - heaven or hell?
She will not give me heaven? 'Tis well!

Robert Browning

Life Hell Quotes #177842
#83. He frowned, his voice softer. "I don't know if it's Josh or what, but you need to get the hell out, or I swear to God, you'll end up spending the rest of your life in this shithole, just like all those girls - " "You mean like me?" Dylan asked, her voice suddenly hard.

Heather Demetrios

Life Hell Quotes #177910
#84. Stay here with me, Trishy. Don't go back to your old life. Make a new one, here. With me. I know it's a hell of a big thing I'm asking - but I'm asking. Stay.
- Joe

Toni Blake

Life Hell Quotes #180523
#85. I write about things that scare me. I've never written a snake story in my life. I myself have never written a story about snakes because they don't scare me. I write about rats because they scare the hell out of me.

Stephen King

Life Hell Quotes #190044
#86. I draw a weekly comic strip called Life in Hell, which is syndicated in about 250 newspapers. That's what I did before The Simpsons, and what I plan to do for the rest of my life.

Matt Groening

Life Hell Quotes #190740
#87. Of threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise! One thing at least is certain - This Life flies; One thing is certain and the rest is

Omar Khayyam

Life Hell Quotes #193948
#88. I'd spend about an hour, my room darkening around me, wondering what the hell happened to make me so unsure of who I even was. Because who you are is supposed to be the easiest question in the world to answer, right? Only for me it hadn't been easy for a very long time.

Jennifer Brown

Life Hell Quotes #194639
#89. Imagine waking up and finding your first and last view of the world was a shotgun barrel. That'd be a hell of a life.

John Scalzi

Life Hell Quotes #195244
#90. Hell! I'm glad I did it. It's going to be a change. I
call this life!

Jack Kerouac

Life Hell Quotes #199614
#91. Why had my life suddenly become a Nancy Drew mystery from hell?

Rachel Hawkins

Life Hell Quotes #202256
#92. In fact I thought life was pretty much a losing proposition, and I didn't mind saying so.

Richard Hell

Life Hell Quotes #202933
#93. There are people hell-bent on the idea that we're a Christian band in disguise, and that we have some secret message. We have no spiritual affiliation with this music. It's simply about life experience.

Amy Lee

Life Hell Quotes #205960
#94. You have to be a dead-eyed dirty-souled maniac to want to spend your extended life trading punches with other maniacs. Once you've seized that power, there's no getting off the merry-go-round. You fight like hell just to hold on or you get shoved off.

Scott Lynch

Life Hell Quotes #212949
#95. To live the life the gods have given you, you must clutch wisely, then run. Run like the houds of hell on a sinner's scent!

Scott Lynch

Life Hell Quotes #213669
#96. You can turn your life around. You can through hell and back. It is possible. Never underestimate yourself. I believe in you.

Demi Lovato

Life Hell Quotes #218809
#97. You will know you are in love when it doesn't matter if you sit in heaven or hell with that special someone just as long as they can make you laugh, while you put out the fires.

Shannon L. Alder

Life Hell Quotes #220940
#98. That's ONE thing that's wrong with intellectuals and writers - they don't feel a hell of a lot except their own comfort or their own pain. which is normal but shitty.

Charles Bukowski

Life Hell Quotes #221666
#99. Traveling is more fun
hell, life is more fun
if you can treat it as a series of impulses.

Bill Bryson

Life Hell Quotes #224854
#100. I've been through hell. It's hard to think you have this life, and then all of a sudden - was it a lie? You're struggling because it wasn't real. But I survived. It was hard, but it didn't kill me.

Elin Nordegren

Life Hell Quotes #229145

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