Top 16 Kuklinski Quotes

#1. He had a son, but he died some years ago, on a foreign trip. His ex-wife's dead, too, and I've never seen any woman there." Nora shook her head. "It's an awful thing to think about. Dead for four days and no one even notices. That's how unconnected he seemed to be.

Tess Gerritsen

Kuklinski Quotes #78861
#2. My dear, I'm seldom sure of anything. Life at best is a precarious business, and we aren't told that difficult or painful things won't happen, just that it matters. It matters not just to us but to the entire universe.

Madeleine L'Engle

Kuklinski Quotes #116345
#3. You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.

Trenton Lee Stewart

Kuklinski Quotes #388367
#4. Gourmandism is an act of judgment, by which we prefer things which have a pleasant taste to those which lack this quality.

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Kuklinski Quotes #397904
#5. A plant does not bear fruit without its stem.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Kuklinski Quotes #478515
#6. Your painting is the marking of your progression into nature, a sensation of something you see way beyond the two pretty colors over there. Don't stop to paint the material, but push on to give the spirit.

Robert Henri

Kuklinski Quotes #545907
#7. I do want to work on a larger scale with bigger budgets partially as a way to prove that women can do that, for sure. I definitely feel a bit of a responsibility to do that.

Elizabeth Banks

Kuklinski Quotes #804046
#8. People are always angry at anyone who chooses very individual standards for his life; because of the extraordinary treatment which that man grants to himself, they feel degraded, like ordinary beings.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Kuklinski Quotes #1066472
#9. The interesting thing about fiction from a writer's standpoint is that the characters come to life within you. And yet who are they and where are they? They seem to have as much or more vitality and complexity as the people around you.

Whitley Strieber

Kuklinski Quotes #1085383
#10. My mother was cancer. She slowly destroyed everything around her. She produced two killers; me and my brother Joe.

Richard Kuklinski

Kuklinski Quotes #1143471
#11. The first night you walk down to a comedy club, at least for me, I had my voice, and then I went on stage and I lost it.

Bill Burr

Kuklinski Quotes #1165703
#12. Assassin? ... that sounds so exotic ... i was just a murderer

Richard Kuklinski

Kuklinski Quotes #1425049
#13. If there is a will, there is always a way my friend

Richard Kuklinski

Kuklinski Quotes #1457127
#14. I'd never hurt a woman or a child. It's just not in me.

Richard Kuklinski

Kuklinski Quotes #1482938
#15. If you so choose, every mistake can lead to greater understanding and effectiveness. If you so choose, every frustration can help you to be more patient and more persistent.

Ralph Marston

Kuklinski Quotes #1521625
#16. Every psychiatrist hated the irony that the best-paying specialty was cosmetic surgery, as if you could fix your psyche by changing your face.

Lisa Scottoline

Kuklinski Quotes #1760672

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