Top 100 Jonze Quotes

#1. I'd like to be in a Spike Jonze movie. But I live in a Nancy Meyers movie.

Chris Rock

Jonze Quotes #256528
#2. I've always loved music videos - I used to make my own for bands like Pearl Jam. My favorite directors are Michel Gondry, Spike Jonze, and Patrick Daughters.

Akiva Schaffer

Jonze Quotes #302246
#3. The best piece of advice I ever got from anyone was when Spike Jonze said, 'Take money out of the equation.' And that's actually when Vice started making lots of money. That's when I stopped worrying about money and started worrying about what I wanted to do.

Shane Smith

Jonze Quotes #521315
#4. I love so many directors. I love David O. Russell. I love David Fincher, I love Alexander Payne and Jane Campion and my aunt. Spike Jonze. There are just so many amazing directors.

Gia Coppola

Jonze Quotes #862666
#5. The result is a twitching convulsion of vicious drivel passing itself off as a movie, which can be best appreciated by the kind of people who dig Showgirls, the Saw franchise and Spike Jonze-Charlie Kaufman flicks.

Rex Reed

Jonze Quotes #1820195
#6. I knew Spike Jonze would do something really interesting with it.

Tilda Swinton

Jonze Quotes #1839066
#7. I've done the thing where I stop being communicative, and I've been on the other side where the other person isn't communicating, and I become frustrated.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #6985
#8. Be willing to get fired for a good idea.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #8742
#9. Me and my friends had BMX magazines and skate magazines, and I was a photographer who made skate videos.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #31563
#10. You make a movie that is about what you want it to be about and let people have their reaction to it.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #40060
#11. I feel like you only have so much time to make stuff. I'm definitely aware of that. I'm also excited about it.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #70211
#12. I'm in awe of directors like the Coen brothers who can shoot their script and edit it, and that's the movie. They're not discovering the movie in postproduction. They're editing the script they shot.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #77113
#13. I knew I could write infinitely about relationships. That's the most beautiful, most confusing, most rewarding, most heartbreaking thing in our lives - and not just romantic relationships: that's all relationships.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #103248
#14. Obviously technology has become such a big presence in our lives and, I definitely know, in my life.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #123335
#15. The things that are really out of control, and scary, are emotions - of people around you, that are unpredictable, or those in yourself which are unpredictable.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #134114
#16. When I was 20 years old, I had no plans to ever be a filmmaker.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #146198
#17. I want to make films without a single clear message, and films that are as close as possible to what it feels like to be alive. At least to me.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #150863
#18. Whenever I start writing, I try to put together songs that feed the feeling of the movie.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #175890
#19. I'm a little slow, so forgive me if I'm inarticulate.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #208488
#20. If you compromise what you're trying to do just a little bit, you'll end up compromising a little more the next day or the next week, and when you lift your head you're suddenly really far away from where you're trying to go.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #254766
#21. There's a difference between stress and pressure.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #257114
#22. The world is becoming nicer and easier, but that doesn't mean we are any less lonely or any more connected.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #277508
#23. I love people that willfully defy what you're supposed to be and create their own definition of their selves.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #277878
#24. I would love to make video games.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #292695
#25. Getting to work on the thing that you're always thinking about anyways is like the biggest--that's the goal.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #309766
#26. The strengths and failings of a relationship depend entirely on your ability to talk about your feelings.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #320326
#27. After 'Where The Wild Things Are,' which was this big, long five-year project, I spent a year making small things.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #326852
#28. I like people that define their own values. I am much more interested in somebody who has their own definition of what they value, their own definition of what success is, their own definition of what love is.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #361478
#29. Pop music, I think there's a reason why kids connect to it.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #392756
#30. 'Where The Wild Things Are,' I think I could have written on my own. When I brought Dave Eggers on, I already had 60 pages of notes. I technically could have, but I don't think I was ready to. I needed him to be there and help me.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #403578
#31. I worked at this bike shop called Rockville BMX, and I started going on this summer tour with this one company. One summer, we ended up in California, and I got to hang out with the guys who made 'Freestylin' - Andy Jenkins and Mark Lewman.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #425559
#32. I loved Fugazi, the D.C. hardcore band, because they always did everything themselves. They had their own label, and the CDs always cost nine dollars, the T-shirts always cost eight dollars, the shows always cost five dollars, no major label.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #428366
#33. I met Arcade Fire on their first record, 'Funeral.' I loved that record, and it was a record I was listening to while I wrote 'Where the Wild Things Are.' Those songs - especially 'Wake Up' and 'Neighbourhood' - there's a lot of that record that's about childhood.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #433696
#34. As a parent, your perspective of childhood is through the eyes of this person that you care so much about and you just want the world to be great for them. You want their life to be easy and happy.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #443908
#35. I started directing videos at the same time that Michel Gondry was starting to direct videos, and I watched what he'd do. They all seemed to be pushing some new visual effects idea, but never just for spectacle. They all captured a feeling.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #454083
#36. If I heard somebody else say, 'I worked on a movie for five years', I'd be like, 'What? How could it take that long? What were you doing?'

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #456111
#37. There were times in 'Adaptation' during the editing where I really thought, 'Okay, well, this was a noble failure. I tried to do something good, but this is not going to work.'

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #457050
#38. After 'Where the Wild Things Are,' I guess I felt more confident as a writer.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #507949
#39. I think, as you're growing up, your emotions are just as deep as they are when you're an adult. You're ability to feel lonely, longing, confused or angry are just as deep. We don't feel things more as we get older.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #509669
#40. Obviously, movies and music videos are different because they're different lengths, and in a movie, you have more time to explore an idea. But I feel like they're all the same, really.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #521634
#41. The best videos were the ones where I became friends with the artists first.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #569845
#42. Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever gonna feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new - just lesser versions of what I've already felt.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #589334
#43. If I can make one generalised statement, and generalised statements are never entirely true, nobody wants to be talked down to, kids included.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #634210
#44. I'm not one to intellectualize why I did something.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #645414
#45. I remember when MySpace came out. It did do something pretty incredible - which was unite people around the world with common interests and common tastes.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #646537
#46. Some of the best ideas come from sheer discovery, and not by some masterminded, preconceived genius.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #664641
#47. Emotions are messy and hard to figure out.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #691461
#48. When you're close to somebody, you can never really know how they're experiencing the world.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #700084
#49. Movies, they take years of my life, so I'm fortunate that I get to work in a lot of different mediums.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #706698
#50. I think the way kids create is so inspiring. They're drawing a picture? They love the picture they drew; they're not tortured about it.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #715263
#51. Chris Cooper I got to work with many times.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #743870
#52. I guess a lot of things I make are relationship movies. Maybe all movies are relationship movies, because they're all about how we relate to each other.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #754104
#53. I think there's a knee-jerk reaction to things from parents.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #767195
#54. The invention of the iPod changes how you use music. Suddenly you have music everywhere.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #773623
#55. I think because I'm not a parent, my most immediate connection to childhood is my memory of my own childhood.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #776519
#56. Big emotions that are unexplained are really scary. At least to me.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #777206
#57. A great poem leaves so much room for everybody to have such a different reaction to it.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #777906
#58. I'm not a film-snob.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #780873
#59. Any conversation I have with anybody that's real is always revealing and inspiring.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #792810
#60. I definitely check my phone for texts a lot - like, 'Did anyone text me? Is anyone thinking about me? Does anyone love me?'

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #801306
#61. I think there is something about ... unless you come from a really evolved family that allowed you to talk about your feelings and felt like a safe environment, then you aren't really prepared to do that when you grow up.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #819390
#62. Johnny Knoxville went from struggling to pay his rent to being on the cover of 'Rolling Stone' in the course of, like, a month.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #843459
#63. Samantha Morton is one of the best actresses in the world.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #853783
#64. Even in this world where you're getting everything you need and having this nice life, there's still loneliness and longing and disconnection.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #854283
#65. The market groups and demographics said, 'Teenage guys don't read magazines.'

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #866910
#66. Doing a documentary is about discovering, being open, learning, and following curiosity.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #874650
#67. Music is thousands and thousands of years old and I don't think that basic, primitive connection to the language of music ever changes.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #889482
#68. You can go on Nike's website and choose exactly what fabrics and colours and shapes you want your sneakers to come in.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #898906
#69. I've done a couple of interviews, and I realized how uncomfortable I felt as soon as I started talking.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #922805
#70. If I leave my phone in the car and go to dinner or something for a few hours, I'm very proud of myself.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #939762
#71. I don't want to make a movie till I have an idea I have to make. I don't want to make a movie just to make a movie.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #941031
#72. I'm always inspired by other filmmakers, whether it's a shot or the way they handle tone.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #955363
#73. Is an audience open to seeing a film that isn't what they expect when they see a film that's been adapted from a children's book?

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1015907
#74. I like naps. I don't drink coffee.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1017236
#75. There's great food everywhere, and even McDonald's uses nice wood now.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1053721
#76. Arcade Fire has such intimacy and epic-ness, at the same time, and that's really inspiring.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1055533
#77. There was definitely a point in my thirties when I thought, 'Oh, wow, I'm not the youngest person on the set anymore.' But I like it. Working with younger artists is totally exciting.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1056224
#78. I'm fortunately not, like, typecast. I don't have to just do one kind of thing; I can do all kinds of things that reflect different parts of me.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1078057
#79. You get a buzz when getting texts: 'Oh, someone's thinking about me.'

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1093491
#80. I don't know what life was like 1,000 years ago, but I imagine there was the same struggle: people trying to connect with each other.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1109714
#81. Every actor I've worked with I want to work with again.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1137463
#82. If you focus your energy on the camera, it takes away from the time you have to focus on the performances.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1199151
#83. Is artificial intelligence less than our intelligence?

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1200297
#84. The Beastie Boys are guys I loved before I met them, and when I got to know them, we started a magazine together, and we started making videos together, and a lot of it came out of us just cracking ourselves up, like going to the fake mustache store and buying fake mustaches.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1203596
#85. Felt is not the easiest thing to animate. It's very flimsy.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1207393
#86. I am better at math than spelling.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1210398
#87. I definitely liked the Muppets. I definitely liked Yoda in 'Empire Strikes Back' and Chewbacca. I don't know if I was a fan of puppets or those, like, specific characters.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1256918
#88. I feel like every movie, I've learned more and more about what I think of the world and what I'm trying to figure out.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1271703
#89. The thing I remember most about having a tantrum is not the rage during the tantrum, but the being freaked out afterwards, and embarrassed, and guilty. It's scary to lose control of yourself.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1293645
#90. I skated and rode bikes on ramps, and my mom was always super supportive. She was one of the only divorced moms in the neighborhood, so all the other parents looked down upon her for letting her kids do that kind of thing.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1303217
#91. I just want to make whatever is exciting.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1310769
#92. I just want to be who I am, as I am.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1321631
#93. I like hiring people based on a feeling - this person gets it - rather than what they've done in the past.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1338084
#94. I have a home phone number, and I like it! It's like a throwback already.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1353492
#95. On set, there's a lot of pressure. But it sort of heightens the moments.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1363181
#96. I never knew how to do anything before I did it, really.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1385016
#97. I'm hesitant to make grand statements because I feel like that it's not exactly what I'm writing about.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1390521
#98. It's fun when you start a movie, because it's kind of like you get to go Christmas shopping ... you get to make your wish list and you start thinking about what each character needs.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1424229
#99. I'm always amazed when any actor can decipher my direction.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1426515
#100. When I'm making stuff, the thing that excites me most is not the result, but the process and trying to do something I've never done before.

Spike Jonze

Jonze Quotes #1434502

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