Top 100 John J Quotes
#1. She'd ended up passing out, and sometime later, John must have gotten up to use the loo and left the light on. Probably to make sure she didn't feel lost if she woke up.
Because that's the kind of male he was.
J.R. Ward
#3. My life is a rather grim one. One day I shall perhaps describe it to you in great detail.
John Kennedy Toole
#4. Exercise is not an instant cure, but you need to get your brain working again, and if you move your body your brain won't have any choice.
John J. Ratey
#5. One of the first symptoms of depression, even before your mood drops to new lows, is sleep disturbance. Either you can't get up or you can't get to sleep or both.
John J. Ratey
#6. She's like the Pied Piper of Manhattan--with road rage." - Madhattan Mystery
John J. Bonk
#7. I have a song called 'Decisions' that features Jamie Foxx, Mary J. Blige, John Legend and Common. It's about people who have made a decision to really stand by you as friends.
Busta Rhymes
#8. With a quick jerk, Qhuinn wrapped his arms around the single most important person in his life. It was not Layla, although he felt a pang at that denial. It was not John, or his king. It wasn't the brothers. This male was the reason for everything.
J.R. Ward
#9. Austen is a moralist, but, as John Lauber has put it, she is not a "punitive" moralist. Sometimes her villains receive no more serious punishment than to achieve their desires. Often that is punishment enough.
Peter J. Leithart
#10. Shortly after Senator Eugene J. McCarthy died in 2005 the age of 89, I became an honorary member of the committee starting a fellowship in McCarthy's name at his alma mater, Saint John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota.
Kitty Kelley
#11. When I consider Life, 'tis all a cheat;
Yet, fooled with hope, men favour the deceit;
Trust on, and think to-morrow will repay:
To-morrow's falser than the former day;
Lies worse; and while it says, we shall be blest
With some new joys, cuts off what we possesst.
John Dryden
#12. No, you've got it all wrong, John." Reading his emotions, she shook her head. "You're not half the male you could be because of what was done to you. You're twice what anyone else is because you survived.
J.R. Ward
#13. What makes aerobic exercise so powerful is that it's our evolutionary method of generating that spark. It lights a fire on every level of your brain, from stoking up the neurons' metabolic furnaces to forging the very structures that transmit information from one synapse to the next.
John J. Ratey
#14. By showing that exercise sparks the master molecule of the learning process, Cotman nailed down a direct biological connection between movement and cognitive function.
John J. Ratey
#15. He was having an illicit affair ... with his own mate.
J.R. Ward
#16. What I remember most was the slogan: "Tuesday is Fryday.
John J. Perry
#17. Britain has had a very honourable tradition of literary sci-fi - H. G. Wells, John Wyndham, J. G. Ballard, Brian Aldiss, Michael Moorcock - but for whatever reason, they have never really been given the time of day on screen.
Richard Stanley
#18. exercise is as effective as certain medications for treating anxiety and depression.
John J. Ratey
#19. Men are like plants; the goodness and flavor of the fruit proceeds from the peculiar soil and exposition in which they grow. We are nothing but what we derive from the air we breathe, the climate we inhabit, the government we obey, the system of religion we profess, and the nature of our employment.
J. Hector St. John De Crevecoeur
#20. Then again, he supposed the healing process, in contrast to trauma, was gentle and slow ... The soft closing of a door, rather than a slam.- John
J.R. Ward
#21. More of Thy presence, Lord, impart, More of Thine image let me bear; Construct Thy throne within my heart, And reign without a rival there. - John Newton
Robert J. Morgan
#22. Jesus didn't just wear a cross around his neck, he carried it on his back.
J. John
#23. The essential truth of life, he was coming to realize, wasn't romantic
and took only two words to label: Shit. Happens.
But the thing was, you kept going. You kept your friends and your
family and your mate as safe as you were able. And you kept fighting even
after you were knocked down.
J.R. Ward
#24. Mr. President, the cause of this great discontent in the country, the cause of the evils which we now suffer and which we now fear, originates chiefly from questions growing out of the respective rights of the different States and the unfortunate subject of slavery ...
John J. Crittenden
#25. It is very easy to get people focused on children.
John J. Mack
#26. Whatever was in that document had caused the death of the leader of the Catholic Church. Who'd be next? Calvi shuddered. His life's work was safe-guarding this document. Whatever its purpose or mystery, it was his solemn and sole mission to protect it. Even if it meant giving up his life for it.
Peter J. Tanous
#27. Jim Harrison's novels, John McPhee's nonfiction, Flannery O'Connor's short stories, and the crime novels of John Sandford, Ken Bruen, and T. Jefferson Parker. His books
C.J. Box
#28. I guess John Wayne would be one. I just respected the way he acted.
A. J. Foyt
#29. You are in a prison with no bars. I worry about you.
J.R. Ward
#30. The World War demonstrated the importance of Field Artillery. The majority of casualties were inflicted by the arm.
John J. Pershing
#31. John Matthew was her well of soul, as the symphaths called it,or her pyrocant, to the vampires. Her essential weakness.
J.R. Ward
#32. J. I. Packer has written, "The repentance that Christ requires of His people consists in a settled refusal to set any limit to the claims which He may make on their lives."17
John F. MacArthur Jr.
#33. If John Grisham, Harper Lee, and Larry the Cable Guy were penned up in a remote cabin for a weekend with nothing but good bourbon, fine wine, and a couple of cases of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, something like Common Pleas (A Tale of Whoa!) might result...
J. Randolph Cresenzo
#34. John took his fucking time in Xhex's shower , washing himself thoroughly not because he was dirty, but because he figured two could play at the whole whip-the-state-clean, what-happened-didn't-happen thing.
J.R. Ward
#35. The world is not impressed when Christians get rich and say thanks to God. It is impressed when God is so satisfying that we give our riches away for Christ's sake and count it gain. John Piper
Ryan J. Murphy
#36. John and Michael raced, Michael getting a start.
J.M. Barrie
#37. I'm a huge classics fan. I love Ernest Hemingway and J.D. Salinger. I'm that guy who rereads a book before I read newer stuff, which is probably not all that progressive, and it's not really going to make me a better reader. I'm like, 'Oh, my God, you should read To Kill a Mockingbird.'
John Krasinski
#38. I would hold you up. I will ever hold you up and hold you dear, lover mine.
J.R. Ward
#39. So, why are so many people lacking in an understanding of the rules? No one has ever taught them!
John J. Daly Jr.
#40. Some have exalted religious fasting beyond all Scripture and reason; and others have utterly disregarded it. - JOHN WESLEY
Richard J. Foster
#41. When a chief executive says, 'people are our most important asset' he (almost always 'he' since by 2008, only 12 of the Fortune 500 companies had CEOs who were women)is really speaking of a small percentage of the firm's employees. Everyone else is merely labor cost.
John J. Sarno
#42. What it means is that you have the power to change your brain. All you have to do is lace up your running shoes.
John J. Ratey
#43. Until he was six, John would bathe with his son in the spa, thinking it would purify his mind and soul and make him whole. He held him underwater as long as it took until life left his limbs and took him up again, hugging the boy tenderly.
J.A. Carter
#44. You almost died tonight, he wanted to say. You dumb son of a bitch, you nearly died ... and then what would we have done?
And not "we" as in the Brotherhood.
Not even "we" as in he and John.
More like ... "me".
J.R. Ward
#45. John's tattoo..Goddamn..He'd done it as a memorial to her-putting her name in his skin so she'd be with him always. After all, there was nothing more permanent than that-hell, that was why in the mating ceremony males got their backs carved up: Rings could get lost.
J.R. Ward
#46. Just remember all the good lies have an element of truth to them.
John J. Davis
#47. Students would be assessed on effort rather than skill. You didn't have to be a natural athlete to do well in gym.
John J. Ratey
#48. There are a lot of ethical firms on Wall Street.
John J. Mack
#49. It was no accident that the beau ideal of his (John Adams') political philosophy was balance, since he projected onto the world the conflicting passions he felt inside himself and regarded government as the balancing mechanism that prevented those factions and furies from spending out of control.
Joseph J. Ellis
#50. The truth was ... he was in love with her. Totally over-the-line, no-going-back, not-even-dead-would-he-part kind of shit.
J.R. Ward
#51. No commander was ever privileged to lead a finer force; no commander ever derived greater inspiration from the performance of his troops.
John J. Pershing
#52. My first day as an intern in the books department at 'Cosmopolitan' also happened to be the day the O.J. Simpson verdict was announced.
John Searles
#53. What, then, is this new man, the American? They are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes. From this promiscuous breed, that race, now called Americans, have arisen.
J. Hector St. John De Crevecoeur
#54. Why in hell can't the Army do it if the Marines can. They are the same kind of men; why can't they be like Marines.
John J. Pershing
#55. Another song for Harry Potter is my time is know by John Cena. It relates to Harry because it is his time to be the best wizard at Hogwarts his school.
J.K. Rowling
#56. Here, take my advise ... I'm not using it." (John Jolliffe)
Dana J Goulston
#57. From an evolutionary perspective, exercise tricks the brain into trying to maintain itself for survival despite the hormonal cues that it is aging.
John J. Ratey
#58. (J)ust because your version of normal isn't the same as someone else's version doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you.
John Boyne
#59. The thing had woken him up as usual, an alarm clock. as reliable and stiff off the ground as Big Fucking Ben. [John Matthew]
J.R. Ward
#60. Go ahead and do things, the bigger the better, if your fundamentals are sound. Avoid procrastination. Do not quibble for an hour over things that might be decided in minutes. However, if the issue at stake is large, stay as long as the next man, but go ahead and do things.
John J. Raskob
#61. In Chinese, the character for danger is the same one for opportunity." -- Kim Ling Levine in Madhattan Mystery
John J. Bonk
#62. The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit (John 3:8 NRSV). To be born of the Spirit is to step into a freedom that we never imagined before. It is to trust that the Spirit
Henri J.M. Nouwen
#63. Your Marines having been under my command for nearly six months, I feel that I can give you a discriminating report as to their excellent standing with their brothers of the army and their general good conduct.
John J. Pershing
#64. Rejected both the appropriateness of an apology and of monetary redress.
John J. McCloy
#65. Charles, we should never stop pretending. Pretending can lead to wishing. Wishing then leads to hoping. Hoping then moves to dreaming. Dreaming can then lead to planning. If we are lucky, some plans come true.
John J. Siefring
#66. Inflation is a form of hidden taxation which it is almost impossible to measure.
John J. Beckley
#67. The way you choose to cope with stress can change not only how you feel, but also how it transforms the brain. If you react passively or if there is simply no way out, stress can become damaging.
John J. Ratey
#68. we sometimes lose sight of the fact that the mind, brain, and body all influence one another. In addition to feeling good when you exercise, you feel good about yourself,
John J. Ratey
#69. In all candor, the Court fails to perceive any reason for suspending the power of courts to get evidence and rule on questions of privilege in criminal matters simply because it is the president of the United States who holds the evidence.
John J. Sirica
#70. In Britain, doctors now use exercise as a first-line treatment for depression, but it's vastly underutilized in the United States,
John J. Ratey
#71. The point of life isn't to avoid pain. The point of life is to be alive! To feel things. That means the good and the bad. There'll be pain. But also joy, and friendship and love. And it's worth it, believe me.
John J. Stephens
#72. It was as if some manual was handed out one day, a manual of instructions about complicated social situations. But I wasn't there the day they handed it out. The worst part was, nobody even told me it was distributed. It was like, they kept it secret from me.
John J. Siefring
#73. In the context of stress, the great paradox of the modern age may be that there is not more hardship, just more news - and too much of it. The 24/7 streaming torrent of tragedy and demands flashing at us from an array of digital displays keeps the amygdala flying.
John J. Ratey
#74. Give him a crowd, a gallery worthy of his best effort, and the old warrior will put on his show ... He isn't what he use to be. But pack the stands, turn up the lights, and who is it brings down the house with his act? The Babe!
John J. Kiernan
#75. When you don't have a choice, you don't have a problem.
John J. Miller
#76. To get the best out of your men, they must feel that you are their real leader and must know that they can depend upon you.
John J. Pershing
#77. It seems that it is only in the United States that an almost masochistic attack on the position of its own oil companies exists.
John J. McCloy
#78. Had J.D. Salinger known who John Hinckley and mark David Chapman were before they bought his books or took them out of the library? Would it have mattered if he had? Had he returned the royalties he received from those purchases?
Adam Langer
#79. The first acting thing I ever did was my senior year I decided not to play a sport in the Spring and, in that Spring B.J. Novak who went to school with me, asked if I'd be in this show that was a parody of all the teachers in the school, 'sure!' That was the first acting thing I did.
John Krasinski
#80. Reading from St. John Chrysostom that the life of a bishop should be more perfect than the life of a hermit. The reason he gave was that the holiness which the monk preserves in the desert must be preserved by the bishop into the midst of the evil of the world.
Fulton J. Sheen
#81. Getting older is unavoidable, but falling apart is not.
John J. Ratey
#82. In my story I do not deal in Absolute Evil. I do not think there is such a thing, since that is Zero. - The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, no. 183
John C. Wright
#83. Holy shit . . . They'd joined the war.
J.R. Ward
#84. He thinks I love him. As in ... in love with him. Yeah. Go fig. Me in love with Qhuinn ... a guy who, when he's not moody, is a slut and smart-ass. Except you want to know what the most fucked-up thing is, though? He's right.
J.R. Ward
#85. Just don't go out fighting. I don't need to know where you're going, that's your biz. But if you get yourself killed, I got ninety-nine problems and you're the biggest one of them. Rehv to John
J.R. Ward
#86. I feel it is time that I also pay tribute to my four writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Fulton J. Sheen
#87. Anachronism becomes a problem only in questions of historical meaning, and even then anachronistic analogies can still have heuristic value.
John J. Collins
#88. John Keats / John Keats / John / Please put your scarf on.
J.D. Salinger
#89. about the biology of stress and recovery, stress seems to have an effect on the brain similar to that of vaccines on the immune system. In limited doses, it causes brain cells to overcompensate and thus gird themselves against future demands. Neuroscientists call this phenomenon stress inoculation.
John J. Ratey
#90. Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs.
Joe Biden
#91. God is the decider and the determiner of every man's destiny, the controller of every detail in every individual's life, which is another way of saying, "He is God."1 - John MacArthur
Steven J. Lawson
#92. I should perhaps warn you that I am about to faint from anxiety and general depression, though. The film I saw last night was especially grueling, a teen-age beach musical. I almost collapsed during the singing sequence on surfboard.
John Kennedy Toole
#93. Over time, regular exercise also increases the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure.
John J. Ratey
#94. Wolf in White Van is beautiful, enigmatic, and sad, and like every other brilliant thing John Darnielle has ever done, it seems to come from some fully imagined universe, of which we only get to see this haunting, enticing sliver. I utterly love it.
J. Robert Lennon
#95. Our task is not to make societies safe for globalization, but to make the global system safe for decent societies.
John J. Sweeney
#96. By now, he was also a 'Protestant Atheist', which he remained all his life.
John Ellis
#97. Never give anyone permission to hurt your feelings. Always face them by standing up for what is right and you will feel strong. If you do not stand strong, people will pity you, and then you lose something adults call dignity. Never accept pity. No one on earth is better than anyone else.
John J. Siefring
#98. You just think lovely wonderful thoughts," Peter explained, "and they lift you up in the air.
J.M. Barrie
#99. This pattern of balancing between comfort and exploration of the unknown is how we build our brains,
John J. Ratey
#100. I know the name of Turkey's leading avant-guard publication. I know that John Quincy Adams married for money. I know that Bud Abbott was a double-crosser, that absentee ballots are very popular in Ireland, and that dwarves have prominent buttocks.
A. J. Jacobs