Top 15 Jim Denevan Quotes

#1. He was so excited by this little bit of intelligence that he might have gone off, perplexed, pondering for a long time. It was like reading a wonderful sentence in a book, and not being able to continue because so many possibilities were crowding his mind.

Anne Rice

Jim Denevan Quotes #133959
#2. We must not demonstrate any arrogance, and we must refrain from any irrational or undemocratic behavior.

Chen Shui-bian

Jim Denevan Quotes #190773
#3. Even now, I am working to make sure that my family is set up for the future. When most people make that statement, they are talking about financial security for their last few years on earth. When I say it, I'm referring to the millions of years that come after that. People

Francis Chan

Jim Denevan Quotes #263484
#4. Peace is the altar of God, the condition in which happiness exists.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Jim Denevan Quotes #408881
#5. When I'm doing a drawing, I'm personifying the place that is empty. A place that is unmarked.

Jim Denevan

Jim Denevan Quotes #616331
#6. I wear the Jewish star, but I'm not - I haven't converted to Judaism, and I'm not - I'm not - I'm not Jewish in the conventional sense because the Kaballah is a belief system that predates religion and predates Judaism as an organized religion.

Madonna Ciccone

Jim Denevan Quotes #689859
#7. Silence. I hate that word. Its multiple definitions make a lot of noise. Every time the world falls silent, the sound of raspy breathing comes back to my memory.

Kamel Daoud

Jim Denevan Quotes #929059
#8. I make fun of situations and try and find the humor in things, but it's never at the expense of the other guy.

Bob Uecker

Jim Denevan Quotes #1169582
#9. Love is better than Fame.

Bayard Taylor

Jim Denevan Quotes #1271758
#10. We may explain faith till nobody understands it.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Jim Denevan Quotes #1340225
#11. Recently I have done some circles that are almost that large and I've come all the way around after walking for an hour and I have hit the other side exactly. I mean exactly the right spot which is very strange. Believe me it's very, very strange.

Jim Denevan

Jim Denevan Quotes #1354247
#12. In my first stand-up acts there wasn't material even. You know, I'd go on stage and cry and read a Dear John letter or gut fish on stage. I could be odd - and it's what interested me as a comedian.

Bobcat Goldthwait

Jim Denevan Quotes #1599987
#13. Choice- Everyone has them, so take control!


Jim Denevan Quotes #1798441
#14. Writing it all down is like taking a good shit, if done right you probably feel empty afterwards.

Solange Nicole

Jim Denevan Quotes #1845123
#15. Shakespeare was such a splendid vulgarian.

Gene Weingarten

Jim Denevan Quotes #1875572

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