Top 16 Jacobites Quotes

#1. Most major Christian groups - Catholics, Byzantines, Nestorians, Jacobites - believe Mary's father was a man named Joachim. But this is contested. The Koran claims she descended from a highly respected family, that of Imran. As does the Jewish faith.

James Rollins

Jacobites Quotes #918902
#2. In examining the evidence of the Christian religion, it is essential to the discovery of truth that we bring to the investigation a mind freed, as far as possible, from existing prejudice, and open to conviction.

Simon Greenleaf

Jacobites Quotes #199426
#3. I loved their home. Everything smelled older, worn but safe; the food aroma had baked itself into the furniture.

Susan Strasberg

Jacobites Quotes #414143
#4. Ain't no sun in the kitchen without your face lookin' up at me.

Beth Hoffman

Jacobites Quotes #417476
#5. The important aim in Christian meditation is to allow God's mysterious and silent presence within us to become more and more not only a reality but the reality which gives meaning, shape and purpose to everything we do, everything we are.

John Main

Jacobites Quotes #665278
#6. If our ahimsa is not of the brave but of the weak, and if it will bend the knee before himsa, Gandhism deserves to be destroyed.

Mahatma Gandhi

Jacobites Quotes #810646
#7. I'm going to shoot him," I squeezed through my teeth. "No, that would be murder," Grandma Frida told me, her voice soothing. "You've had a long day. Let's put your magic away. You know what you need? A nice cup of chamomile tea and a tranquilizer . . ." I

Ilona Andrews

Jacobites Quotes #872205
#8. My iCloud keeps telling me to back it up, and I'm like, I don't know how to back you up. Do it yourself.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jacobites Quotes #1027348
#9. Free time keeps me going. It's just something that's always been a part of my life. I was originally a painter, and I made films sort of as an extension of that, and then I started to try to make dramatic films because the early films were experimental films.

Gus Van Sant

Jacobites Quotes #1120853
#10. In 1956 two American physicists, Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang, suggested that the weak force does not in fact obey the symmetry P.

Stephen Hawking

Jacobites Quotes #1146460
#11. The act of paying attention contains tremendous power.

Deepak Chopra

Jacobites Quotes #1161776
#12. I'm a workaholic because I love to play, if that makes sense.

Rachelle Lefevre

Jacobites Quotes #1165130
#13. I would let you hold him," Jane said, "but I'm pretty sure letting-ghosts-hold-my-baby is not on Abby's approved list of things to accomplish in life.

Allie Burke

Jacobites Quotes #1206188
#14. Don't pull all your eggs in one basket.

American Proverb.

Jacobites Quotes #1309590
#15. We believe the light of Christ is present in all men - though in some cases, perceiving it is somewhat difficult,

Diana Gabaldon

Jacobites Quotes #1471120
#16. My first thought, as a child, was that the artist brings something into the world that didn't exist before, and that he does it without destroying something else. A kind of refutation of the conservation of matter. That still seems to me its central magic, its core of joy.

John Updike

Jacobites Quotes #1747366

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