Top 82 It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes

#1. "O' course I came to look arter you, my darlin'," replied Mr. Weller; for once permitting his passion to get the better of his veracity.

Charles Dickens

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #42575
#2. You play because you have a guilty attraction to supernatural beasts and harlequin love stories, but you harbour the secret presumption that you could write them way better yourself. Good. This is your opportunity to prove it.

Avery Alder

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #445983
#3. There's a reason why relationships don't work out. It's usually better to take a few steps back if you have any doubts before it gets complicated and you find yourself in a tangled web, not of your doing, but somehow you end up paying the price.

E.R. Wade

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #251503
#4. Don't associate yourself with toxic people. It's better to be alone and love yourself than surrounded by people that make you hate yourself.

Robin Williams

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #251462
#5. It is far better to endure patiently a smart which nobody feels but yourself,
than to commit a hasty action whose evil consequences will extend to all
connected with you.

Charlotte Bronte

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #233177
#6. What's the fun in standing in the outskirts of love and feeling superior? There's no shame in having got it wrong. Whereas its a shame when you don't even give yourself the chance of getting it right. Better to have loved and lost...

Priya Basil

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #221126
#7. I love controlling a race, chewing up an opponent. Let's get down and dirty. Let's fight it out. It's raw, animalistic, with no one to rely on but yourself. There's no better feeling than that.

Adam Goucher

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #153646
#8. Is this different? Does love make lovemaking better? Does Nick feel this holy consummation, this wonder and beauty, this eternity, the way I do? Or is sex simply like this, designed by Nature to fool us all into multiplying?

Beatriz Williams

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #44628
#9. Love was never enough, not without mutual respect and a great deal of drudgery and effort. And even then, it wasn't enough. Wanting each other, being open to change, pushing each other to improve and grow
for the better
working to deserve each other, was the key.

Penny Reid

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #44428
#10. The romantic stuff comes a lot easier when you're experiencing true love. It feels better, it feels more natural to record love songs when you're in love.

Aaron Tippin

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #44088
#11. Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.

Jessica Howell

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #43782
#12. Let today be the day you love yourself enough to no longer just dream of a better life; let it be the day you act upon it.

Steve Maraboli

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #468009
#13. I think Baltimore suffers from nostalgia and it keeps us from being honest in talking about what really happened here. A place doesn't have to be perfect to be beloved, and I love this city and I love it better for seeing its flaws.

Laura Lippman

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #40833
#14. The saying goes, if you love something, let it go. I always though it was better to just shoot the damn thing so it'd never go anywhere.

Karina Halle

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #40751
#15. I also realized that there's a difference between soul mates and true love."
"Is one type of love better than the other? I don't know, but I'm lucky enough to have found them both.

Lisa De Jong

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #40684
#16. When I was younger I used to think that band-aids did all the work. I mean after all, it binds your wound together and makes everything better back to the way it was. But then I became an adult and started to fall in love,fvi and I realize that band-aids are so overrated lol.

Onee'sha Ford

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #40003
#17. Better to sit at the waters birth,
Than a sea of waves to win;
To live in the love that floweth forth,
Than the love that cometh in.
Be thy a well of love, my child,
Flowing, and free, and sure;
For a cistern of love, though undefiled,
Keeps not the spirit pure.

George MacDonald

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #39797
#18. One of my favorite songs from the album is a song called 'For Better or Worse,' and it's basically about unconditional love, which is, I'd say, an ongoing theme in my personal life.

Debbie Gibson

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #39692
#19. Don't make light of one of your better qualities. You love your people like a mother is supposed to love her children. You want what's best for them, even if that makes you uncomfortable, even if you don't like their choices.

Laurell K. Hamilton

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #38158
#20. I don't know you very well, and i'm almost afraid to know you better. Maybe i love you because i don't know you. Maybe if i knew what you were really like and what you wanted out of life and what you think is important, I wouldn't care for you at all and that would be the end of this.

Elliot Mabeuse

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #38137
#21. We'd be better off if we only had the words 'I love you.'


It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #36614
#22. When you love yourself you will never need closure from any man. That doesn't mean you didn't love him, it simply means you love yourself enough to realize God has a better plan for you that doesn't involve one more conversation that will remind you of that person's lack of respect for you.

Shannon L. Alder

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1148897
#23. You would have been better off if you admitted to yourself that she was the love of your life. It might have saved us some pain.

Adria J. Cimino

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1857523
#24. Relationships are like broken glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than hurt yourself trying to put the pieces back together

Alex Haditaghi

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1783209
#25. You have to have humor. If you don't have humor and you take yourself seriously, you're dead in the water. You have to be jostled. I love it. You've gotta have a laugh. It's better than working for a living.

Anthony Hopkins

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1610993
#26. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.

D. Love

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1454438
#27. There is never a circumstance, no matter how catastrophic, that also does not hold within it an opportunity to better things, to better yourself. Every moment brings with it an opportunity to love, to forgive, to grow beyond your shortcomings.

Lee L Jampolsky

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1393591
#28. Nothing is ever settled," says Jocelyn. "Every day is different. Isn't it better to do something because you've decided to? Rather than because you have to?" "No, it isn't," says Charmaine. "Love isn't like that. With love, you can't stop yourself." She wants the helplessness, she wants ...

Margaret Atwood

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1349346
#29. Even if you choose someone who is not necessarily the love of your life, married life will be better than what you have now, with just your father and yourself. It is not good to sleep alone night after night.

J.M. Coetzee

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1333299
#30. It's better to be true than to be cool. Be yourself. Do what you love.

Jamie Tworkowski

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1238045
#31. It's one of those books that even though you like it, it manages to get better each time, and you find yourself falling in love with it all over again.

Kim Holden

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1190280
#32. I train jiu jitsu because I love jiu jitsu. But I also train knowing that my practice in this art will allow me better practice in any art. If you have learned one thing, you have learned all things, because you have learned how to learn. I can think of no more worthwhile pursuit of education.

Chris Matakas

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #36442
#33. Take the time out to have a look at yourself, it might help you to appreciate yourself better.

Shampa Sharma

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1118431
#34. How can a falling dove turn again into a flying dove once again? It really takes the eyes of someone who sees you for the beauty that you really are. And if there are no other eyes there to see you in that way, then you had better be those pair of eyes, for yourself, to see yourself with!

C. JoyBell C.

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1051111
#35. What I'm saying here is sometimes the one you love introduces you to the person inside - the real one who you're close to, you don't even recognize her. Sometimes the one you love knows you better than you know yourself. They bring out the best in us when we least expect it.

Kendall Grey

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #990305
#36. For it is love, that even after knocking you down on your knees, holds up your chin and makes you rise again, to become yet another better version of yourself.

Khaddam Ahmed Khan

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #887893
#37. Sometimes it is better to express yourself without worrying about the results, than to regret forever

Anamika Mishra

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #885138
#38. Nobody understands you better than yourself, but if someone tries to do it is because he loves you.

Jim Morrison

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #808695
#39. Personally, I think it is better for me to love myself and enjoy being me, than to please someone else by pretending to be someone I'm not.

Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #788326
#40. It is only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly love others. it's only when you have opened your own heart that you can touch the hearts of others. when you feel centered and alive, you are in much better position to be a better person.

Robin S. Sharma

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #645948
#41. And things are never okay. It does get better I guess, in that you grow to love yourself if you're lucky. But it doesn't get better because life is hard, and people aren't always nice.

Justin Vivian Bond

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #488605
#42. For some reason, I thought Victor could heal that wound better than anyone else. It's strange to think that this vampire, the embodiment of all my hatred, could act like a suture.

J.A. London

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #9934
#43. I know that many, if not most, women would have a problem with my acceptance of what happened with Lara.
The reality is I shall always be grateful to Lara for helping my husband when I could not do so. I couldn't have chosen a better or kinder surrogate.

Deirdre-Elizabeth Parker

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #17223
#44. I love Denver. There's not a better place to hit, better place to play. I'm a West Coast guy, so I like playing in the NL West.

Garrett Atkins

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #16102
#45. I'm gonna give them the advice that I always took myself, that it's better to get to know somebody before you jump into the sack with them. Because then if you jump into the sack and fall in love, and you liked them already, you're home free.

Pia Zadora

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #14712
#46. It is an amiable part of human nature, that we should love our animals; it is even better to love them to the point of folly, than not to love them at all.

Stevie Smith

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #14627
#47. Dancing is why I love music as much as I do and vice-versa, and there aren't many things better than those two combined.

Dianna Agron

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #13334
#48. I love dressing up. But I'm very low-maintenance; the week before an event, I'll choose something as quickly as possible and that's that. If I can do my own hair and make-up, even better. I like it to be fun.

Helen McCrory

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #12623
#49. I always had a love for kids' clothes, but having your own kids is a better education for what is practical. I used to buy such crazy things for the store that were so much fun but not the most practical.

Kourtney Kardashian

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #12256
#50. In the school of success, information is the greatest asset. The more you read, the more you discover, the more you discover, the more you recover and the better your life become.

Stella Oladiran

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #10960
#51. Men love to be forgiven. It makes us feel better about our inability to learn from our mistakes." Leo Hathaway

Lisa Kleypas

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #10922
#52. Marilyn Monroe was supposedly a size 16, which is probably why I love her style; it suits me better.

Katherine Jenkins

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #10217
#53. And if redemption was self-serving, coming as it did ribbon-tied to what he wanted most in life? For once, Akiva's shame wouldn't rise to the bait. He wanted what he'd always wanted, and he'd better just say it, his own worries and fears be damned.

Laini Taylor

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #17410
#54. When we view ourselves through the lens of God's Word, we better understand God's love for us and the worth we have in His eyes.

Elizabeth George

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #9368
#55. Being a celebrity you always get really good seats to sporting events but you never get as good seats as the photographers get. And I really love sports. So one of the scams I have going now is I want to learn sports photography so I can get better seats at a sporting event.

Drew Carey

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #9156
#56. Everyone is alien. And even when you are in love with someone, even when you think you know them better than you know yourself; even when you think you know everything about them and they you, and you live in each other's souls.

Even then you know nothing about them at all.

Jenny Colgan

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #6809
#57. Lust dazzles, sure, at least for the short term. But love clears the vision. You see better, sharper, because you feel more than you did before.

J.D. Robb

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #6399
#58. I have a treadmill in my house, which is great because even if I jump on it for a little bit, it makes me feel better. I love yoga and Pilates too. I have a private Pilates instructor I go to once a week.

Holly Madison

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #5366
#59. Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows me to survive, and better than that, to thrive with passion, compassion, and style.

Maya Angelou

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #5198
#60. I didn't have that intense ambition to be a musician or an actress. I just enjoyed it. And by enjoying it, because I loved it, it enabled me to get better at what I was doing, because there was a love behind it.

Lauryn Hill

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #4277
#61. I love memoirs. They are probably my favorite literary form, along with biographies. The more confessional, the better. There is so, so, so little truth in the popular culture, and I am starved and grateful for any I can find.

Anne Lamott

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #3004
#62. Turn around and believe that the good news that we are loved is better than we ever dared hope, and that to believe in that good news, to live out of it and toward it, to be in love with that good news, is of all glad things in this world the gladdest thing of all. Amen, and come Lord Jesus.

Frederick Buechner

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1728
#63. Sometimes people in abusive situations think they're responsible for the other person's happiness or that they're going to fix them and make them feel better. The practice of equanimity teaches that it's not all up to you to make someone else happy.

Sharon Salzberg

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #23803
#64. I love the idea of a woman being able to discover the idea of power this way, on such a scale. And I don't know about that, what it means - well, I guess I'd better, or my part's in trouble.

Mary McDonnell

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #35798
#65. As a life coach, I love makeovers, from new clothes to surgery, pedicures to highlights. But redoing makes you feel better only if approached with the right attitude.

Martha Beck

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #34485
#66. I have this desire to have this immaculate form of love that really doesn't exist, so my obsession goes on through life and I never find it and I end up miserable. But it makes me a better writer.

Angel Haze

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #32931
#67. I told him, though, that he better be good to you. When you came along, I said I'd share you, but I told him to remember that you're my sister. I loved you first. (Riley to her sister Alice about Paul)

Ann Brashares

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #31545
#68. I think there's a possibility that comic book movies are getting a tiny bit better on the one hand because they're no longer made by executives, who are, you know, ninety-year-old bald tailors with cigars, going, 'The kids love this!'

Joss Whedon

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #30769
#69. I really enjoy playing with someone else and whether it's chess or tennis or games, I love card games. I love that, but I think there's something so important to gain from winning and losing and learning how to lose and how you can be better from that.

Hilary Swank

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #29691
#70. Will you no come back again?
Better loved you'll never be,
And will you no come back again?

James Hogg

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #28090
#71. The central idea of love is not even a relationship commitment, the first thing is a personal commitment to be the best version of yourself with or without that person that you're with. You have to every single day-mind, body, and spirit-wake up with a commitment to be better.

Will Smith

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #26959
#72. A man would always wish to give a woman a better home than the one he takes her from; and he who can do it, where there is no doubt of her regard, must, I think, be the happiest of mortals.

Jane Austen

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #25566
#73. I'm not extravagant, so I won't need to rein it in too much. Me and my friend make each other cards. I love being creative and making things. But a better credit crunch idea is to not even bother sending cards.

Konnie Huq

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #1556
#74. The point about L-O-V-E is that we hate the word. Because we vulgarize it. It should be taboo, forbidden from utterance for many years, till we've found a new and a better idea.

Larry Kramer

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #22534
#75. I love the communication aspect with my athletes. I like the one on one time with my athletes but really its about making them better athletes and finding out what makes them tick.

Robin Farina

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #21805
#76. Marriage is a journey of disasters, only to fall in love all over again, with the person that rescues you each time.

Shannon L. Alder

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #21755
#77. I love the game. It's fun to play, period. I love running around and getting sweaty. I love trying to lead my team. I love facing the challenge of another team that's better.

Jamila Wideman

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #20638
#78. I love to play in the different keys like B or F sharp, or keys that most people don't play in, because they have a better resonance or something. I'm really not fond of F and C. I just stay away from those if I can.

Marian McPartland

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #20380
#79. There is no better adviser than a good book.

Debasish Mridha

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #19571
#80. It is better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride.

John Ruskin

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #19294
#81. A pure woman is better than a hundred yogis. Women are more open to love God.

Neem Karoli Baba

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #18872
#82. He that would be a painter must have a natural turn thereto. Love and delight therein are better of the Art of Painting than compulsion.

Albrecht Durer

It's Better To Love Yourself Quotes #18394

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