Top 62 Holly Madison Quotes

#1. sometimes you try so hard to fit in that you almost forget it's all an act.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #4214
#2. I have a treadmill in my house, which is great because even if I jump on it for a little bit, it makes me feel better. I love yoga and Pilates too. I have a private Pilates instructor I go to once a week.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #5366
#3. If I could have a Barbie body, which has no cellulite, I totally would. I would like to have a flatter stomach, but that won't happen either. That is never going to happen. No matter how much weight I lose, my stomach, below the belly button, always pooches out.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #54159
#4. I work hard and I don't come from a rich family.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #106546
#5. But when you have a baby inside you, you're like 'Whoa!' Anything can happen here, I've got to give this baby all the nutrients it needs and really take care of myself, so this is definitely the healthiest I've ever been in my life.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #117035
#6. After becoming pregnant, I had to makeover my pantry just a little to make the proper adjustments to support the baby. I've found some staples that will stick around after the baby is here, too.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #145423
#7. I like food too much to go on some crazy diet. French fries are my favorite downfall.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #205232
#8. I've started the adoption process ... I really want to be a mommy.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #237756
#9. Once I decide I want to do something, I just work really hard and I do it, and I just know it's going to work. I think really positively.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #257065
#10. I would like to expand my brand to include destinations in Vegas and also become an entertainment news correspondent.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #335447
#11. I could live a normal life. My motivation is only to take on new challenges.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #360705
#12. I moved on from the whole 'Playboy' thing five years ago and really never looked back. I'm not one of those girls who goes back to all the parties and things.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #366810
#13. But let that not be the moral of my story. True happiness doesn't come from simply getting married. I don't believe a woman's worth should be measured by whether or not she's married.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #383573
#14. I've always wanted to be a mom.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #427394
#15. I am a bookworm.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #443838
#16. Hef holds the Guinness Book of World Records title for largest scrapbook collection at over 2,000 volumes.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #504210
#17. In L.A., I don't really want to go out because traffic sucks so bad. I'm sorry, I'm not going to spend five hours a day in my car, so you have to choose where you live very carefully.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #620324
#18. Aside from performing in 'Peepshow,' I do yoga once a week and I like Pilates. I'm more into toning exercises over aerobics. I like working with a trainer at a private gym, but I also like going with friends because you don't get bored or distracted.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #637706
#19. I started a trial period a couple of weeks ago as a correspondent for 'Extra,' and now it's become full time.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #637936
#20. Since I've been pregnant, I've lost my taste for fast food. I used to be the biggest McDonald's junkie and now I don't like it anymore. I used to be the biggest fast-food connoisseur, and now I've really lost my taste for it.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #683777
#21. I was always obsessed with being famous. I had Marilyn Monroe paper dolls as a child, and I was always obsessed with her. I've just been really driven in that direction, and none of my friends were. So, I don't know what put that bug in me at a young age.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #754296
#22. I shoot for 'Extra' three times a week, and that's great for Las Vegas, too. In addition to interviewing stars who are here for shows, parties and premieres, I'll also get peoples' reactions to different news items and topical gossip.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #764316
#23. I don't want to be too strict, because I think kids can get rebellious, but I want to raise my daughter to be passionate about doing good things and pursuing real things and hobbies instead of frivolous materialistic stuff.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #796368
#24. I want six kids. We'll see how it goes, but I want a big family.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #798416
#25. I don't get jealous of other girls, because I was ... raised in a cloning lab to be the perfect woman for Hugh M. Hefner, so, other than the fact that my I.Q.'s probably a little higher than he would like, I have nothing to worry about.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #819377
#26. I wouldn't mind doing Playboy again. But only if I had creative control.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #833731
#27. I'm working on producing my own shows. "Girls Next Door" was a great place to start but it was somebody else's show. I'm just ready to move on.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #845355
#28. In a few short months, I had gone from a friendly, optimistic, confident woman to a confused girl with a nervous stammer who second-guessed every thought that went through her head and rationalized every bad decision she made.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #865022
#29. You don't have to just shop in the maternity section when you are pregnant - you can shop anywhere, just be shape and size savvy!

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #871581
#30. Like Beauty locked up in the Beast's castle, I developed my own brand of Stockholm syndrome, identifying with my captor.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #874067
#31. Maybe I wasn't defined by the mistakes I had made after all . . . maybe those decisions were what allowed me to become the person I was always destined to be.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #921388
#32. I'm not entirely sure what my end goal is, but I'd love to get involved in city politics and broadcast TV.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #981370
#33. Truthfully, being pregnant is changing me as a person. Each day is part of this amazing journey that has completely shifted the focus of my life and made me reevaluate my personal and professional goals.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1028401
#34. I love chicken fingers, I love French fries. I love desserts. I'm not just into dessert or just into savoury food. I love it all. I'm a pig. I love food. So it takes a lot of discipline to eat healthy.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1038660
#35. I wish ghosts were real!

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1066070
#36. I want to get into producing. I really learned a lot from 'Girls Next Door.' Kevin Burns is a great producer. He's really talented, and he taught me a lot. I'm just looking forward to spreading the wings a little bit. Five seasons on 'Girls Next Door' was great, but it gets a little repetitive.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1076655
#37. I'm a curvy girl and that will never change.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1102275
#38. The last couple relationships I had were long distance. It's not like I can make much of an effort to travel and see anybody. The guy had to do all the work, unfortunately.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1114264
#39. I always wanted to be ambidextrous, ever since I was a little girl. I wanted to be able to use both hands, and I still use my left hand a lot.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1169637
#40. My main motivation for staying in the spotlight at all is, I don't want to just be known for being involved in 'Playboy,' or having been Hugh Hefner's girlfriend - I hate that. I like to show I can do other things and take on other challenges. That's my main motivation.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1201378
#41. I'm thrilled to start my family with a little girl! My boyfriend and I couldn't be happier!

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1228888
#42. This old man had just humiliated me - and I sat there taking his ridicule like a child. I curled up on the vanity stool and sobbed for what felt like forever, in the one little corner of this whole giant mansion that was supposed to be my own.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1248583
#43. Marriage and family are certainly beautiful parts of life, but I believe those things can truly be appreciated only when we find, love, and respect ourselves first.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1253289
#44. I think someone like Carmen Electra would be great in 'Peepshow.' Really, though, I think anyone who can sing and dance would be great.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1294113
#45. I just feel kind of out of place on Easter. I feel kind of useless because everybody else has kids and I don't and I'm just standing there with nothing to do.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1316356
#46. I have cellulite - and had it even when I was at my absolute thinnest. I'm never not going to have cellulite. People need to just accept that it's there and maybe dress accordingly or use body makeup to cope with it.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1366416
#47. Having a child on the way changes your perspective. You want to do things that will make them proud of you.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1401857
#48. I'd rather be overweight and curvy than super thin with no curves. I'm proud of my body.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1435941
#49. I don't need a man. I'm really happy with myself and being with my friends.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1450045
#50. I want my daughter to be proud of me and look up to me. I think early on in my pregnancy I realized that to be the mom I want to be, I had to change my life, and that's what I'm doing.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1476454
#51. In passing the mansion looks decadent but when taking the time to truly look at some of the nooks and crannies, it's amazing how neglected it was.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1488526
#52. Like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, she guzzled down the vodka in hopes that Hef would feel that urge to rescue her or care for her.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1522502
#53. I believe that many sacrifices need to be made in order to do your best as a parent, but I also believe you don't have to abandon your whole life.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1724714
#54. I always thought it would be classy to not kiss and tell . . . but after a while you just get sick of having other people trying to tell your story for you.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1733734
#55. I won't apologize for the choices I made, because all of them brought me to the wonderful place I am today.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1780242
#56. You know, 'Peepshow,' in retrospect that seems like a good fit for me, but in the beginning, I'm sure you remember, nobody was sure if the show was going to last. Everybody was like, 'What are you doing? You can't sing, and you can't dance. What are you doing in this show?'

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1809859
#57. I love performing in Las Vegas.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1812578
#58. I love Snooki. She's a pickle sucker!

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1813521
#59. That's one of the things about Hef: when it came to humiliating his girlfriends, the larger the audience, the better.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1814521
#60. I don't know why this is, maybe because I am 33 or what, but I didn't think it would be that easy for me to get pregnant. But it was.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1848224
#61. I would love to meet my soul mate. I'm always kind of keeping my eyes open for somebody.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1853414
#62. I'm happy single, but I'm happy in both cases. I feel like I definitely thrive more as a human and I'm more successful when I'm single.

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Quotes #1856170

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