Top 27 It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes

#1. If someone you love and care for is determined to traverse the path of despair, natural law obliges that they 'will' regardless of any and all efforts to redirect their lowly path.

T.F. Hodge

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1005963
#2. I've been hated by many, wanted by plenty, disliked by some, but confronted by none.


It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1872897
#3. I always find myself loathing what I've just been before - the person who was living in the apartment that I just left, the person I was a year before. I constantly have the feeling of shedding skins and changing.

Joan Juliet Buck

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1820642
#4. Ever since I left Greece more than two decades ago, it has been my dream to return and perform at the Acropolis. This project took more than a year and a half to plan and accomplish, and I would like to thank my band and crew and the scores of people involved in helping my dream become a reality.


It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1628105
#5. Without trust and respect, only fear and distrust of others' motives and intentions are left. Without trust and respect between parties, it is nearly impossible to find good solutions to effective communication.

Deborah A. Beasley

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1549436
#6. Life humbles the rich by giving them problems that money can't resolve, or, dissolve.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1542316
#7. When she kissed me, she left me breathless. But it shouldn't have been a surprise, because every day since she'd entered my life a year ago, she'd been stealing my breath.

Adriane Leigh

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1525510
#8. I like all kinds of wrestling, I like pro wrestling, so if there's a guy I've been feuding with for over a year, and damn it, the only thing left to do is beat the crap out of each other in a steel cage, then it's time to do it.

CM Punk

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1487958
#9. There was no sign in the face of any intermediate stages in the aging process, no hint of the man of thirty or forty or fifty who had been left behind. Only adolescence and the age of sixty were represented. It was as though a seventeen-year-old had been withered and bleached by a blast of heat.

Kurt Vonnegut

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1487581
#10. The Portuguese, Dutch and English have been for a long time year after year, shipping home the treasures of India in their big vessels. We Germans have been all along been left to watch it. Germany would do likewise, but hers would be treasures of spiritual knowledge.

Heinrich Heine

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1393436
#11. I literally left school and went straight into music via art college for a year, and I've been so involved in my job of writing songs that the more actively involved part became channeled into standing on the stage and saying things that way.

P.J. Harvey

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1330077
#12. I'm pretty down to earth, I always have been and though I am on a much different path than most 25 year olds, I feel like I have a bit of a double life. We will go on tour for weeks at a time, but when I come home, I feel like I am picking up where I left off.

Tristan Prettyman

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1307958
#13. Hopefully, you will glimpse something of your own life's journey and with Elemental's Power of Illuminated Love, possibly recognize and celebrate something you had not been able to recognize or celebrate before.

Luther E. Vann

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1263921
#14. Changes have taken place since year one. When Caruso left, that was a big change. We've been able to adapt nicely. It's given us new opportunities for different characters and story lines.

Dennis Franz

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #1212753
#15. We both were there, but alone. "Bye," she said and left; I was alone; again, one more time.


It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #148148
#16. For every year humans had been modern, they had been primitive for seven hundred more, which left a residue, and by then the back part of my brain was firmly in charge - My tribe needs you gone, pal. And you're ugly, too. And you're a pussy.

Lee Child

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #988812
#17. I had been playing for about a year and a half when the Beach Boys formed. When our folks went to Mexico on business, we would take the food money they had left us and we would rent instruments.

Carl Wilson

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #924225
#18. Rather than compare yourself to others, compare your present progress with your potential.

William Cranch Bond

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #741341
#19. Yes, Manchester United are the best team in England, but you have to ask how good has the Premier League been since I left? If I was at a top club in England I think the title race might have been a lot closer this year.

Jose Mourinho

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #727702
#20. You are not Sirius's only correspondent," said Dumbledore. "I have also been in contact with him ever since he left Hogwarts last year. It was I who suggested the mountainside cave as the safest place for him to stay.

J.K. Rowling

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #616709
#21. He's been on vacation for a year and month. Captain Kirk never left the helm when the Enterprise was under attack.

Eddie Griffin

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #561315
#22. Most African Americans, if given a chance, would have chosen to be 'just Americans' ever since the first of us was brought here to Jamestown colony in 1619, a year before the Mayflower landed. But that choice has never been left up to us.

Clarence Page

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #544706
#23. There is no life which does not possess its own importance, no life which may not be touched by greatness at any time
Yes, be touched by greatness and have a hand in it.
(from The Mirror of Her Dreams)

Stephen R. Donaldson

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #513378
#24. And thus I left the island, the 19th of December, as I found by the ship's account, in the year 1686, after I had been upon it eight-and-twenty years, two months, and nineteen days;

Daniel Defoe

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #493029
#25. I'd been touring for so long, seven years. For a year and a half I'd just been curious about what it was like not to tour. It's like if you were to lift a 100-pound barbell with your right arm for seven years, eventually you'd get really curious about what your left arm was capable of.


It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #370297
#26. The food doesn't matter. No, up here, in the room. It's so wonderful to shut out the world for a few hours. Rest, peace, silence, solitude. You would think they were luxuries that only the very rich can afford, and yet they cost nothing. Strange that they should be so hard to come by.

W. Somerset Maugham

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #303858
#27. Your carriage awaits, my lady." I walked up to him and slipped my hand in his extended arm. "Ever the gentleman," I teased. "Whatever it takes to make the lady smile.

Abbi Glines

It's Been A Year Since You Left Quotes #250128

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