Top 27 Intensities Quotes

#1. Be reckless in your intensities.

Perry Brass

Intensities Quotes #122101
#2. Fire comes in all intensities. A hotter tongue of flame can devour another. Surely the hottest can sear a man clean. - UILLEAM ANDRIU MACRIEVE, CHIEFTAIN OF THE NOVA SCOTIA SETTLEMENT OF CLAN MACRIEVE

Kresley Cole

Intensities Quotes #1812296
#3. English is weak in describing emotional states or intensities of interpersonal relationships.

Rita Mae Brown

Intensities Quotes #1769597
#4. ... your writer of intensities must have very black ink, and a very big pen, with a very blunt nib.

Edgar Allan Poe

Intensities Quotes #1542045
#5. It's just that different emotions and perceptions demand different frequencies and intensities.

Christian Wiman

Intensities Quotes #1516184
#6. These are the intensities that one cannot live with, that he has to outgrow if he wants to survive. But who can help grieving for them? If the blood vessels could hold them, how much better to keep those early loves with us?

Tennessee Williams

Intensities Quotes #1349333
#7. It is difficult to enjoy people for whom we have waited too long. And in this familiar situation, which evokes such intensities of feeling, we wait and we try to do something other than waiting, and we often get bored - the boredom of protest that is always a screen for rage.

Adam Phillips

Intensities Quotes #1071355
#8. A work of art must make the rules: rules do not make a work of art ... I tell people I am not a musician; I work with rhythms, frequencies and intensities ... tunes are merely the gossips of music ...

Edgard Varese

Intensities Quotes #885948
#9. The world is full of abandoned meanings. In the commonplace I find unexpected themes and intensities.

Don DeLillo

Intensities Quotes #800157
#10. That part of what I loved about poetry was how the distinction between fiction and nonfiction didn't obtain, how the correspondence between text and world was less important than the intensities of the poem itself, what possibilities of feeling were opened up in the present tense of reading.

Ben Lerner

Intensities Quotes #708507
#11. But he cannot see a connection between the end of yearning and the end of poetry. Is that what growing up amounts to: growing out of yearning, of passion, of all intensities of the soul?

J.M. Coetzee

Intensities Quotes #562171
#12. Without fullness of experience, length of days is nothing. When fullness of life has been achieved, shortness of days is nothing. That is perhaps why the young have usually so little fear of death; they live by intensities that the elderly have forgotten.

Lewis Mumford

Intensities Quotes #502953
#13. I love the walking contradiction of the body. I want to make corporeal characters, corporeal writing, I want to bring the intensities and contradictions and beauty and violence and stench and desire and astonishing physicality of the body back into literature.

Lidia Yuknavitch

Intensities Quotes #47330
#14. They're trying to understand what space is. That's tough for them. They break distances down into concentrations of chemicals. For them, space is a range of taste intensities.

Greg Bear

Intensities Quotes #1039276
#15. I'm on the Facebook board now. Little did they know that I thought Facebook was really stupid when I first heard about it back in 2005.

Reed Hastings

Intensities Quotes #1703931
#16. I spent a good deal of time going back over my childhood, my midlife, to try to understand who I was. We're supposed to be complete and whole, and you can't be whole if you're trying to be perfect. Doing a life review helped me get over the disease to please.

Jane Fonda

Intensities Quotes #1676866
#17. Archbishop: "God is with us!"
William the Great : "Bishop, if God is with us, then he is not with them, congratulations!
We are victorious!

Arash Pakravesh

Intensities Quotes #1668865
#18. I know something must be very wrong, or just possibly very right?

Michael Grant

Intensities Quotes #1322154
#19. Only education grows even its endless use..


Intensities Quotes #1301881
#20. Wearing a corset, a ball gown, heels and a swan hat with wings to fight in the forest gave me a whole new appreciation for everyday clothes, because you really become that alter ego while wearing those costumes in those environments on the set. They just influenced everything you tried to do.

Lily Collins

Intensities Quotes #1176898
#21. Why mundanes always insist on taking responsibility for things that aren't their fault is a mystery to me. You didn't force that cocktail down his idiotic throat.
-Jace, pg.241-

Cassandra Clare

Intensities Quotes #1015070
#22. Twilight deepened. The cloudless sky turned a deep purple, the color of an old bruise, then faded to black.

George R R Martin

Intensities Quotes #889350
#23. The way we are annoying them, being playful and having a good time with our body - it's something very important for young women today to have that confidence. I think it's actually celebrating women and their bodies.

Emily Ratajkowski

Intensities Quotes #848154
#24. Relationship ties
heart of two souls
eager to fly freely
soaring to sky feats
in full-fledged wings
unrestrained passions
to a realm in which
both remain invisible.

Rajesh Nanoo

Intensities Quotes #695183
#25. I keep going because if you stop, you stop. Why retire? Inspire.

Mickey Rooney

Intensities Quotes #406866
#26. Yeah, the material's been good so far, although I'm sure there's got to be a drought coming someday.

John Goodman

Intensities Quotes #134877
#27. Once a relationship is done, it's done. You can't do that back and forth thing.

Taylor Swift

Intensities Quotes #2545

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