Top 100 Intense People Quotes

#1. If I'm in a room full of intense people, I'm pretty normal. If I'm in a room full of people who aren't, maybe I'm intense.

Ken Leung

Intense People Quotes #211761
#2. Students are intense people, they laugh and cry, they break down and rebuild.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Intense People Quotes #446596
#3. I come from an intense family - like, we're just intense people. Not bad people or anything, we are just very intense, and I have just always felt like people who weren't like that were just a kind of hiding it, like when I was really young in high school.

Emory Cohen

Intense People Quotes #859249
#4. You can't slow down intense people. They have to burn at their own rate.

Gerald Nicosia

Intense People Quotes #898560
#5. Serious and intense people, they drain you. But someone who's an idiot, like myself, they're fun. You either hate me or you love me.

Pauly Shore

Intense People Quotes #1747393
#6. It's weird: making a movie is like life compacted into three months. You have these very intense relationships with people, and you talk to them every day - your editor, the casting people, music people, your actors - then it ends. It's like a circus life.

Dito Montiel

Intense People Quotes #3867
#7. 2014 was a year of intense social upheaval. In truth, the same could be said for most every year. There is no standstill in a world filled with so many people, scrambling for so much.

Roxane Gay

Intense People Quotes #6488
#8. Most people are not looking for provable truths. As you said, truth is often accompanied by intense pain, and almost no one is looking for painful truths. What people need is beautiful, comforting stories that make them feel as if their lives have some meaning. Which is where religion comes from.

Haruki Murakami

Intense People Quotes #50269
#9. People talk of calf-love with wistful disdain, but mine was as intense as any emotion I knew until I crossed the frontier, years later, when I discovered that all loving is a loving of life in the midst of death.

Hugh MacLennan

Intense People Quotes #55359
#10. I don't think movies can ever be too intense, but people have to understand why you're showing them the things you are showing them.

Edward Zwick

Intense People Quotes #67009
#11. Living as human being and as a divinity.
moving from tension into relaxation,
from relaxation into trance,
from trance into a more intense contact with other people.
from that contact back into tension and so on,
Like The Serpent swallowing its own tail.

Paulo Coelho

Intense People Quotes #76628
#12. People go to the zoo and they like the lion because it's scary. And the bear because it's intense, but the monkey makes people laugh.

Lorne Michaels

Intense People Quotes #108714
#13. What do you call it when two people have intense shared history? when nothing can separate them? Soul Sisters

Susane Colasanti

Intense People Quotes #112648
#14. People fall in love more easily when they are already troubled by another emotion because we know that any intense emotional state greatly increases the risk of falling in love.

Francois Lelord

Intense People Quotes #116832
#15. The most intense curiosity and excitement prevailed, and though the weather was uncertain, enormous masses of densely packed people lined the road, shouting and waving hats and handkerchiefs as we flew by them.

Fanny Kemble

Intense People Quotes #118746
#16. Within a month of intense life in the mountains is going through so much, what used to be a period of several years; This is a occupancy for people greedy for life - human life is not enough.

Jerzy Kukuczka

Intense People Quotes #120656
#17. Great music seems to come from a lot of angst, and that angst is from great musicians getting together with intense chemistry. When that chemistry isn't there, people tend not to write great music.

Peter Hook

Intense People Quotes #127481
#18. I wouldn't say I'm stuck in my adolescence, but I think, like a lot of people, I carry my teen years with me. I feel really in touch with those feelings, and how intense and complicated life seems in those years.

Sara Zarr

Intense People Quotes #128970
#19. Temperamentally anxious people can have a hard time staying motivated, period, because their intense focus on their worries distracts them from their goals.

Winifred Gallagher

Intense People Quotes #162866
#20. One of the funny things of being a producer, you have these fleeting, intense relationships with people, and they go off to global megastardom, and you don't see them.

Paul Epworth

Intense People Quotes #169360
#21. Muscle cells strengthen in response to intense exercise - whether you're 18 or 88. But the intensity is what's lacking in most people's workouts. And there are doctors who'll give you the advice, "Well, don't push it."

Jack LaLanne

Intense People Quotes #171317
#22. Especially when you're working so closely with people and you have to develop intense relationships, it's great when you have a relationship and a rapport with them.

Dominic Sherwood

Intense People Quotes #190311
#23. People mistake their love of the technology for it being a solution. Social media is the problem, not the solution, in crisis management. It's a problem if you use it to communicate in areas where you're dealing with incredibly intense emotions and very deep conflicts.

Eric Dezenhall

Intense People Quotes #192377
#24. i am either
a storm
a drought.

have never
been my thing.

Sanober Khan

Intense People Quotes #240537
#25. I have no delusions that I'm the only source of improving people's lives or that I'm even the right source. My style is intense, and it's not going to be right for everybody.

Tony Robbins

Intense People Quotes #250420
#26. I put a lot of pressure on myself and I think I am quite ... well, intense about driving other people.

Matthew Fox

Intense People Quotes #258204
#27. People prone to joyful anticipation, skilled at obtaining pleasure from looking forward and imagining future happy events, are especially likely to be optimistic and to experience intense emotions.

Sonja Lyubomirsky

Intense People Quotes #266941
#28. I think some people think I'm a smarty-pants. Some people think I'm intense, some people think I'm super-esoteric and nuts.

Alanis Morissette

Intense People Quotes #296619
#29. Love could be fractured and serve different purposes, and that intense love could be divided, between people just as easily as between moments of time.

Luke Davies

Intense People Quotes #299480
#30. Of what's to come the wise perceive things about to happen. Sometimes during moments of intense study their hearing's troubled: the hidden sound of things approaching reaches them, and they listen reverently, while in the street outside the people hear nothing whatsoever.

C.P. Cavafy

Intense People Quotes #315539
#31. The [35mm] camera is for life and for people, the swift and intense moments of life.

Ansel Adams

Intense People Quotes #316627
#32. People are always surprised that I have a funny side because I'm usually so intense, strong and dramatic. But, I'd love to do something really, really silly and funny.

Catherine Bell

Intense People Quotes #324804
#33. No one can ever heap enough insults upon me to suit my taste. I think we all really thrive on hostility, because it's the most intense kind of massage the ego can undergo. Other people's indifference is the only horror.

Paul Bowles

Intense People Quotes #325449
#34. I find rap, dance, and hip-hop vaguely terrifying. I don't have the right clothes to be into them, and it all seems a bit intense. I file these genres along with heavy metal and speed metal under people who would kill, then eat me.

Caitlin Moran

Intense People Quotes #328471
#35. I want Infosys to be a company which is globally respected and in where people belonging to different nationalities, races and religious beliefs will work with intense competition but utmost courtesy, dignity and co-operation in adding greater value to our stakeholders day after day.

N. R. Narayana Murthy

Intense People Quotes #343216
#36. For most people, the ringing of a phone was a welcome sign. Someone was trying to reach them, to say hello, ask about their well-being, or make plans. For me, it triggered fear, intense anxiety and heart-stopping panic.

Lauren Weisberger

Intense People Quotes #363388
#37. That's why it's important to keep your distance from people who have frigid breath. Just their presence can put out the most intense fire, with results we're familiar with. If we stay a good distance away from those people, it's easier to protect ourselves from being extinguished.

Laura Esquivel

Intense People Quotes #388200
#38. I've been on the other side of the table many times, trying to get people to be sympathetic to projects, and I've been the victim of that kind of intense kindness masking extreme stupidity.

Tilda Swinton

Intense People Quotes #398949
#39. You know how some people are unlucky in love? I was always unlucky in exercise. I'd get into a relationship with a workout program or guru, we'd go steady for a few intense months, and then we'd have a really ugly breakup.

Alissa Nutting

Intense People Quotes #401783
#40. I belong to quick, futile moments of intense feeling. Yes, I belong to moments. Not to people.

Virginia Woolf

Intense People Quotes #404111
#41. One or two people have named their children after characters in my songs. That's pretty intense.

John Darnielle

Intense People Quotes #433335
#42. Because jurors have an extraordinary amount of power over the situation and of the people and the story in front of them, they tend to pay pretty intense attention to what's happening.

Zephyr Teachout

Intense People Quotes #452163
#43. We save paradise by an intense education program where you get people that you can trust to talk sanely about the environment and hope that the message will get through.

Arthur Boyd

Intense People Quotes #468188
#44. Intense feelings of any kind keep people with you. Some you may want, others you won't. To forget people, and you never really forget, feel indifference.

Donna Lynn Hope

Intense People Quotes #489771
#45. Intense focusing on a task can make people effectively blind, even to stimuli that

Daniel Kahneman

Intense People Quotes #503650
#46. I have to remember, too, that sex is one of those areas - like religion and politics - where otherwise decent and rational people may have intense, irrational feelings.

Oliver Sacks

Intense People Quotes #504034
#47. I got typecast early in my career as the guy who is very intense. Once you get into a certain mold, people see you that way, as much as it's disproved time and again.

D. B. Sweeney

Intense People Quotes #522583
#48. Now is wanted intense Karma-Yoga with unbounded courage and indomitable strength in the heart. Then only will the people of the country be roused.

Swami Vivekananda

Intense People Quotes #533413
#49. I mean, people think I'm too intense for baseball. I've always excelled to be the best, no matter what, but it's like people think something is wrong with that.

Albert Belle

Intense People Quotes #557615
#50. Almost all people suffer some form of intense inner pain at some times in their lives. The suffering might be depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or suicidal thoughts and it results from the battles we wage against our thoughts as we futilely try to get rid of our historie.

Steven C. Hayes

Intense People Quotes #580657
#51. I used to be so intimidated by spin classes. I'd always go by and see people on their bikes looking so intense. But one day my sister and I worked up the courage to go in, and now we're hooked!

Alexa Vega

Intense People Quotes #580866
#52. Gray is great. People think gray is a neutral, but I think it's such a moody, intense, dramatic and sexy color. It's very sleek.

Bryan Batt

Intense People Quotes #631057
#53. It made me have a much greater understanding of loss, of loneliness, and the level of intense tragedy that so many people have experienced in this world, I take a lot less for granted.

Adrien Brody

Intense People Quotes #652651
#54. I don't think I would live outside of the Northwest. I think the quality of life in Portland is really good. People move from intense, high-powered jobs, and move to Portland, work half as much and live twice as good.

Carrie Brownstein

Intense People Quotes #684543
#55. It's a very immersive and intense form of travel to walk around with an interpreter and stop random people on the street and ask them about their lives.

Brandon Stanton

Intense People Quotes #687782
#56. When I see David Attenborough talking about how chimps live, big apes, I just remember my dad and the way he'd look at you. He couldn't speak, but everything else about him was, 'This is us, a family.' Relationships are just as intense as they are for people who can speak. Probably more so.

Richard Griffiths

Intense People Quotes #707201
#57. Tom Regan's now classic Case for Animal Rights blends careful argument with intense moral concern. For two decades, where Regan has been taken seriously, animals have been better off and people have become better persons. This new edition is a welcome sign of this influence continuing.

Holmes Rolston III

Intense People Quotes #714163
#58. A lot of people, quite frankly, think intense attachments to animals are weird and suspect, the domain of people who can't quite handle attachments to humans.

Caroline Knapp

Intense People Quotes #720191
#59. In a funny way, poems are suited to modern life. They're short, they're intense. Nobody has time to read a 700-page book. People read magazines, and a poem takes less time than an article.

Caroline Kennedy

Intense People Quotes #723334
#60. The Angels shows are really intense. We play for a couple hours at a time. They're very theatrical and full of audience interaction and emotion. I've seen a lot of people crying and stuff. It's a little bit like church, but it's very secular.

Tom DeLonge

Intense People Quotes #733681
#61. There was a perception of me, and I earned it because I was really intense, really gruff. I treated certain people poorly at times. It was because of who I was. It was almost my strength. I came in all business. I tried to find ways to fit in with that demeanor, but it's not easy.

Kirk Gibson

Intense People Quotes #783570
#62. I don't think fashion people know about my work. Some collectors find some of the work too intense.

Katherine Bernhardt

Intense People Quotes #789280
#63. Looking back at my career, if there's one word that most people use to describe me, it's intense.

Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa

Intense People Quotes #795850
#64. Our most intense joy comes not from personal feats, but from helping other persons achieve their goals. We become suppler human beings when we find true joy in witnessing other people's successes and unabashedly share in their joyful accomplishments.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Intense People Quotes #799643
#65. The kind of society which we still have is maybe, in some cases, getting worse. Competition is becoming a virtue. Intense competition drives people to go more and more into self-interest. Even to see other folks as competition.

Major Owens

Intense People Quotes #812126
#66. I think that passion if really intense is always destructive if not to the two involved, always to other people ...

May Sarton

Intense People Quotes #831725
#67. That we could be like normal people and live happily ever after. That a love like ours, while brief and intense, would really come only once in a lifetime.

Yolanda Olson

Intense People Quotes #845778
#68. I'm one of those people who when I go over a bridge, I want to jump. It's just this intense tickle in the back of my throat. It's like I'm on the verge the whole time I'm walking over that bridge, and I'm not going to get a release until I jump.

Willem Dafoe

Intense People Quotes #849785
#69. I was kind of a volatile personality, very intense. Because of that, I drew some criticism and people would say things about me, and my parents had tried to defend me. I would just tell them don't worry about it. Our day will come.

Kirk Gibson

Intense People Quotes #851395
#70. Opposites generally create intense chemistry. There are more chances of fireworks when different people are together than similar personalities.

Sonam Kapoor

Intense People Quotes #858530
#71. You can't sustain a high level of intense activity with thousands of people forever. It has to be for a specific objective.

Jeremy Corbyn

Intense People Quotes #878891
#72. I think I land somewhere between Scorsese and Capra in what I'm drawn to emotionally; I'm drawn to very intense emotion. Capra freaked people out when they saw Jimmy Stewart lose it in 'It's a Wonderful Life.'

David O. Russell

Intense People Quotes #885904
#73. For most people, spiritual awakening is a gradual process. Rarely does it happen all at once. When it does, though, it is usually brought about by intense suffering.

Eckhart Tolle

Intense People Quotes #887354
#74. Millions of Americans and people around the world, especially young people who face intense financial challenges today, haven't been taught how to take control of their financial future.

Robert Kiyosaki

Intense People Quotes #896562
#75. The most interesting place by far was Afghanistan. Just because it is a place that I cannot see myself living. The hardness of the people and the history of the country is just so completely intense.

Henry Rollins

Intense People Quotes #902959
#76. I read one too many books about Joy Division by people who weren't there, and they always seem to dwell on the dark, the intense, the miserable image of Joy Division.

Peter Hook

Intense People Quotes #917379
#77. I wanted to capture those final, most intense moments before telling someone you love them. People talk about feeling 'whole' when they fall in love, but for me there's always an uncomfortable fracture of the self that has to happen first.

Karyna McGlynn

Intense People Quotes #918056
#78. I wonder if that's the difference between fathers and mothers. I'm friends with people who have kids that are like 5 and under, and they're still in that intense mother-bonding phase. It might just be that. Because the dads haven't changed.

Jen Kirkman

Intense People Quotes #933888
#79. After 12 intense years of rock music, I was happy to get away from making a record and going out on a tour. When I did it, I wanted to feel inspired. After a while I finally had my fill working on other people's music, and I started coming up with music on my own and said, 'This could be for me.'

James Iha

Intense People Quotes #952171
#80. I have been a teacher myself all my life. I have an intense passion to share with people. Our only salvation is in knowledge, in learning.

Leo Buscaglia

Intense People Quotes #952866
#81. Some people come into your life at the right time for the most intense reasons and then some leave your life at the perfect time for the most saddest of reasons, time decides who you meet & you decide who stays.

Nikki Rowe

Intense People Quotes #956385
#82. On stage, there are hundreds of people watching you. It's so much energy directed at you. I pick up energy really easily. Even if I go to the grocery store and no one is paying attention to me, I can pick up other people's moods and it's really intense.

Rooney Mara

Intense People Quotes #959543
#83. People will help you do almost anything if you want to do it badly enough. The desire has to be intense, but I would encourage people to search their desires, to pick out one, and then get out and do it!

Nola Ochs

Intense People Quotes #964772
#84. I prefer to make a film that people have a really intense reaction to than have a film that people feel ambivalent about.

Emily Browning

Intense People Quotes #968802
#85. I just love doing broader work - I always get asked to do fairly heavy-duty, intense dramas and interesting, psychologically intense characters. But you know, it's nice to make people laugh sometimes.

Julian Sands

Intense People Quotes #974917
#86. This is how this world runs, a small group of people who know each other, a closed world of intense curiosity in other people's lives because your own is just empty, dead time.

Neel Mukherjee

Intense People Quotes #979763
#87. I am someone that is very hard to handle. I'm very picante, intense ... Sometimes I'm very outgoing and spontaneous and super hyper. Latinas, we love to touch each other - like, cuddle. That's why a lot of people are intimidated.

Lele Pons

Intense People Quotes #993140
#88. Being loved sounds good in the movies, in books, in the memories of people who've survived the rough beginnings of their love. In real life, in the very beginning? It's every deep fear you've ever wanted to avoid all wrapped in the most intense happiness and pleasure you've ever dreamed possible.

Steph Campbell

Intense People Quotes #994654
#89. By an increase in anger, warfare arises. By an increase of greed, famine arises. By an increase of stupidity, pestilence arises. Because these three calamities occur, the people's earthly desires grow all the more intense, and their false views thrive and multiply.


Intense People Quotes #999322
#90. When you're writing, it's all up to you, and you don't have to make any compromises. And when you're directing, there's this intense pleasure you get from working with all these really talented people, and pooling the efforts towards a common goal. I like all the aspects of film-making.

Henry Selick

Intense People Quotes #1015003
#91. The people who are making you feel under attack is your union leadership, and they're doing it for politically intense reasons.

Scott Walker

Intense People Quotes #1045668
#92. We were pretty normal - suburban kids having a good time playing in bands. We were silly. We weren't dark, intense, humorless people. Humor was one of the connecting forces among us. It was more like camaraderie.

David Pajo

Intense People Quotes #1075749
#93. I see a huge paradox in me - the intense need to be loved and the search for approval juxtaposed with the need to nurture other people, to be the mother I never had.

Madonna Ciccone

Intense People Quotes #1083883
#94. The outside pressure to be married was intense. This had surprised her a decade ago, but now she thought she understood. People wanted you to validate their choices by doing the same thing they had done.

J. Courtney Sullivan

Intense People Quotes #1092430
#95. I've always been aware of having feelings that were pretty intense at times. I imagine most people have had that, or they wouldn't be human.

Iris Dement

Intense People Quotes #1102846
#96. I feel often that we don't have the right language to talk about emotions in disasters. Everyone is on edge, of course, but it also pulls people away from a lot of trivial anxieties and past and future concerns and gratuitous preoccupations that we have, and refocuses us in a very intense way.

Rebecca Solnit

Intense People Quotes #1104156
#97. This book is dedicated to the people of America
strong, outspoken, intense in their convictions, sometimes wrong-headed but always generous and brave, with a passion for justice no nation has ever matched.

Paul Johnson

Intense People Quotes #1126195
#98. I don't like going to the gym because I don't like being with people I don't know in that intense environment.

Utada Hikaru

Intense People Quotes #1127879
#99. The more goods we acquire in the temporal realm, the more intense our external work, the less accessible and farther removed is eternity. Hence the limited perspective of active and energetic people, the banality of their thought and actions.


Intense People Quotes #1145473
#100. L.A. is an intense industry town, and there's a side of it that's superficial, but I surround myself with the kind of people who don't let me get sucked into that.

Jessica Marais

Intense People Quotes #1149315

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