Top 25 Inheritor Quotes

#1. He could never be anything more than what he was: the inheritor of weakness and unbridled emotion, a creature possessed by the past, and carrying its curse forever into the future

John Jakes

Inheritor Quotes #417583
#2. I feel myself the inheritor of a great background of people. Just who, precisely, they were, I have never known. I might be part Negro, might be part Jew, part Muslim, part Irish. So I can't afford to be supercilious about any group of people because I may be that people.

James A. Michener

Inheritor Quotes #274897
#3. People talk about me as if I am the sole inheritor of the Guinness family fortune and worth masses, but I have hundreds of cousins.

Jasmine Guinness

Inheritor Quotes #1842704
#4. Wealth is a dangerous inheritance, unless the inheritor is trained to active benevolence.

Charles Simmons

Inheritor Quotes #1694524
#5. I am a Filipino, inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future. As such, I must prove equal to a two-fold task -- the task of meeting my responsibility to the past, and the task of performing my obligation to the future.

Carlos P. Romulo

Inheritor Quotes #1598957
#6. The whole of life, its masters, its adventurers, then appeared in long ranks of magnificent human beings behind me; and I was the inheritor; I, the continuer; I, the person miraculously appointed to carry it on.

Virginia Woolf

Inheritor Quotes #1437549
#7. That godfather of the modern action blockbuster, 'The Godfather,' is entirely character driven, propelled by the transformation of a crime lord's youngest son, who breaks bad when he evolves from white-sheep war hero to blood-soaked inheritor of his father's empire.

Steve Erickson

Inheritor Quotes #1428158
#8. All these actors who died before I was born, all the theaters and the artistic movements - all that stuff fills you up and makes you feel like you're the inheritor of all this information and of all its passion.

Harold Prince

Inheritor Quotes #1125235
#9. You are the daughter of your Father, inheritor of the Earth, beautiful and blameless, chosen.

Rachelle Dekker

Inheritor Quotes #849874
#10. Libertarian socialism is properly to be regarded as the inheritor of the liberal ideals of the Enlightenment.

Noam Chomsky

Inheritor Quotes #759981
#11. I have been asked whether I wish to nominate a successor, an inheritor, a dauphin or delfino. I have decided to name Christopher Hitchens.

Gore Vidal

Inheritor Quotes #498514
#12. I will control myself, or go inside.
I will not flaw perfection with my grief.
Handsome, this day: no matter who has died.

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Inheritor Quotes #1872281
#13. Life set itself to new processions of seed-time and harvest, the skin newly turned to seasonal variations, the very blood humming to new altitudes.

Mary Hunter Austin

Inheritor Quotes #1660521
#14. Look, did you ask me to come all the way uptown just so you could stare at me like I was something in a petri dish? Next time I'll send you a photo."
"And I'll frame it and put it on my nightstand," said Jace.

Cassandra Clare

Inheritor Quotes #1309856
#15. I have absolutely no rituals or routines other than I work obsessively and think constantly about my work, to the dismay and discomfort of everyone I employ. And my family.

Nick Hanauer

Inheritor Quotes #1224133
#16. Everything great is not always good, but all good things, are great.


Inheritor Quotes #1221193
#17. Theatre audiences can't be made to think and cry: at best, they can be made to think and laugh, or to feel and cry.

Mignon McLaughlin

Inheritor Quotes #1194844
#18. Ask Elizabeth is a community of voices, it's not me standing on a podium telling people how to run their lives, it's girls helping each other sharing their wisdom and advice and I create a space for them to do it.

Elizabeth Berkley

Inheritor Quotes #1117616
#19. Only after a while did it occur to me (in spite of the chilly silence which surrounded me) that my story was not of the tragic sort, but rather of the comic variety.
At any rate that afforded me some comfort.

Milan Kundera

Inheritor Quotes #1007309
#20. I don't know do I exist?
I'm two different characters, DeYtH Banger isn't even and my name it was a character created by me. But who am I??
Can I use the word "I"?, who is "I". You use "I", he use this word and she use this word, but who is "I"?

Deyth Banger

Inheritor Quotes #942910
#21. Our Lord Jesus was not above letting folk minister to Him, for he knew how happy it makes one to do aught for another. It's the happiest work in earth.

Elizabeth Gaskell

Inheritor Quotes #914284
#22. All three networks have always had a morning show but now cable of course is taking some of that audience away and a variety of other things, probably the Internet as well.

Katie Couric

Inheritor Quotes #887703
#23. To yield reverence to another, to hold ourselves and our lives at his disposal, is not slavery; often, it is the noblest state in which a man can live in this world.

John Ruskin

Inheritor Quotes #660817
#24. Things just happen. What the hell." The

Terry Pratchett

Inheritor Quotes #471139
#25. May we be thunder in our doctrine and lighten in out conversations.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Inheritor Quotes #441488

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