Top 32 Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes

#1. It is possible to pull out justification for imposing your will on others, simply by calling your will God's will.

Ruth Hurmence Green

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #1482744
#2. My heart rebels against any foreigner imposing on my country the peace which is here called Pax-Britannica.

Mahatma Gandhi

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #223578
#3. You know, this idea of going around the world imposing democracy by growing a middle-class, a trading merchant class that is independent of your faith, is a good notion, but we're all partially different - it's no good imposing systems on people that it doesn't suit.

Damian Lewis

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #159670
#4. If I really wanted to say or ask anything important (to her imposing father) I could not trust my tongue to get it right.

Lynne Olson

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #187246
#5. The trombone is the true head of the family of wind instruments ... it has all the serious and powerful tones of sublime musical poetry, from religious, calm and imposing accents to savage, orgiastic outburst.

Hector Berlioz

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #187866
#6. The mediation of a woman is capable of imposing on hatred certain qualities characteristic of affection, for example curiosity, carnal interest, the urge to cross the threshold of intimacy.

Milan Kundera

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #203937
#7. I consider writing as a fine art. We kill it by imposing the alphabet on little children and making it the beginning of learning.

Mahatma Gandhi

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #208677
#8. He had always seen his self-sufficiency as an admirable quality, a way of not imposing upon other people, but he could see now that it was an insult to those close to you.

Mark Haddon

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #213047
#9. Everything flows from God, but we are limited by imposing our human perceptions upon him. Man designs God according to his own image and the image man has of himself is flawed.

Tobsha Learner

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #216956
#10. I'm fortunate to be famous for two rather imposing characters like Magneto and Gandalf.

Ian McKellen

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #147234
#11. I wasn't imposing my presence on anyone, which is very important for a would- be journalist. I stayed back. Always let people be themselves.

Elliott Erwitt

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #237966
#12. For 'The Terminator,' I was asked to drop a bit of weight to get less physically imposing because it wasn't about an athletic build; the build they were looking for was something more unassuming or boyish. And it was tough!

Jai Courtney

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #243567
#13. People feel that they're being required to meet all sorts of regulations and rules and requirements in their areas of work and MPs are not imposing those sort of restrictions on themselves.

Theresa May

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #269569
#14. There was no doubt about it: Alexandra Finch Hancock was imposing from any angle; her behind was no less uncompromising than her front.

Harper Lee

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #272223
#15. When we are honest about the limitations we are self imposing it becomes necessary to cry out with determination and state you've had enough of the mediocrity of stagnation.

Heidi Reagan

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #273012
#16. Prayer is not a convenient device for imposing our will upon God, or bending his will to ours, but the prescribed way of subordinating our will to his.

John Stott

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #277558
#17. I don't want my 'part' taken! I haven't 'got' a part! I hate the stupid geometrical figures by which people try to understand the emotions of others, imposing hard straight lines - or 'sides' as they call them - onto tender curvaceous human beings who have none.

Frances Partridge

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #1849593
#18. A person who has during all time maintained the imposing position of spiritual head of four-fifths of the human race, and political head of the whole of it, must be granted the possession of executive abilities of the loftiest order.

Mark Twain

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #144062
#19. The estate tax punishes years of hard work and robs families of part of their heritage by imposing a huge penalty on inheritance after death - a tax on money that has already been taxed.

Mike Fitzpatrick

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #135236
#20. So I hope I've made clear that imposing agile methods is a very red flag.

Martin Fowler

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #119490
#21. The whole structure of the law has to be a dignified, imposing edifice and built on firm foundations, if it is going to stand. Whenever you violate the law, you are tearing down a part of that structure, regardless of what goal you may want to achieve.

Erle Stanley Gardner

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #112582
#22. Their eyes drifted directly behind her. At the same time she felt the presence of a rather large, imposing figure, then the sudden heat permeated the air around her. He's behind me, isn't he?

Madison Thorne Grey

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #100770
#23. All the four stages in a man's life are devised by the seers in Hinduism for imposing discipline and self-restraint.

Mahatma Gandhi

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #84556
#24. The idea of imposing peace from the outside doesn't work.

Benjamin Netanyahu

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #67114
#25. I don't want to feel like people are imposing limits upon you.

Mike Lowry

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #66419
#26. The stage is like a laboratory where you can run theatrical experiments, imposing interesting conditions on the cast or story and seeing how they pan out. Each new play is like creating a tiny virtual universe enclosed by the confines of the stage.

Marcus Du Sautoy

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #56941
#27. Instead of imposing new obligations, (Christians) should appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty and who invite others to a delicious banquet.

Pope Francis

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #51078
#28. I think we do need a Constitutional amendment to take the profit out of politics by imposing term limits.

Kenneth Eade

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #36189
#29. I wondered why I was so startled by the encounter when there was something that seemed utterly inevitable about the moment. Not in any grand, destined sense; just in the quiet, stubborn way that unfinished business has of imposing its will on the unwilling.

Emily Giffin

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #26629
#30. The dummies and slackers, by their mere existence, are imposing a negative externality on the skilled and dedicated,

Avinash K. Dixit

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #23004
#31. We are the inheritors of a wonderful world, a beautiful world, full of life and mystery, goodness and pain. But likewise are we the children of an indifferent universe. We break our own hearts imposing our moral order on what is, by nature, a wide web of chaos.

Colin Meloy

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #19494
#32. Everyone she knew was intimidated by him - by his intelligence, by his imposing height and strength, by his ethereal beauty - but she knew him as a man of flesh and earthy desire who loved her beyond comprehension.

Tiffany Reisz

Imposing Your Will On Others Quotes #3067

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