Top 66 Impose Your Will Quotes
#1. When you kill 500,000 children in order to impose your will on other countries, then you shouldn't be surprised when somebody responds in kind.
Ward Churchill
#2. Rather than always impose your will,
allow men to learn from their mistakes.
Great failures make great teachers;
success enables one to forget some things
a failure cannot afford to.
Matshona Dhliwayo
#3. It's always great when you just pound the rock, impose your will, and that is going to break the spirit of the defense if you can keep running it and they can't stop you.
Logan Mankins
#4. The moment that you impose your will on another person or animal, that's when we are allowed to say you have committed an ethical breach.
#5. Power is the chance to impose your will within a social context, even when opposed and regardless of the integrity of that chance.
Max Weber
#6. Don't impose your will through manipulation of aggressive emotions and actions.
#7. If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.
Patrick Rothfuss
#8. I understand that people don't want to smoke. Fine. Don't smoke. You don't want to go into a restaurant where there's [smoking], don't go in there. But don't impose your will - the will of a few - on the lives of many.
Mike Ditka
#9. I've never regretted not having children. My mindset in that regard has been constant. I objected to being born, and I refuse to impose life on someone else.
Robert Smith
#10. Maybe the mess of life was the very thing she was supposed to enjoy instead of always fighting it, trying to impose order. The universe was trying to tell her something - was it, perhaps, to let go?
Wendy Francis
#11. I believe in evolution, scientific inquiry, and global warming; I believe in free speech, whether politically correct or politically incorrect, and I am suspicious of using government to impose anybody's religious beliefs -including my own- on nonbelievers.
Barack Obama
#12. We must not enable anyone to impose his personal view regarding religion on others by force, oppression, or pressure.
Shirin Ebadi
#13. If you ask the government to impose morality, then moral questions will be decided by whoever has the most political power.
Harry Browne
#14. Here in the UK the government has decided to accept the recommendations of the Better Regulation Task Force to measure and make targeted reductions in the administrative costs - the red tape costs - that regulations impose on business.
John Hutton
#15. A part of the placidity of the South comes from the sense of well-being that follows the heart-and-body-warming consumption of breads fresh from the oven. We serve cold baker's bread to our enemies, trusting that they will never impose on our hospitality again.
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
#16. In war, State power is pushed to its ultimate, and, under the slogans of "defense" and "emergency," it can impose a tyranny upon the public such as might be openly resisted in time of peace.
Murray N. Rothbard
#17. Supreme Court nominees should know without any doubt that their job is not to impose their own personal opinions of what is right and wrong, but to say what the law is, rather than what they personally think the law ought to be.
Chuck Grassley
#18. If you don't want to do something,don't impose on others
#19. these people, struggling so hard to impose a shape on a life when life has no shape,
Banana Yoshimoto
#20. Being famous very often means sacrificing your privacy and that of others. You have to impose on those close to you a pace and lifestyle that might be a bigger sacrifice for others than it is for you.
Giorgio Armani
#21. I did put together the coalition to impose sanctions. I actually started the negotiations that led to the nuclear agreement, sending some much my closest aides to begin the conversations with the Iranians.
Hillary Clinton
#22. We impose order and narrative on everything in order to understand it. Otherwise, there's nothing but chaos.
Julianne Moore
#23. What she might have told him was that taxidermy, like sex, is a very personal subject; the manner in which we impose it on others should be discreet.
John Irving
#24. I must fight unto the death the unholy attempt to impose British methods and British institutions on India.
Mahatma Gandhi
#25. The [Barack] Obama administration wants to take our rights to keep and bear arms away from us. They are trying to take our God, and our gun. And if they do that, they can impose a dictatorship upon us.
Ted Cruz
#26. A work survives its readers; after a hundred or two hundred years, it is read by new readers who impose on it new modes of reading and interpretation. The work survives because of these interpretations, which are, in fact, resurrections: without them, there would be no work.
Octavio Paz
#27. There are plenty of bad editors who try to impose their own vision on a book. ( ... )
A good novel editor is invisible.
Terri Windling
#28. They will never outlaw all of your guns at once. But every 'reasonable' control they can impose without your resistance gives them one more bit of leverage to make gun ownership for you and your children and your grandchildren as difficult as possible.
Dave Kopel
#29. What sentence will you choose to impose on yourself? Are you willing to stop suffering and making yourself miserable when your sentence has expired? This would at least be a responsible way to punish yourself because it would be time-limited.
David D. Burns
#30. I wish I could undo what I did at Enron but I can't. I understand that I deserve punishment. Your honor, I accept the prison sentence that you are about to impose and will serve it without bitterness.
Andrew Fastow
#31. You see what you choose to see, because all perception is a choice.
And when you cease to impose your meanings on what you see,
your spiritual eyes will open, and you will see a world free of judgment
and shining in its endless beauty.
Paul Ferrini
#32. Freedom is a gift to use your will and perception to impose a moral structure on yourself. Without the freedom to choose our path, we are morally crippled.
Omar Saif Ghobash
#33. If you meditate regularly, even when you don't feel like it, you will make great gains, for it will allow you to see how your thoughts impose limits on you. Your resistances to meditation are your mental prisons in miniature.
Ram Dass
#34. Just like we respect your legal system, you [europeans] should respect our legal system. You cannot impose your values on us, otherwise the world will become the law of the jungle. Every society decides what its laws are, and it's the people who make decisions with regards to these laws.
Adel Al-Jubeir
#35. Stay naked as much as possible, but do not impose your orgiastic will on others. Don't have sex in the lobby - it's usually awkward.
Hunter S. Thompson
#36. Any plot you impose on your characters will be onomatopoetic: PLOT. I say don't worry about plot. Worry about the characters. Let what they say or do reveal who they are, and be involved in their lives, and keep asking yourself, Now what happens? The development of relationship creates plot.
Anne Lamott
#37. To be a sannyasin means you will be allowing freedom to the children, you will not impose anything on them, you will not impose your ideas; you will NOT like them to become imitators. Sannyas is just symbolic of a great freedom!
#38. Our determination to defend our values and way of life is greater than their (terrorists) determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people in a desire to impose extremism upon the world.
Tony Blair
#39. When people have supernatural beliefs I think they should be respected but there is no reason why they need to impose them on others.
Ian McEwan
#40. There are no limits, except for those we impose upon ourselves.
Dr. Walter Bishop
#41. We need a much better understanding of the climate before making policy choices that would impose substantial economic costs on our Nation.
Ted Cruz
#42. Foreign countries should impose sanctions against Putin's corrupt network.
Alexei Navalny
#43. The second is that the American people tend to oppose whoever they see as the aggressor in the Culture Wars - whoever they see as trying to intrusively impose their values on other people and bullying everyone who disagrees.
Yuval Levin
#44. The technocracy of professional sport has managed to impose a soccer of lightning speed and brute strength: a soccer that negates joy, kills fantasy and outlaws daring.
Eduardo Galeano
#45. A world where players have enough power to block everyone else's initiatives but no one has the power to impose its preferred course of action is a world where decisions are not taken, taken too late, or watered down to the point of ineffectiveness. Without
Moises Naim
#46. The court was not previously aware of the prisoner's many accomplishments. In view of these, we see fit to impose the death penalty.
Quentin Crisp
#47. But it is important to observe that when Europe or the United Nations impose sanctions that are supposed to be aimed against a certain regime, usually generally millions of people end up being directly punished.
Omar Bongo
#48. The problem is that you can't impose the church's teachings on all Americans as a matter of law.
Mario Cuomo
#49. I'm afraid, is that there are a number of groups who really don't want a fair-minded judge who has an openness to both sides of the argument. Rather, they want judges who will impose their liberal agenda on the American people; views so liberal that they cannot prevail at the ballot box.
John Cornyn
#50. the utilitarians. They were interested only in the computer's crude and brutish ability to impose its will on the world around it.
Michael Lewis
#51. The inner journey is as individual as our thumbprint. We need to guide others on their way and never impose our way upon them.
Morton T. Kelsey
#52. If the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) raises the hackles of the conspiracy theorists, the Bilderberg meetings must induce apocalyptic visions of omnipotent international bankers plotting with unscrupulous government officials to impose cunning schemes on an ignorant and unsuspecting world.
David Rockefeller
#53. I'd rather have the thieves than the neighbors - the thieves don't impose. Thieves just want your things, neighbors want your time.
Larry David
#54. I don't accept the argument of people like David Horowitz that the government should impose some sort of predetermined political balance on academic research.
Juan Cole
#55. Great sex is all about freedom and being everything you've always wanted to be. Know now that the only limits you have in regards to your own sexuality are the ones you impose on yourself.
Roberto Hogue
#56. And, of course, liberals see no problem with using the government to impose their cultural beliefs on others; they just won't admit that's what they're doing.
Jonah Goldberg
#57. I'm doing my best to be mindful about how I'm living: to be kind and patient, and not to impose a bad mood on somebody else. Being mindful is as good a way to be spiritual as anything else.
Deirdre O'Kane
#58. I like taking my leads from what I see rather than trying to impose. I like that way of looking at things and seeing what's on screen and seeing how I can draw music out of it almost.
Steven Price
#59. There are about 15 million Muslims in the EU. They face ignorance, insult and even persecution. They cannot be wished away. To impose Enlightenment freedoms is self-defeating. Anyway, the Muslims have their own enlightenment.
James Buchan
#60. It was not very easy for a woman to impose herself as a modern artist in Germany ... Most of our male colleagues continued for a long time to look upon us as charming and gifted amateurs, denying us implicitly any real professional status.
Hannah Hoch
#61. There are certain characteristics that define a good chimp mother. She is patient, she is protective but she is not over-protective - that is really important. She is tolerant, but she can impose discipline. She is affectionate. She plays. And the most important of all: she is supportive.
Jane Goodall
#62. It is no more the function of government to impose a moral code than to impose a religious code. And for the same reason.
Robert Morrison MacIver
#63. Myself, I don't think you will ever get security in the Mideast until you have what on the surface appears to be fair to both sides. You have to have leaders committed to peace, on both sides. One side can't impose a solution.
Bobby Ray Inman
#64. When President Obama asked Congress to raise the debt ceiling $2 trillion and offered sequestration as an offset, I opposed it. I did not believe we should put the country $2 trillion deeper in debt and impose irresponsible massive cuts to our national security.
Mike Turner
#65. Certainly it is wrong to be cruel to animals and the destruction of a whole species can be a great evil. The capacity for feelings of pleasure and pain and for the form of life of which animals are capable clearly impose duties of compassion and humanity in their case.
John Rawls
#66. Love lets go. Need holds on. This is the way you can tell the difference between need and love. Let go of expectation, let go of requirements and rules and regulations that you would impose on your loved ones.
Neale Donald Walsch
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