Top 30 I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes

#1. The gods are just. No doubt. But their code of law is dictated, in the last resort, by the people who organize society; Providence takes its cue from men.

Aldous Huxley

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #194335
#2. The court of last resort is no longer the Supreme Court. It's 'Nightline.'

Alan Dershowitz

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #1848796
#3. This is my last resort suffocation no breathing don't give a f**k if I cut my arm bleeding this is my last resort ...

Papa Roach

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #300015
#4. I believe with all my heart that our first priority must be world peace, and that use of force is always and only a last resort, when everything else has failed, and then only with regard to our national security.

Ronald Reagan

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #297091
#5. Talk of solitude (...). It is the last resort of the civilised: our souls are so creased and soured in meaning we can only unfold them when we are alone. (5/4/1927 - From a Letter to Vita Sackville-West)

Virginia Woolf

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #296990
#6. The IMF is the International Mafia Federation. They're the loansharks of last resort.

Gerald Celente

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #290995
#7. You can't disobey the rules every time you disapprove. However, when you're considering something that constitutes an extreme abridgement of your rights, conscience is the court of last resort.

Mario Savio

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #289614
#8. As the Sword was the last resort for the preservation of our liberties, so it ought to be the first thing laid aside when those liberties are firmly established

David McCullough

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #270392
#9. There's some wisdom and no moral deficiency to one who holds courage in reserve and uses it as a last resort. Before we take the kind of risks that require courage, we ought to exhaust other less risky alternatives.

Michael Josephson

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #236869
#10. Text him and see what he's doing later.
Prob hanging out around the house.
Good. So he doesn't intend on going anywhere.
Why? Am I planning on drugging and kidnapping him?
We'll use that as a last resort.

Em Wolf

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #231806
#11. If torture is going to be administered as a last resort in the ticking-bomb case, to save enormous numbers of lives, it ought to be done openly, with accountability, with approval by the president of the United States or by a Supreme Court justice.

Alan Dershowitz

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #221881
#12. Threats are the last resort of a man with no vocabulary.

Tamora Pierce

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #214991
#13. I believe that man is in the last resort so free a being that his right to be what he believes himself to be cannot be contested.

Georg C. Lichtenberg

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #214546
#14. Tell him I said that he will know when he's my age that books aren't written on whims or old promises. Books are written on years turned inside out by ideas that never let go until you get them in print, and even then writing's a last resort, a desperate ransom you pay to get your life back.

Richard Bach

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #202942
#15. Every man is his own doctor of divinity, in the last resort.

Robert Louis Stevenson

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #195356
#16. The trouble with our praying is, we just do it as a means of last resort.

Will Rogers

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #1493
#17. Censorship of anything, at any time, in any place, on whatever pretense, has always been and always will be the last resort of the boob and the bigot.

Eugene O'Neill

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #187656
#18. In the last resort, sheer insight is the greatest asset of all.

Herbert Butterfield

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #175381
#19. I believe the consequences of a war are so harsh that it should be always the last resort.

Asne Seierstad

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #160595
#20. There are much better ways to handle the delicate male ego.
With a two-by-four?
Only as a last resort and never in public.

Lora Leigh

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #150199
#21. You can't criticize Bob Dylan's singing. You have to respect Billy Joel as a brilliant poet. You can't tell me there's a better rock band ever than Led Zeppelin. And if you speak during the Eagles' "Last Resort," we're done. I'm just asking for seven minutes. This stuff really matters, you know.

Charlie Sheen

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #126225
#22. Most people who have failed miserably in life itself have one last resort left available to them, they become a politician.

Peter F. Hamilton

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #114977
#23. The idea that an independent Scotland - having separated assets and liabilities from the rest of the U.K. - would expect the rest of the U.K. to be a lender of last resort, and of course be kind to them, doesn't make any sense.

Johann Lamont

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #111467
#24. Patient sees [lithium] medication as a promise of a cure, and a means of suicide if it doesn't work. She fears that by taking it she will risk her last resort

Kay Redfield Jamison

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #97062
#25. Hope is soothing, but it can become deceptive if we cling to it as the last resort against reality.

Janvier Chouteu-Chando

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #96423
#26. In a city of illusion, where change is what the city does, it's no wonder Las Vegas is the court of last resort, the last place to start over, to reinvent yourself in the same way that the city does, time after time. For some it works; for some it doesn't, but they keep coming and trying.

Hal Rothman

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #86368
#27. My impression, having been in the Norwegian government for several years, is that taking a child into care is an extremely serious decision which is really taken as a last resort, when the situation warrants it, for the well-being of the children.

Jonas Gahr Store

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #83441
#28. The capacity to produce social chaos is the last resort of desperate people.

Cornel West

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #81683
#29. Her internalization of Catholicism and its institutional disappointments suited a dental office perfectly, where guilt was often our last resort for motivating the masses.

Joshua Ferris

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #71397
#30. Is he using terror to keep away boredom? Does he have to try to destroy something? Even as a last resort, himself?

John Knowles

I'm Not Your Last Resort Quotes #55597

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