Top 30 If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes

#1. Sometimes all you need in love is to make each other happy, to make each other laugh. So long as you can still do that ten years down the line then I think you're gold. Never let the laughter slip from your relationship.

Maya Angelou

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #199213
#2. You know when you have a good relationship with someone when you are just perfectly happy to be quiet and just hang out and do nothing.

Victoria Justice

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #1874830
#3. And besides . . . I don't want to leave you. Er, you guys."

He smiled, and it lit up his whole face. "Well, 'we' are certainly happy to hear that. Oh, and I'm also happy to watch our darling little love child dragon while you're in St. Louis."

I grinned back.

Richelle Mead

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #422233
#4. When we get into a relationship of any kind, it is because we want to share, we want to enjoy, we want to have fun, we don't want to be bored. If we look for a partner, it is because we want to play, we want to be happy and enjoy what we are.

Miguel Angel Ruiz

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #414005
#5. It makes it easier to wait for the man God has for me," Said Elly, "Because I already have the most important relationship. I can spend my life loving and being loved by the perfect Bridegroom. I don't have to wait for a man to fall in love with me to make me happy.

Jennae Noelle

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #364198
#6. I had cars, houses, jewels, furs, and a husband who loved me, and a career I was happy with. But I found fulfillment in my relationship with Christ.

Gloria Gaynor

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #361081
#7. Divorce is not always a doorway to happiness. The same can be said about marriage.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #353323
#8. When I am happy at work, I tend to be happy in life. And when my work is a struggle, it negatively taints my entire outlook and existence. Anyone can relate to being miserable at work, and each of us can stand to improve his or her relationship with work.

Julie Clow

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #336763
#9. I do believe in soulmates and happy/successful marriages. No marriage can be happy 24x7 for 365 days. Both partners have to make the relationship work, is what I believe in.


If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #330359
#10. My father passed on one important piece of relationship advice before he died. He said son, in a relationship you can either be right or you can be happy. You'll soon find out that you don't care that much about being right.

Ralphie May

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #318420
#11. Well, I don't think just because people are in a relationship that they're happy. I don't think relationships necessarily make people happy. You just are happy or you're not happy.

Lisa Edelstein

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #311793
#12. As a man in a relationship, you have a choice: You can be right or you can be happy.

Ralphie May

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #272767
#13. You only miss the idea of him. You weren't happy with him even before you found out he was cheating. You were only with him because it was comfortable. You miss the relationship, but you don't miss Hunter.

Colleen Hoover

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #259088
#14. It's a poem, of our love, that doesn't rhyme. A story, never meant to have, a happy end.

Khadija Rupa

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #222821
#15. The nicest part of the prize, perhaps, is the effect on my friends and family. Each of them feels proud and happy to have the relationship with me that they do. In a way, it's as though they received an award too, and I like that very much.

Bruce Beutler

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #207949
#16. Are you happy?' she asked.
'Honour... I've been happy since the moment I met you.

Ruth Ahmed

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #6658
#17. I think people are by-and-large happy with the providers that they have got now. They treasure that doctor-patient relationship.

Bob McDonnell

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #198295
#18. It had been the most difficult part of coming to terms with what she was; knowing that she had to give up a potentially blissful and wildly happy relationship with Caleb. But it was her responsibility, she told herself, to say goodbye to him.

Katie Lynn Johnson

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #184630
#19. Once you're truly happy with yourself alone, that's when you are safe to find the right person to spend the rest of your life with.

Tyler Perry

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #169016
#20. Like anything else worthwhile in life, a happy relationship takes some skill.

Laura Doyle

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #155683
#21. We need to know ourselves better so that we can realize what we really want in our life. I think that the first condition for a person to be in a successful relationship is to be happy with the person he or she is, in other words to love themselves.


If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #153839
#22. Tip #4
Skinny-dip at will!

When single boast about finding your inner most happy place and hold on to it Odds are once married you can kiss personal space Good-Bye.

Hazel Cartwright

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #148093
#23. It's ever so much more satisfying to get into a blissful place and attract a blissful person and live blissfully hereafter than to be in a negative place and attract a negative partner and then try to get happy from that negative place.

Esther Hicks

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #144263
#24. I don't think it's a requirement that a happy, fulfilling relationship also provide the best sex of all time.

Mallory Ortberg

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #143420
#25. Relationships based on selfish reasons will not give you love, fulfillment or inner-happiness.

Hina Hashmi

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #104320
#26. You are damaged and broken and unhinged. But so are shooting stars and comets.

Nikita Gill

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #89322
#27. Only after you take care of yourself, you become a happy joyful person.

Nina Obran

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #70467
#28. The only relationship that can make both partners happy is one in which sentimentality has no place and neither partner makes any claim on the life and freedom of the other.

Milan Kundera

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #65504
#29. No relationship is perfect nor will anyone ever be the best boyfriend or girlfriend. Long as you put in the effort and try to make your lover happy. That's all we can ask for.

Kevin McCarty

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #44059
#30. I'm not over you. I dream about you every night. I watch that fucking video over and over just to hear your voice. Does that make you happy? Is that proof I cared?

Leah Raeder

If You Are Not Happy With Your Relationship Quotes #42151

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