Top 44 Hope Frustration Quotes

#1. Life's like that. As we grow and change, some things we've experienced before take on new meaning. It'll happen for the rest of your life.

Richelle Mead

Hope Frustration Quotes #1463335
#2. No decision in the world outlives the time, place, and person's constituents on the basis of which it was made.

Pearl Zhu

Hope Frustration Quotes #983719
#3. I like to build things. I like to do things.

Walter Chrysler

Hope Frustration Quotes #996378
#4. Artists try to say things that can't be said. in a fragile net of words, gestures, or colors, we hope to capture a feeling; a taste; a painful longing. but the net is always too porous, and we are left with the sweet frustration of almost knowing, which is teasingly pleasurable.

Alan Alda

Hope Frustration Quotes #1018871
#5. Seven key abilities human beings need to effectively manage life: the ability to motivate ourselves, to persist against frustration, to delay gratification, to regulate moods, to hope, to empathize, and to control impulse. Many

Gavin De Becker

Hope Frustration Quotes #1042147
#6. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfullfilled potential.

Pope John XXIII

Hope Frustration Quotes #1054657
#7. I've reformed. The kissing is sort of a holdover."
"Don't reform. I like you bad.

Ruthie Knox

Hope Frustration Quotes #1108813
#8. Hope fills the holes of my frustration in my heart.

Emanuel Cleaver

Hope Frustration Quotes #1131783
#9. He's stoic and proud, bigger than life. Sharp jaw, intense eyes, armor made up of metal and ink. He is intensity and want and desire. He's happiness and frustration and comfort and hope and fear. He is my roller coaster.

Brighton Walsh

Hope Frustration Quotes #1399449
#10. The deepest healing is the healing of the deepest wound. The deepest wound is the frustration of the deepest need. The deepest need is the need for meaning, purpose, and hope.

Peter Kreeft

Hope Frustration Quotes #1412929
#11. With a certain frustration I knew I spoke too soon, too urgently. I wanted to get out of the way the things I knew to say, wanted to say, the things I'd been thinking, all in the hope of moving into the unforeseen.

Denis Johnson

Hope Frustration Quotes #1433970
#12. Hope is only an extension of time granted to us until we decide to give up.

Michael Mintz

Hope Frustration Quotes #978169
#13. So I was a punk out of frustration. But I became a Tory out of hope.

Niall Ferguson

Hope Frustration Quotes #1515875
#14. When you fill life with mourning and complaints, your accomplishments will be a little lower than success.

Auliq Ice

Hope Frustration Quotes #1581719
#15. Death is more merciful than hope itself! There is nothing surprising in this, for death is divinely appointed, while hope is the creation of human folly. Both end in frustration. Am I destined to lead a life of endless frustration?
-(The Beginning and the End)

Naguib Mahfouz

Hope Frustration Quotes #1631454
#16. That's why children look so beautiful because they are yet full of hope, full of dreams, and they have not yet known frustration.


Hope Frustration Quotes #1660057
#17. It absolutely helped - to write the father in both 'Juicy' and 'Beasts,' I had to see the whole story from his point of view. All of a sudden I understood more of what my own father must be going through - the fear, the frustration, the anger ... the hope that he'll leave a legacy.

Lucy Alibar

Hope Frustration Quotes #1672160
#18. Stupid to the power of stupid.

Kami Garcia

Hope Frustration Quotes #1674718
#19. For me, I hope last year was the last when anger, frustration and despair ruled my professional psychology.

Margo Kingston

Hope Frustration Quotes #1752394
#20. I threw my hands in the air and said show me something.
He said, "if you dare come a little closer".


Hope Frustration Quotes #1777639
#21. If I've made it a little easier for artists to work in violence, great! I've accomplished something.

Quentin Tarantino

Hope Frustration Quotes #1801641
#22. Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope, but failure's all you've known
Remember all the sadness and frustration
And let it go. Let it go

Linkin Park

Hope Frustration Quotes #1808762
#23. Harry's heart began to pump very fast indeed. Defense against external penetration?

J.K. Rowling

Hope Frustration Quotes #550081
#24. The basis for comprehension is theory, and the language of theoretical science is mathematics.

D.C. Rapaport

Hope Frustration Quotes #60304
#25. Romans says the creation was 'subjected to frustration, in hope that it will be liberated from its bondage to decay.' In hope! There is hope for the earth. As Christians, we can and should have hope for the earth, as well as our hope of heaven.

Howard A. Snyder

Hope Frustration Quotes #62538
#26. Winning isn't everything to me, but it's a close second. Losing isn't something that I can just brush off and fake a smile to hide my frustration. It's that will and determination that I hope will get me where I want to go.

Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Hope Frustration Quotes #137798
#27. On every front there are clear answers out there that can make this country stronger, but we're going to break through the fear and the frustration people are feeling. Our job is to make sure that even as we make progress, that we are also giving people a sense of hope and vision for the future.

Barack Obama

Hope Frustration Quotes #149177
#28. Conflicts are fueled by the tendency of the powerful to exploit the power and the anger and frustration of the powerless, which turns into violence. International Solidarity Movement activists are attempting to confront the exploitation of power and to bring back hope to the powerless.

Ghassan Andoni

Hope Frustration Quotes #154770
#29. What I love about the tours is the day to dayness of it all.. you meet so many people and travel so much in such a short period of time and it's always so concentrated and focused that it stops you thinking beyond the box too much. I love things that absorb you completely.

Ben Howard

Hope Frustration Quotes #166839
#30. He who would not be frustrate of his hope to write well hereafter in laudable things ought himself to be a true poem.

John Milton

Hope Frustration Quotes #204135
#31. To hope is to risk frustration. Make up your mind to risk frustration.

Thomas Merton

Hope Frustration Quotes #385936
#32. Because I have known despair, I value hope. Because I have
tasted frustration, I value fulfillment. Because I have been lonely, I value love.

Leonard Nimoy

Hope Frustration Quotes #391651
#33. I'm the rap version of Dave Chappelle. I'm not sayin' I'm nearly as talented as Chappelle when it comes to political and social commentary, but like him, I'm laughing to keep from crying.

Kanye West

Hope Frustration Quotes #465345
#34. I am a feminist because in every woman I can see reflection of my mother.

Debasish Mridha

Hope Frustration Quotes #49370
#35. The greatest adventure of our lives is the absence of adventure.

Milan Kundera

Hope Frustration Quotes #592787
#36. I think once you've finished a movie you really have to detach from it so that you can come back and watch it as an audience member.

Frank Darabont

Hope Frustration Quotes #634498
#37. When too many Americans don't vote or participate, some see apathy and despair. I see disappointment and even outrage. And I believe that out of this frustration can come hope and action.

Paul Wellstone

Hope Frustration Quotes #669784
#38. Writing is great because you never have to meet the test of reality when you're writing. When I write the film is always a masterpiece at that point. I write and I make up things and budgets don't mean anything and it's great.

Woody Allen

Hope Frustration Quotes #677595
#39. Yet it is necessary to hope, though hope should always be deluded, for hope itself is happiness, and its frustrations, however frequent, are yet less dreadful than its extinction.

Samuel Johnson

Hope Frustration Quotes #716692
#40. I know how to work a problem. Frustration is the enemy. It makes you do stupid things. So you don't let it beat you. Instead you search for landmarks, look for signs. The task takes every single bit of me I have left. It's good, this task, because it keeps my mind focused.

Carolyn Lee Adams

Hope Frustration Quotes #813745
#41. It's been said to me that I'm self-destructive because I'll walk away from things that are good.

Ariel Rechtshaid

Hope Frustration Quotes #909830
#42. It was better to live with disappointment and frustration than to live without hope.

Robert A. Heinlein

Hope Frustration Quotes #935472
#43. Work is the vessel into which we pour so much of ourselves hope and disappointment, elation and rage, satisfaction and frustration. Yet any damp display of these emotions is seen as weakness.

Lisa Belkin

Hope Frustration Quotes #957698
#44. I hope you will write occasionally? Some token of your impressions?" "Oh! I shall not spare you. It is the right of a traveller to vent their frustration at every minor inconvenience by writing of it to their friends. Expect long descriptions of everything.

Susanna Clarke

Hope Frustration Quotes #967869

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