Top 33 Highest Form Of Love Quotes
#1. The highest form of love is the love and service for the humanity.
Debasish Mridha
#2. Compassion is the highest form of love. Kindness is the best way to express love.
Debasish Mridha
#3. The closest of friendships contain the mysterious spark of attraction and connection as well as drama, tension, envy, sacrifice, and love. For some, it's the highest form of love there is.
Carlin Flora
#5. Discipline is the highest form of love. If you really love someone, you have to give them the level of discipline they need.
Tom Izzo
#6. The highest form of love is the love that allows for intimacy without the annihilation of difference.
Parker J. Palmer
#7. The highest form of love is patriotism and selflessness
Thabiso Monkoe
#8. Friendship is the purest love. It is the highest form of Love where nothing is asked for, no condition, where one simply enjoys giving.
#9. Acceptance and its counterpart, understanding, are crucial to achieving relationship harmony. It is sacred love, the highest form of love, and like most things worth striving for in life, it requires patience, commitment, personal responsibility, and practice.
Arielle Ford
#10. The love of God is not only the highest form of love, but also in reality the only love of which all other loves are but shadows
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
#11. The highest form of love is to be the protector of another person's solitude.
Rainer Maria Rilke
#12. For the person and for the species love is the form of behavior having the highest survival value.
Ashley Montagu
#13. Love is the highest form of our bliss that comes from the mixing of our own self- worth and reverence with the other." - Calliope in "Songs of the Mist
#14. I love puns. I've been known to turn the car around just to take advantage of a good pun situation. It really is the highest form of humor.
Karin Slaughter
#16. In sum, the Trinity is manifest in a creation constituted as an icon of the God who is love, and thus a creation whose very form is Church, whose highest expression is the crucified, resurrected, and glorified Christ
Michael Hanby
#17. Love for me is my North Star. It's the highest form of grace. And I love that there's different levels and different ways of showing it, and different representations of it. Whether it's love shown to a stranger, love to a sibling, your child, your parents, your partner.
Ben Harper
#18. The highest form of education teaches us to find the truth by searching with love, harmony, and gratitude.
Debasish Mridha
#19. The highest form of wisdom is to be simple and live in the beauty of love.
Debasish Mridha
#20. Forgiveness is the highest form of a gift of kindness and it brings freedom from the prison of hatred and revenge.
Debasish Mridha
#22. Kindness is the highest form of service to the humanity.
Debasish Mridha
#23. Forgiveness is a form of the highest love
Ma Jaya
#25. Every form of happiness if one, every desire is driven by the same motor
by our love for a single value, for the highest potentiality of our own existence
and every achievement is an expression of it.
Ayn Rand
#26. It is a well-established fact that in healthy loving women, uninjured by the too frequent lesions which result from childbirth, increasing physical satisfaction attaches to the ultimate physical expression of love ... Love between the sexes is the highest and mightiest form of human sexual passion.
Elizabeth Blackwell
#27. Love is recognition, perhaps the highest form of it. You.
Mary McMullen
#28. The highest form of charity is giving education with love.
Debasish Mridha
#29. To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness
Robert Muller
#30. Love must always start free - but its goal is to become unfree. To be unable not to love is the highest form of freedom in love.
Gregory A. Boyd
#31. Civilized beings regard the act of intercourse as the highest expression of romantic love. One need only observe the behavior of animals, however, to realize that the act is often a form of violence.
Fiona Paul
#32. One thing I found out then was that pity is a form of love and, actually, its highest expression.
A Tale of Two Sisters
Isaac Bashevis Singer
#33. Love is the highest form of energy. It cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transmuted.
Tapan Ghosh
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