Top 100 Heart Problem Quotes

#1. I have a heart problem, so I have to simplify my life and be content with memories and friends and music.

Gian Carlo Menotti

Heart Problem Quotes #554538
#2. Ove has a heart problem ... he begins in an anodyne voice, following this up with a series of terms that no human being with less than ten years of medical training or an entirely unhealthy addiction to certain television series could ever be expected to understand.

Fredrik Backman

Heart Problem Quotes #704485
#3. I will treat you differently, not because of your heart problem or the fact that you think you're physically fragile or weak. I'll treat you differently because you're different to me. You matter to me.

J.L. Berg

Heart Problem Quotes #1718539
#4. The amount of people I met that had heart problems surprised me in high altitude astronomy. I had not seen it in other fields. After a decade of working at high altitudes, I was also diagnosed with a heart problem.

Steven Magee

Heart Problem Quotes #1859689
#5. A lot of progressives really believe that if we can turn out one more white paper with bullet points about how to fix Problem X, we can fix it. But that's not primarily the way you reach people or move them. You reach the heart first.

Robert Greenwald

Heart Problem Quotes #3605
#6. When you're feeling down, sad, lonely, negative, you don't want to take care of yourself - and the weight problem and the diabetic problem and the heart attack and stroke problems and high cholesterol set in.

Richard Simmons

Heart Problem Quotes #15794
#7. The rule for effective governance is simple. It is one Ronald Reagan knew by heart. And one that he successfully employed with Social Security and the Cold War. When there is a problem, you fix it. That is the job you have been sent to do and you cannot wait for someone else to do it for you.

Chris Christie

Heart Problem Quotes #98918
#8. Entertainment will not cure the mind's problems.
Pleasure will not cure the heart's problems.
Wealth will not cure the soul's problems.
Force will not cure the world's problems.
Love will cure every problem.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Heart Problem Quotes #123750
#9. So if we have a mouth problem, in actuality what we really have is a mind and heart issue.

Karen Ehman

Heart Problem Quotes #129282
#10. The problem with the heart is how it can have so many opposite feelings coursing through it all at the same time. It's really an inconsistent thing- appreciating something one minute and hating it the next.

Joan Bauer

Heart Problem Quotes #141294
#11. The great thing about writing is that you always put yourself in the shoes of the character. If you're doing it right, you can see into the heart of all your characters. Usually, when there's a writing problem, it's because you aren't doing that.

Peter Gould

Heart Problem Quotes #142258
#12. The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart.

Adrian Rogers

Heart Problem Quotes #150543
#13. A preacher should have the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child, and the hide of a rhinoceros. His problem is how to toughen his hide without hardening his heart.

Vance Havner

Heart Problem Quotes #158115
#14. That was the heart of the problem: every choice made sense from some vantage point.

Jacob M. Appel

Heart Problem Quotes #165649
#15. A woman's heart is such a complex problem - the owner thereof is often most incompetent to find the solution to this puzzle.

Emmuska Orczy

Heart Problem Quotes #173112
#16. Tempus never left a problem for another to solve. Tempus never let the pain or difficulty of an undertaking persuade him not to pursue a resolution his heart thought was right. Tempus never gave up.

Janet Morris

Heart Problem Quotes #176471
#17. God has a plan for you, you are here in this world because God has a plan for you. And the problem is that people start listening to other people and they forget to listen to their heart and to see what is the plan that God has for you.

Paulo Coelho

Heart Problem Quotes #180247
#18. Temples are places of personal revelation. When I have been weighed down by a problem or a difficulty, I have gone to the House of the Lord with a prayer in my heart for answers. The answers have come in clear and unmistakable ways.

Ezra Taft Benson

Heart Problem Quotes #204918
#19. Our Problem and Difficulty in Life is that we Never know if we Give our Heart away to the Right Person.

Jan Jansen

Heart Problem Quotes #207363
#20. Initiative without action is the same as having the mind to acknowledge a problem, but not having the heart to see it through.

Suzy Kassem

Heart Problem Quotes #216203
#21. We have little control over the circumstances of life. We can't control the weather or the economy, and we can't control what other people say about or do to us. There is only one area where we have control
we can rule the kingdom inside. The heart of every problem is the problem in the heart.

Warren W. Wiersbe

Heart Problem Quotes #263902
#22. Ownership: 'A commitment of the head, heart, and hands to fix the problem and never again affix the blame.

John G. Miller

Heart Problem Quotes #282120
#23. Getting a woman's body and getting her heart are two different things. And gaining her trust is another problem entirely.

Lora Leigh

Heart Problem Quotes #308937
#24. Certainly Star Wars has a valid mythological perspective. It shows the state as a machine and asks, "Is the machine going to crush humanity or serve humanity?" Humanity comes not from the machine but from the heart. What I see in Star Wars is the same problem that Faust gives us:

Joseph Campbell

Heart Problem Quotes #318986
#25. Definition of responsibility: a commitment of the head, heart, and hands to fix the problem and never again affix blame.

John G. Miller

Heart Problem Quotes #326182
#26. The release of atomic power has changed everything except our way of thinking ... the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. (1945)

Albert Einstein

Heart Problem Quotes #411042
#27. Look at your heart-flower and smile.
You will be able to solve your most pressing problems.

Sri Chinmoy

Heart Problem Quotes #438586
#28. I've worked hard to remember it ... The problem is I'm not sure what's real memory and what's my brain filling in details, like a guy whose heart stops and he thinks he sees a bright light. Except I'm sure of my bright light.

Phil Klay

Heart Problem Quotes #448541
#29. Never let your heart take precedence over reason, otherwise you will have problems.

Whitney Houston

Heart Problem Quotes #448609
#30. In Washington, if someone disagrees with you, the problem must be your heart - you must be evil.

Steve Southerland

Heart Problem Quotes #466345
#31. There is something precious in our being mysteries to ourselves, in our being unable ever to see through even the person who is closest to our heart and to reckon with him as though he were a logical proposition or a problem in accounting.

Rudolf Bultmann

Heart Problem Quotes #480953
#32. We come to the realization of the heart that it is time to change when we become addicted to fixing a problem instead of proactively finding solutions.

Molly Friedenfeld

Heart Problem Quotes #502936
#33. The problem with heart disease is the first symptom is often fatal.

Michael Phelps

Heart Problem Quotes #506889
#34. You want to be an alchemist so badly? Don't wait to react to the immediate problem.
Plan ahead. Look at the big picture and you won't ever have to deal with that problem.
Better to save yourself from a major catastrophe than drag your feet over a bunch of little inconveniences.

Richelle Mead

Heart Problem Quotes #515059
#35. The greatest problem with Irish Wolfhounds, though, is that they don't live very long: their great hearts give out. A good deal of this is genetic, of course, but I think it is in part that they worry so for us, care so much.

Edward Albee

Heart Problem Quotes #556606
#36. The problem is that your daughter has given her heart to a 15-year-old boy, and a 15-year-old boy does not yet qualify as a human being.

Bill Cosby

Heart Problem Quotes #568205
#37. Unni had a very serious problem. He had this artistic objection to the heart symbol. He said it doesn't look like a heart, he said it looks more like a read arse.

Manu Joseph

Heart Problem Quotes #578364
#38. Science has brought forth this danger, but the real problem is in the minds and hearts of men. We will change hearts of other men [only] by changing our own hearts and speaking bravely.

Albert Einstein

Heart Problem Quotes #591878
#39. I was so afraid that I thought I was sick. But was I sick? Did I really have a murmur in my heart? No. The only problem has always been the disquiet of my mind. I can't stop it, I always have to do, redo, cover, uncover, reinforce, and then suddenly undo, break.

Elena Ferrante

Heart Problem Quotes #596235
#40. As is a rock in the hand of one with evil intentions. It is not the rock that is the problem, but the heart of man.

Donita K. Paul

Heart Problem Quotes #597630
#41. A man may cry out against sin in principle; but he cannot abhor it except by virtue of a godly aversion against it. I have heard many cry out against sin in the pulpit, but who still live with it without any problem in their heart, house, and everyday life.

John Bunyan

Heart Problem Quotes #610961
#42. I don't think there's a problem with dating somebody outside of your race, as long as you're doing it because you want to be with that person. Everybody tells you what you should do when you're dating, but if you follow your heart, it usually works out.

Donald Faison

Heart Problem Quotes #622346
#43. But now the problem we face is ineptitude, or maybe it's "eptitude" - making sure we apply the knowledge we have consistently and correctly. Just making the right treatment choice among the many options for a heart attack patient can be difficult, even for expert clinicians.

Atul Gawande

Heart Problem Quotes #623283
#44. Dzin wasn't the problem. It was a tool, and could be misused, like any tool. The problem was that I wasn't a demon in heart and spirit, either, and I didn't know what I was except that being a demon in body had taken everything I had been.

L.E. Modesitt Jr.

Heart Problem Quotes #638501
#45. At the heart of every story is conflict - whether external or internal, make it a good one, and remember that this problem is going to shape your character, leaving her forever changed.

Jennifer McMahon

Heart Problem Quotes #684237
#46. You're not the first Elite Ops agent to fall in love and you won't be the last," Ian informed him (Nik). "I've watched four of you fall so far, and I'll be here to watch your commander go down fighting as well. Protecting your woman isn't your problem; it's protecting your heart.

Lora Leigh

Heart Problem Quotes #688976
#47. The only problem is the heart is quiet. It takes a very special kind of person to hear what the heart says. Most can't hear it at all and they have to guess. There are a lot of people walking around just guessing.

Suzanne Palmieri

Heart Problem Quotes #695613
#48. He didn't need someone to fix the problem - there was no fixing it. He needed someone to acknowledge his feelings. Accept his pain. Agree that his heart was broken, and that it should be. And that it might stay broken for a long, long time.

Julie Lawson Timmer

Heart Problem Quotes #706092
#49. I really do believe that America has this weight problem - obesity issues - and we have all these diseases that we get - heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases - that are primarily lifestyle diseases.

John Mackey

Heart Problem Quotes #713418
#50. The true problem of living is to keep our hearts sweet and gentle in the hardest conditions and experiences.

Bill Vaughan

Heart Problem Quotes #718218
#51. The problem with you is that you always see a glass of milk half empty instead of half filled.

Jodi Picoult

Heart Problem Quotes #723485
#52. If the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart - which it is - you'll never cure the disease you're suffering from by doing X-rays on other people.

Matt Chandler

Heart Problem Quotes #752581
#53. As far as the mechanics go, working with other people on received ideas was for me a very interesting technical problem. I can't say that any of my collaborations engaged my heart, but they engaged the craftsman in me.

Robert Sheckley

Heart Problem Quotes #783117
#54. We must keep in mind that where the road is crooked, God makes it straight, and where our hearts are wounded, God makes us whole. As we open our hearts in purity and simplicity, admitting to God that we are completely powerless in the area of our problem, His illumination redeems us.

Marianne Williamson

Heart Problem Quotes #801502
#55. I couldn't sleep."
"Bad dreams?"
"No dreams." It was a husky whisper. "That was the problem.

Nalini Singh

Heart Problem Quotes #801520
#56. If one chews a problem over long enough, it becomes apparent that the jaw is aching, and what started as weighing heavy on the heart ends up a pain in the neck.

Anthony Marais

Heart Problem Quotes #843675
#57. Sometimes when you have multimedia, people use it too much. It has to be a tool and not the end product, if you can use it as a tool. The same thing apples when you are recording. We had this problem in the 80's, we got so computerized there was no heart and soul in the music anymore.

Donny Osmond

Heart Problem Quotes #859989
#58. I forced myself to take another bite of bread, chewing casually. But inside I felt stricken, filled with unexpected yearning. And I realized the problem: no one I knew would have come up with that day for me.
This is a man, I thought, who could break my heart.

Lisa Kleypas

Heart Problem Quotes #863329
#59. when you are broken
and he has left you
do not question
whether you were
the problem was
you were so enough
he was not able to carry it

Rupi Kaur

Heart Problem Quotes #881699
#60. In the final analysis our greatest problem with holiness is not that our concepts of holiness are feeble, but that our hearts are rebellious. We are selfish , that's our problem. And the fact that we often won't admit our selfishness shows how deep the pride goes.

Floyd McClung

Heart Problem Quotes #900300
#61. Laughter is very infectious, and why it should be so is a most interesting neurological problem. But it also has other, more physiological, benefits. Apparently it boosts the immune system, reduces stress hormones, massages the heart and diaphragm and engenders a 'feel good' factor.

Semir Zeki

Heart Problem Quotes #914042
#62. The problem for many people is that we cannot point to the underlying biological bases of most psychiatric disorders. In fact, we are nowhere near understanding them as well as we understand disorders of the liver or the heart.

Eric Kandel

Heart Problem Quotes #920539
#63. My heart shattered. 'The boy that you keep painting - the one at the warehouse and at the art gallery? That boy is you, isn't it?'
Rider didn't say anything.
'It's not you from the past,' I whispered. His handsome face blurred. 'That's still who you are.'
He closed his eyes.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Heart Problem Quotes #923538
#64. The heart of the problem is a problem with the heart.

Henry R Brandt

Heart Problem Quotes #926979
#65. The problem of using your time well is not a problem of the mind but of the heart.

Henry B. Eyring

Heart Problem Quotes #955022
#66. i know you are in a big problem but i know very better that you will handle , You are such a great person.

Alok Dikshit

Heart Problem Quotes #1038608
#67. If I found the cure for dystrophy tomorrow, I would do a telethon in four weeks for acute pain that in this country is a bigger problem than cancer, heart, sickle cell, anemia, name it. It is - it's hitting 70 million Americans.

Jerry Lewis

Heart Problem Quotes #1039363
#68. The heart of man will always be dark. There will always be evil people. The problem is that there is nothing we can humanly do to change them.

Leon Bridges

Heart Problem Quotes #1065125
#69. When had his heart ever felt this full? There were no words. That was the problem. He loved her with speechlessness.

Sondra Kraak

Heart Problem Quotes #1105992
#70. If the tree doesn't hug you back, it's not a problem with the tree, it's a problem with your heart.

Donald L. Hicks

Heart Problem Quotes #1119067
#71. Activism that challenges the status quo, that attacks deeply rooted problems, is not for the faint of heart.

Malcolm Gladwell

Heart Problem Quotes #1119217
#72. The facts of variability, of the struggle for existence, of adaptation to conditions, were notorious enough; but none of us had suspected that the road to the heart of the species problem lay through them, until Darwin and Wallace dispelled the darkness.

Thomas Henry Huxley

Heart Problem Quotes #1123447
#73. The defeat of your enemy lies within the peace of your heart and the humbleness of your thoughts.

Auliq Ice

Heart Problem Quotes #1132717
#74. The heart of mathematics is its problems.

Paul Halmos

Heart Problem Quotes #1134968
#75. Your muscles tensed up, your blood pressure rose, and your heart rate increased. Someone looking closely at your eyes while you tackled this problem would have seen your pupils dilate.

Daniel Kahneman

Heart Problem Quotes #1137414
#76. If we didn't have strong feelings, how could we love or fight? When our flesh is cut, we bleed. When our heart is broken, we cry. There's nothing wrong with that. It only becomes a problem when it gets in the way of what you have to do. You can't crumble when others are counting on you.

Robert Liparulo

Heart Problem Quotes #1138107
#77. The world thinks peace would come if everyone made a lot of money, but people haven't found peace in possessions. They have thought the world would have peace if all arms were destroyed. Yet Cain killed Abel without a handgun. It is man's heart that is the problem.

Billy Graham

Heart Problem Quotes #1159741
#78. I don't have any problem with coverage of victims in France. My heart goes out to anyone who was hurt or killed over there.

Lazarus Of Bethany

Heart Problem Quotes #1173632
#79. The solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind.

Albert Einstein

Heart Problem Quotes #1178262
#80. After all, deep in every Texan's heart, there remains the steadfast belief that any problem can be solved with a big enough gun.

Robert Jackson Bennett

Heart Problem Quotes #1193587
#81. A locked-room problem lies at the heart of my new novel, 'In The Morning I'll Be Gone,' in which an RUC detective has to find out whether a publican's daughter who fell off a table in a bar that was locked from the inside was in fact murdered.

Adrian McKinty

Heart Problem Quotes #1235115
#82. The problem is just too big to solve. This life is much easier if we all just pretend to have a heart.

E.P. Shelky

Heart Problem Quotes #1248413
#83. A problem of the soul, a heaviness of the heart, a darkness of the conscience

Yann Martel

Heart Problem Quotes #1250916
#84. The heart of our problem is the selfishness in our heart.

The human spirit soars with hope when lifted by an encouraging word.

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.

Pierre De Coubertin

Heart Problem Quotes #1251634
#85. Most people say their main fault is a lack of discipline. On deeper thought, I believe this is not the case. The basic problem is that their priorities have not become deeply planted in their hearts and minds.

Stephen Covey

Heart Problem Quotes #1266611
#86. The heart of the matter, as I see it, is the stark fact that world poverty is primarily a problem of two million villages, and thus a problem of two thousand million villagers.

E.F. Schumacher

Heart Problem Quotes #1317707
#87. God's solution to the problem of evil is his Son Jesus Christ. The Father's love sent his Son to die for us to defeat the power of evil in human nature: that's the heart of the Christian story.

Peter Kreeft

Heart Problem Quotes #1322503
#88. My heart was broken when I realized my daughter had a problem. I pray every day for her.

Columba Bush

Heart Problem Quotes #1327527
#89. You have to keep your eyes and heart open
there are always new things to discover, new problems to solve.

Donna Karan

Heart Problem Quotes #1333193
#90. The heart of the problem is not so much how we see objects in depth, as how we see the constant layout of the world around us. Space, as such, empty space, is not visible, but surfaces are.

James J. Gibson

Heart Problem Quotes #1347011
#91. Which of us, then, does not offend frequently with our tongue? The real problem, however, is not our tongues but our hearts.

Jerry Bridges

Heart Problem Quotes #1370758
#92. The heart of our problem is the problem of our hearts.

Matt Chandler

Heart Problem Quotes #1389867
#93. A sharp mind will pierce through any problem;
a sharp tongue will pierce through any heart.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Heart Problem Quotes #1401861
#94. At the heart of the problem is the fact that the United States is a racially divided nation where extreme racial inequalities continue to persist.

Robert D Bullard

Heart Problem Quotes #1405911
#95. Here's the problem. I don't know how to live if I'm not loving you. It's like asking my lungs to expand without air, my heart to beat without blood, my eyes to see without light. It's just not possible. And yet, you're so stupid ...

Jewel E. Ann

Heart Problem Quotes #1427852
#96. The deepest problems of the human race are spiritual in nature. They are rooted in man's refusal to seek God's way for his life. The problem is the human heart, which God alone can change.

Billy Graham

Heart Problem Quotes #1432055
#97. The problem wasn't drinking. The problem was people. And what they needed wasn't a new law; what they needed was a new heart.

Siri Mitchell

Heart Problem Quotes #1442614
#98. I never had a problem resisting somebody that I knew was going to break my heart.

Jennifer Garner

Heart Problem Quotes #1442727
#99. It's a facade to hide the fact that my heart is breaking. But, whatever. That isn't your problem anymore.

Kristen Ashley

Heart Problem Quotes #1443858
#100. The problem was never my mind; it was a heart that could never hold all that it felt.

Shannon L. Alder

Heart Problem Quotes #1454508

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