Top 7 Hasager Christiansen Quotes

#1. Here lies Valkyrie Cain, who died heroically after falling of a train." At least it rhymed.

Derek Landy

Hasager Christiansen Quotes #116219
#2. Natural Selection never made it come to pass, as a habit of nature, that an unsupported stone should move downwards rather than upwards. It applies to no part of inorganic nature, and is very limited even in the phenomena of organic life.

Chauncey Wright

Hasager Christiansen Quotes #566553
#3. Narcissists ... have the least sense of self of anybody on the planet.

Anna C. Salter

Hasager Christiansen Quotes #778721
#4. In this dirty minded world, you are either someone's wife or someone's whore. And if you're not either people think there is something wrong with you ... but there is nothing wrong with me

John Irving

Hasager Christiansen Quotes #884064
#5. The brave men did not slay the dragons. The brave men rode them.


Hasager Christiansen Quotes #1187785
#6. Human beings can learn valuable lessons in conservation of necessary personal resources for accomplishing the fundamental tenants of life by observing a judiciously paced turtle determinedly and stealthily traversing the world.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Hasager Christiansen Quotes #1635993
#7. What are so mysterious as the eyes of a child?

Phyllis Bottome

Hasager Christiansen Quotes #1816878

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