Top 84 Happy You're Gone Quotes

#1. When we are such as He can love without impediment, we shall in fact be happy.

C.S. Lewis

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4755
#2. Men just didn't seem to 'take'. It was like a perm gone bad. You paid all that money because you thought what you are doing would make you happy, and then the hairstylist fucked it up and you had to live with it until it went away.

Raven Willow-Wood

Happy You're Gone Quotes #501013
#3. My mouth has gone dry as sawdust. I desperately find Cinna in the crowd and lock eyes with him. I imagine the words coming from his lips. 'What's impressed you most since you arrived here?' I rack my brain for something that made me happy here. Be honest, I think. Be honest.

Suzanne Collins

Happy You're Gone Quotes #429738
#4. You can't be gone. I need you here, with me. What am I going to do without you?

Patrick Carman

Happy You're Gone Quotes #424994
#5. I do think that maybe, even subconsciously, a lot of parents in the West are wondering, have we gone too far in the direction of coddling and protecting - you know, you see kids, sometimes that seem very rude and disrespectful. And the more important thing is they don't seem that happy.

Amy Chua

Happy You're Gone Quotes #315238
#6. I'm definitely happy with the way my career has gone, the success; but I even feel glad that I've experienced some failure in my life. That gives you perspective and humility about this business; it's good to realize that you're always just one movie away from not being in Vogue anymore.

Reese Witherspoon

Happy You're Gone Quotes #198520
#7. You know, this technology that we have, and the Internet and Twitter and Facebook - I get so many of those emails that talk about hard times that kids have gone through, how books have helped them, but also happy times.

Lauren Myracle

Happy You're Gone Quotes #158886
#8. You've gone far away to a place with no horses and very little grass, and you're studying how to write a story with a happy ending. If you can write that ending for yourself, maybe you can come back.

Jennifer Echols

Happy You're Gone Quotes #94712
#9. If I don't get five [titles], I won't be happy with myself as a basketball player. I don't know how you guys will feel about me.

Shaquille O'Neal

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4930
#10. I'm happy whenever I'm in a rehearsal room. I've always gotten all my energy and creativity in there.

Laurie Metcalf

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4927
#11. I felt beautiful when I was in Cambodia for Tomb Raider. I was sweaty, and my hair was matted and all over the place. And I was happy and hot and accomplishing a lot and running around, and I could feel my heart beating, and I felt beautiful.

Angelina Jolie

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4922
#12. As my career has gone on, I guess I've become more well known. I'm playing to fuller halls in general, which is a nice feeling. When you're doing that, you're going to have a certain number of people who are not just the hardcore classical fanatics, and this makes me very happy.

Joshua Bell

Happy You're Gone Quotes #538022
#13. I was deeply unhappy, but I didn't know it because I was so happy all the time.

Steve Martin

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4561
#14. He held her face in his hands and his gaze warmed her sadness. "I don't care how you got here. I'm just happy you were born." He rubbed noses with hers. "Real happy.

Selena Robins

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4538
#15. One day a pickaninny was happy and the next the light was gone from them; in between they had been introduced to a new reality of bondage.

Colson Whitehead

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4433
#16. In spite of the polls, the fact is that American Muslims are very happy and they thrive in this country.

Feisal Abdul Rauf

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4339
#17. There is something, like a feeling, that reminds me of happy days filled with exploration and imagination. Days where the rest of the world fell behind me and only left a friend.

Angeles Kossio

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4329
#18. Yeah, but before anything, I think in 6 years somehow I've grown up to have a beautiful home, 2 beautiful stepchildren, a beautiful husband, my family is healthy and happy. I'm financially ok and I do what I love for a living. That's what I think, and I think god, how did I get so lucky.

Angelina Jolie

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4314
#19. Seek to share joy with others, or to make somebody else happy, and you will find your own soul radiant with the joy you wished for another.

David O. McKay

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4230
#20. To be happy with myself and always make others happy. To be confident and give others confidence in themselves. To smile, to surf, to laugh and make others laugh. To read more widely. To try to be more tolerant of my weaknesses and of others, and not to be so hard on myself all the time.

Chrissie Wellington

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4147
#21. Most people are always doubtful as to whether they are happy or not, cheerful or not. This is the normal state of happiness, as doubt is a most natural thing.

Yukio Mishima

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4053
#22. What has gone on in my childhood, and the personal problems that we've had in the band, have given a lot of people hope. (It shows) if you keep your nose pointed straight you can actually get somewhere
to a happy place.

Billy Corgan

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1485294
#23. In particular, I'd realized that although I possessed all the elements of a happy life, too often I took my circumstances for granted and allowed myself to become overly vexed by petty annoyances or fleeting worries. I'd wanted to appreciate my life more, and to live up to it better.

Gretchen Rubin

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1879506
#24. Once you understand non-self, then the burden of life is gone. You'll be at peace with the world. When we see beyond self, we no longer cling to happiness and we can truly be happy. Learn to let go without struggle, simply let go, to be just as you are - no holding on, no attachment, free.

Ajahn Chah

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1868920
#25. When you think of blues, all you think about is crying guitar like B.B. King's guitar. You think about someone crying that their woman's gone. And how bad life is and all that. Why can't it be something happy with the blues? Why can't it have a hip-hop beat to which you can do the dances of today?

Ike Turner

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1839959
#26. When you're gone and people remember you, what will they say about you? That you were happy, generous and kind? That you loved big? Or that you were the drunken singer in a rock band?

Sarah Grimm

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1789550
#27. Are you happy?" she [Clarisse] said. "Am I what?" he [Montag] cried. But she was gone- running in the moonlight. Her front door shut gently.

Ray Bradbury

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1785419
#28. The key to sitcom success is miserable people. If you see a happy couple, it's just gone, like when Sam and Diane got together on Cheers.

Matthew Perry

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1699400
#29. One hundred eighty days, Aislinn. Seth's been gone for one hundred eighty days, and I've watched you try to pretend it doesn't hurt for every one of them. Can't I try to make you happy?

Melissa Marr

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1646462
#30. I was here for a moment, and then I was gone. I wish you all a long and happy life.

Alice Sebold

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1586490
#31. I see that as usual I've gone on too long and that I'm running out of room, but I do hope that you are happy and well, and it's all a little less lonely out there than you may have feared. If there's anything I can do for you back here, or if I can help you in any way, please know that I will.

Donna Tartt

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1581960
#32. Feel lucky for what you have when you have it. Isn't that the point? Happily ever after doesn't mean happy forever. The ever after, what precisely was that? Your dreams, your life, your death, your everything. Was it the blank space that went on without us? The forever after we were gone?

Alice Hoffman

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1568936
#33. When you need something tedious done, and don't have time for it, give it to a workaholic. This way, both of you will be happy.

Ernie J Zelinski

Happy You're Gone Quotes #4015
#34. Don't be sorry, my dear sir, for nothing could upset me today! Rejoice, for You-Know-Who is gone at last! Even muggles like yourself should be celebrating this happy, happy day.

J.K. Rowling

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1298589
#35. I'm so sad to hear the horrible news of Amy Winehouse's death. I'm so happy I knew you Amy ... Rest Well. Gone Too Soon ... we'll miss you!!


Happy You're Gone Quotes #1255693
#36. I want you to feel happy and enjoy the theatre of my life the way that I do. No matter what happens with my music and wherever I go - that heart of that glamorous girl in New York will never be gone.

Lady Gaga

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1223922
#37. Be as happy as you want to be in a world gone mad. Be as safe as you want to be in a world that is afraid of everything. Be as healthy as you want to be in a world that is mostly sick. Don't let the statistics that someone else created affect you.

Esther Hicks

Happy You're Gone Quotes #950217
#38. It's hard for me to describe the joy I felt after I stood up and rode wave in for the first time after the attack. I was incredibly thankful and happy inside. The tiny bit of doubt that would sometimes tell me you'll never surf again was gone in one wave.

Bethany Hamilton

Happy You're Gone Quotes #690898
#39. Only by being present can you be happy. Too much attention to the past and the future takes the now away. And once it's gone, you never get it back.

Katherine Howe

Happy You're Gone Quotes #678681
#40. You can never be truly happy in a life unless you have known a sorrow. All terrible things we have gone through in life have created spaces inside us where happiness can live Not to mention love.

Lisa Kleypas

Happy You're Gone Quotes #657790
#41. Maybe this won't last very long but you feel so right and I could be wrong. Maybe I've been hoping too hard. I've gone this far and it's more than I hope for.

Billy Joel

Happy You're Gone Quotes #642158
#42. It's no different from losing a loved one," he said. "You grieve, but then you have no choice but to go on living your life. You find a way to be happy again. It's not impossible. You just have to decide when you're ready to accept that they're gone.

Julianne MacLean

Happy You're Gone Quotes #617767
#43. I don't think you ever wanted to be happy anyway. It don't suit you, so you managed to avoid it.

Larry McMurtry

Happy You're Gone Quotes #628
#44. Making You Happy; Makes Me Happy.

Dhiren Prajapati

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1987
#45. Each Fable is inspired by some true stories which doesn't have an happy ending, unlike the Fable.

Neetesh Dixit

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1595
#46. My first modeling job in Paris, the photographer said, 'Tue es belle,' which means, 'you are pretty,' and I thought he said, 'Tu es poubelle,' which means, 'you are the trash can.' I burst into tears. He was not happy about that.

Rachel Nichols

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1529
#47. I'm really happy to have the chance to talk about the editing process. It's something that I think doesn't get the weight it deserves, especially with the rise of self-publishing.

Sarah Dessen

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1408
#48. I believe it is a big mistake to think that money is the only way to compensate a person for his work. People need money, but they also want to be happy in their work and proud of it.

Akio Morita

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1349
#49. I would not be happy if I had not become a monk.

Nhat Hanh

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1276
#50. I'm a Dreamer that's no Secret it's make me Happy, Positive, Satisfied and to see the good side of Life.

Jan Jansen

Happy You're Gone Quotes #1011
#51. Those who prefer their principles over their happiness, they refuse to be happy outside the conditions they seem to have attached to their happiness.

Albert Camus

Happy You're Gone Quotes #999
#52. If you are eagerly looking for salvation, and if you believe in God, you may ... become acquainted with the Christ of God, and, after being initiated [a reference to baptism], live a happy life.

Justin Martyr

Happy You're Gone Quotes #982
#53. The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.

Will Rogers

Happy You're Gone Quotes #768
#54. just be what you want to be and you will be happy

David McDuff

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2028
#55. Each man was born to his degree, and a happy man was one who did not question his place in life.

Alison Weir

Happy You're Gone Quotes #529
#56. People who think that once they are converted all will be happy, have forgotten Satan.

David Lloyd-Jones

Happy You're Gone Quotes #498
#57. Why had he wanted to be rich, or to feel rich? Was he an unhappy mouse before? Didn't he see the King himself often looking sad? Was anyone completely happy?

William Steig

Happy You're Gone Quotes #356
#58. All I know is that my best work has come out of being committed and happy.

William Hurt

Happy You're Gone Quotes #303
#59. Its not greener on the other side of the fence, its just a different shade of brown over there. Be happy with who you are and where you are in life.

D. Alyce Domain

Happy You're Gone Quotes #238
#60. If you drink champagne when you are sad it makes you happy. If you drink champagne when you are happy you can taste the stars.

Chloe Thurlow

Happy You're Gone Quotes #195
#61. The day you let go of fear and instead embrace understanding, is the day you begin to live.

Leon Brown

Happy You're Gone Quotes #187
#62. I don't need a boyfriend to be happy. If I meet someone and I want to be with him, then I will be. I'm very confident in being single until I find someone who I'm extremely crazy about and who I want to devote my time and love to. Until then, I will just be on my own and I am totally fine with that,

Nina Dobrev

Happy You're Gone Quotes #180
#63. Actually, before creating a family, it is necessary for a person to be already happy

Sunday Adelaja

Happy You're Gone Quotes #95
#64. People who grow rich almost always improve their sex life. More people want to have sex with them. That's just the way human beings work. Money is power. Power is an aphrodisiac. Money did not make me happy. But it definitely improved my sex life.

Felix Dennis

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2837
#65. To no one, he knew, not even to Willem. But he'd had years to learn how to keep his thoughts to himself; unlike his friends, he had learned not to share evidence of his oddities as a way to distinguish himself from others, although he was happy and proud that they shared theirs with him

Hanya Yanagihara

Happy You're Gone Quotes #3832
#66. You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience.

Rhonda Byrne

Happy You're Gone Quotes #3619
#67. In real life, I'm such a dorky, happy person. I express myself in three ways: I talk a lot, I write songs and I get tattoos.

Christina Perri

Happy You're Gone Quotes #3597
#68. Happy he who forgets what cannot be changed.

Anne-Marie O'Connor

Happy You're Gone Quotes #3593
#69. 'Love Letter' reminds me of 'Chocolate Factory' and 'Happy People.' It's a little bit of both of those, yeah. I just wanted it to be classy, man. And romantic. And maybe 10 percent sexy.

R. Kelly

Happy You're Gone Quotes #3355
#70. Thank you God for helping me to overcome the bad to live the good.

Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Happy You're Gone Quotes #3269
#71. In the middle of all this, as Sean slips out of his jacket, he looks over his shoulder at me and he smiles at me, just a glancing, faint thing before he turns back to Tommy. I'm quite happy for that smile, because Dad told me once you should be grateful for the gifts that are the rarest.

Maggie Stiefvater

Happy You're Gone Quotes #3034
#72. I WAS born a slave; but I never knew it till six years of happy childhood had passed away.

Harriet Ann Jacobs

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2968
#73. Spend more time doing things that make you forget about the time.

Charlotte Eriksson

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2931
#74. I grabbed her, right there outside the lunch room in the swarming mob. I didn't care if others were watching. In fact, i hoped they were. I grabbed her and squeezed her. I had never been so happy and so proud in my life.

Jerry Spinelli

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2917
#75. Give yourself permission to be happy. It doesn't matter what's going on around you, what matters is what's going on inside you.

Hal Elrod

Happy You're Gone Quotes #86
#76. Well, then, happy news! Hakuna matata and all that," Ian said cheerily. "We'll rest and have a fine dining moment while we wait." He looked around at the various airport fast-food choices. "Well, er, we'll rest...

Peter Lerangis

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2828
#77. Sure, one can always get the students to relax and be happy - entertained, but although being laid back and relax can also lead to creativity, mostly it means that nothing much gets done.

Donald Norman

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2812
#78. It's life, that's all. There are no happy endings, just happy days, happy moments. The only real ending is death, and trust me, no one dies happy. And the price of not dying is that things change all the time, and the only thing you can count on is that there's not a thing you can do about it.

Jonathan Tropper

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2689
#79. To have a film where there's an evil figure and a good person fights against the evil figure and everything becomes a happy ending, that's one way to make a film. But then that means you have to draw, as an animator, the evil figure. And it's not very pleasant to draw evil figures

Hayao Miyazaki

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2594
#80. It's ideal really. They will come up with a plan. No one will like it. Everyone will feel they have been treated unfairly, but will be happy that their neighbors feel the same. And that is the nature of compromise. Now let's go eat an awful lot.

Suzanne Collins

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2576
#81. About 30 million people see me every week - I'm a happy man.

Richard Dawson

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2491
#82. Growth in grace is one way to be happy in our religion. God has wisely linked together our comfort and our increase in holiness.

J.C. Ryle

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2459
#83. The first step in becoming a truly happy person is to make peace with your life. The second step will be to spread that peace into your environment.

Gracia Hunter

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2173
#84. Once you find out what makes you comfortable and happy, it's a lot easier to be confident.So, be yourself!

Meaghan Martin

Happy You're Gone Quotes #2046

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