Top 11 Hamdani Textiles Quotes

#1. But that was in the days when they expected perils to come from without, and nothing made less sense by that time than a survival room buried in a house itself becoming one big coffin.

Jeffrey Eugenides

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #523476
#2. How come pleasure never makes it on to ... a dutiful list of do's and don'ts? Doesn't joy also get soft and flabby if you neglect to exercise it?

Ellen Goodman

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #567308
#3. Friendship is like a carriage. It does not drive itself. Particularly when the road gets rocky.

M.A. Larson

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #801595
#4. Negative talking is contagious.

John C. Maxwell

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #825109
#5. Let your heart dance with joy and express that joy with your magical smile.

Debasish Mridha

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #862320
#6. O that my tongue were in the thunder's mouth! Then with passion would I shake the world, And rouse from sleep that fell anatomy Which cannot hear a lady's feeble voice, Which scorns a modern invocation.

William Shakespeare

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #908444
#7. E is betrayed by the cynical sparkle of her eyes, by her sophisticated look. Real ladies do not know the price of things, they like adorable follies; their eyes are like beautiful, hothouse flowers.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #975122
#8. If brains was black powder he couldn't blow his own nose. It's a pity the things you see when you ain't got a gun.

Stephen King

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #1267302
#9. It is human nature to imagine, to put yourself in another's shoes. The past may be another country. But the only passport required is empathy.

Geraldine Brooks

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #1488399
#10. Scores of high-powered men and women are addicted to substances or destructive addictive patterns of behaviour. As a matter of fact, it is easier to hide one's addiction while maintaining a high-powered position compared to the addicts and alcoholics we see sleeping on street corners.

Christopher Dines

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #1574960
#11. When I was younger, I was somewhat of an idealist. I guess I'm a little bit more of a realist now. I think there's a lot that can be done to make the world a better place, but it's more about choosing your battles.

Conor Oberst

Hamdani Textiles Quotes #1732485

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