Top 76 Christopher Dines Quotes

#1. The borders between different countries are, in truth, not real. They are a by-product of the ego.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #37325
#2. When we seek to escape from inner conflict and pain, we are running away from unresolved childhood trauma or original pain. Most people with serious addictive natures who are in the process of recovery have found that trauma played a huge role in escalating their addictions. It certainly did for me.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #51129
#3. When you can begin to see the similarities between you and your work colleagues in respect of 'being human' and the collective challenges we all face, it makes life much easier to deal with, especially when met with overbearing behaviour.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #63556
#4. Mindfulness does not erase negative memories; it 'transcends' them giving us back our deepest power which resides in our hearts.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #77448
#5. Ecstasy and bliss must come from within.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #115050
#6. A worthy prayer is a deliberate intention which has been guided by your heart.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #126641
#7. Things sometimes go our way and sometimes they don't. All we can do is apply ourselves to our profession, giving our very best effort but emotionally letting go of the outcome. Why? Because if we obsess about an outcome, we cannot possibly honour the present moment.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #126956
#8. The outside world is a design of our imagination.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #130851
#9. The most efficient way to transcend unsettling thoughts is through the life breath. When we bring our full attention to the life breath, it becomes a gateway to access a deeper and higher level of awareness.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #133528
#10. To stay true to ourselves and remain kind to others is an art. It does require daily vigilance and, at the same time, it's important to remember that art can often get messy.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #170090
#11. Through practising body scan awareness meditation, we can greatly reduce the detrimental effects of stress and make our working lives pleasant and enjoyable.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #190136
#12. Compassion is a beautiful grace that releases hate and fearful emotions. Through the power of compassion, when put in delicate circumstances with dysfunctional human beings, rather than loathing their behaviour, you can be compassionate to their internal suffering and love them unconditionally.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #190197
#13. You can create a harmonious attitude by simply being.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #223096
#14. It is a natural Law that you must give in order to receive.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #234687
#15. Once we stop "searching" for joyful feelings in people and things, no matter what polarity the external world brings us (positive or negative), we can still be aware of the inner peace that resides in our consciousness.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #263506
#16. We are essentially pure consciousness, which perceives the material universe through our own awareness.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #271234
#17. The truth is that unless you feel worthy of your highest vision then you cannot possibly experience it. You must become aware that you are worthy.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #322248
#18. When we observe the flow of our breathing, we transcend our thoughts and are able to bring mind and body into harmony with each other. Thus, we create calm.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #328930
#19. First and foremost, if we maintain healthy emotional boundaries and direct love and kindness inwards, we are taking care of ourselves and secondly we are giving a subliminal message to others about how we wish to be treated. People tend to subconsciously treat us how we treat ourselves.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #335309
#20. When life throws difficulties at us and the mind is restless, emotional resilience will see us through challenging times. We can work through tempestuous emotions and self-doubt and come through them unharmed and avoid self-sabotage and self-harm.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #337279
#21. When you are living in the present moment, you will experience a deep sense of inner joy, peace and awareness.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #375382
#22. The more positive action you take grounded in presence (stillness), the more effective you will become in your line of duty, work or social life.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #384653
#23. There are many people who are consciously aware of their inner rage although they might not know exactly what it is and why it erupts in them.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #410406
#24. Through mindfully practising love and compassion we are able to heal our hearts and minds from our hurt and suffering, thus bringing harmony into this world. The more we are open to love, the easier it is to share kindness with all living creatures.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #456702
#25. When a human being has been taken over by their inner rage it can be very distressing for those around them and unless they are able to remain calm, present and conscious, their inner rage will also be ignited with sometimes devastating results.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #539260
#26. Relatively speaking, the mind controls the body but who or what controls the mind?

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #548233
#27. Inner rage is a phenomenally dense frequency that lies dormant in the vast majority of the human species.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #554121
#28. Let go of fighting your habits. Simply be present and observe their patterns. This will help you to break free until the negative patterns eventually subside.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #575187
#29. We are not going through an "economy crisis"; we are going through a "spiritual transition". On a deeper level, the collective conscious of humanity is awakening.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #613490
#30. The enlightened question to ask in any relationship is, what can I give rather than what can I get?

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #665424
#31. The most fascinating revelation is that humanity can tune into a consistently higher frequency through the power of peace and inner stillness.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #669335
#32. In my view, compassion takes empathy to another level. With compassion, there is an internal calling to move empathy into action. Compassion is love in action.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #695035
#33. It will be increasingly difficult to be of maximum service to the world if we cannot or will not be open-minded and understanding towards people who might "appear" to be different from ourselves. When we can love someone who is not like us, we are living mindfully.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #723570
#34. Human beings have always yearned for serenity and inner peace.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #728891
#35. Happiness is our natural state of being that cannot be found in anything external.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #731830
#36. Inner peace and inner bliss are eternal dimensions deep within which we can experience anytime we are prepared to surrender and accept life exactly how it is.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #768940
#37. The pathological needs of the ego can only survive by creating contradictions to every thought. As you find a solution to one problem another annoyance emerges.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #803992
#38. Road-rage is really another expression of inner rage. However, because driving is such a trigger for millions of people, we have labelled it "road-rage", directing the emotional dysfunction to an external circumstance rather than coming to terms with the internal condition.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #808315
#39. Originally, there were no man-made borders to divide and segregate lands on this beautiful planet.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #843054
#40. Nothing and no-one can raise our consciousness to a field of pure bliss unless we are open to the timeless dimension operating within us. We can only do this by being present and releasing all negative energy.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #903134
#41. If you want success the you must become aware of the cause of success.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #930930
#42. There must be intelligence applied with enthusiasm otherwise you are leaving yourself open to blind faith.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1026846
#43. Get rid of the idea that to own money or to be associated with it is "dirty" or "greedy" or "non-spiritual.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1032493
#44. You must learn to circulate success and have it working for you.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1047598
#45. Feeling as though you need nothing will speed up the process of manifesting your dream and will increase your belief.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1048884
#46. Body scan meditation is mentally scanning through each part of the body with presence. It helps us be one with the body. Thus, we can feel if we are holding on to any tension or heaviness or any static emotions. And by doing so, we can find relief and internal freedom.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1097898
#47. Inspiration originally meant "being in spirit", indicating that when we are inspired we are connected to a higher domain of pure awareness and pure consciousness. True inspiration can only flow through us when we are anchored in the present moment.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1136272
#48. Enlightened people and serene landscapes can help to elevate our inner bliss but the awareness must first be realized from within.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1158022
#49. Gratitude can help you stay in the present moment.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1163492
#50. When we truly forgive in our hearts, not only do we purify ourselves from the heavy burdens of negative karma but we begin to create a new space for positive energy to enter this world. When we forgive, we are no longer chained to the negative actions we have created in the past.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1196988
#51. If we are continuing to attract partners that are emotionally unavailable, then it's essential that we observe our own addictive patterns rather than focusing on theirs.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1215510
#52. Hitting bottom is an inside job - it's something that happens within our consciousness.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1218523
#53. By all means play the game of life, create new visions and have fun but do not identify yourself with your vision.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1255403
#54. The key to accessing love, joy, peace and compassion is to be free from the dominant state of compulsive thinking. Once we are able to flow into mindfulness and still our thoughts, happiness manifests.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1263801
#55. Your state of consciousness, right now, will determine what you manifest in the future.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1264576
#56. Failure to put faith into action is one of the main causes of people's dreams coming to nothing.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1277143
#57. The process of recovering from addictiveness happens at a deeper level of consciousness and through feeling our pain without using old addictive fixes. There is no escaping that getting in touch with our original pain is the touchstone to mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1299626
#58. The more you genuinely praise people in your consciousness, the easier it is to tune into your own inner joy.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1313130
#59. Today the masses will be forced to understand that corporate companies provide opportunities for millions of people to have jobs.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1371751
#60. Capitalism grants you no limits in how much you can grow and expand your services.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1418110
#61. The most effective people in your industry generally mix with others who are also producing similar results, simply because they resonate with one another.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1449638
#62. When we make a decision to honour our inner peace and allow it to blossom, we feel drawn to create peace in our external environment.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1453722
#63. Someone who has a poverty consciousness, which is a mental disease, can change their habitual way of thinking if they are determined to do so and will take action.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1456668
#64. The next time you have any disempowering thoughts, quickly expel them.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1500798
#65. Healthy and non-shaming mirroring is an important part of the process. We can gain this from a highly emotionally intelligent and effective peer group that has our best interests at heart.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1504131
#66. As we walk around we are like magnets pulling in experiences. The Law of Attraction is governed by the vibration we are in.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1525063
#67. Scores of high-powered men and women are addicted to substances or destructive addictive patterns of behaviour. As a matter of fact, it is easier to hide one's addiction while maintaining a high-powered position compared to the addicts and alcoholics we see sleeping on street corners.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1574960
#68. Try and live in the present moment. Create appointments with yourself to specifically work on your mental picture. Then fall back into the present moment.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1581347
#69. Remember that success and prosperity come to those who are doing what they love. Success is the shadow of Love.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1592772
#70. Remember that if you do not put your own well-being first you cannot love yourself and thus, you cannot truly love and be compassionate towards others.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1606975
#71. Pure consciousness expresses itself in millions of different forms but the root of consciousness is what we call Being, The Light, Universal Life, Spirit, I Am or God.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1636097
#72. Everything in the world that we perceive is an expression of the mind.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1762570
#73. Needing nothing gives you everything.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1762770
#74. If you want success then decide to provide a great service to the world. Do not think how you will survive. Think of how you can serve.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1785228
#75. It is impossible to control outcomes or results, although most of us have been programmed from a very young age to believe otherwise. The idea that we can perform actual 'magic' causes tremendous dysfunction, unnecessary suffering and prevents the development of emotional resilience.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1798924
#76. The process of creating your dream ought to be playful, mixing and channelling your inspirational thoughts and intuitive feelings into manifesting your dream.

Christopher Dines

Christopher Dines Quotes #1808067

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