Top 26 Gut Check Quotes

#1. I think these movies are as much for people of that time as for people who weren't born. For people who weren't born, they see how leaders must act under a crisis situation, not trying to be re-elected or not trying to check polls, that they go from their gut check.

Kevin Costner

Gut Check Quotes #584159
#2. I gut check my show. I say, I say, "Gut, gut, does that feel true to you?" And Gut says, "Yes it does, Stephen. Let's get a grilled cheese sandwich."

Stephen Colbert

Gut Check Quotes #454530
#3. The reality is that there is an enormous value to gut-check instinctive decision-making in the world that is not hampered by reams and reams of research and complexity.

John Hodgman

Gut Check Quotes #1787879
#4. I moved forward. Gut-check time. Now or never, do or die-all of that inspirational BS. Kill my enemies or die trying.

Amanda Bonilla

Gut Check Quotes #1721226
#5. In all the time I'd been living on the streets, I've had some close calls, some serious gut check moments. I've seen things that have made my skin crawl and my heart race. I was very familiar with feeling afraid. Fear had nothing on King.

T.M. Frazier

Gut Check Quotes #1529148
#6. Their dance with the Grim Reaper had arrived. After tonight, there'd be no turning back. opening of GUT-CHECK GREEN

Peter Prasad

Gut Check Quotes #1309712
#7. These guys who keep on playing but aren't winning, you've got to sit them down and let them figure it out and perform a little gut-check on themselves.

Payne Stewart

Gut Check Quotes #1265320
#8. The gut-check message is do we have the right balance in our culture? Or are we in a position where hero worship and winning at all costs has subordinated our core values?

Mark Emmert

Gut Check Quotes #1184464
#9. Gotta have a rusted out red farm truck to prove you're a farmer in Sonoma, or a sheep-milk dairy man. - Jake Knight in GUT-CHECK GREEN.

Peter Prasad

Gut Check Quotes #932935
#10. Gut check. Is your current fear a stumbling block or a stepping stone?

Richie Norton

Gut Check Quotes #792739
#11. There's a special gut-check moment the first time you write a scene in which somebody casts a spell.

Lev Grossman

Gut Check Quotes #786421
#12. We're like an alarm clock and the rest of the world is sleeping. - Brandy Wine from GUT-CHECK GREEN.

Peter Prasad

Gut Check Quotes #751370
#13. Oh, sure, we have another world war coming, and another great depression, but where are the leaders this time?

Kurt Vonnegut

Gut Check Quotes #1868813
#14. My philosophy is very simple: do not fear but dare.

Debasish Mridha

Gut Check Quotes #1766011
#15. I still want to give my public, such as it is, a book a year.

John Updike

Gut Check Quotes #1735614
#16. In a single wave of meaning the triumphant purity of being.

Boris Pasternak

Gut Check Quotes #1717734
#17. Some people think I'm a mythical genius, others think I'm a junkie madman.

Keith Richards

Gut Check Quotes #1475659
#18. Boy, you better check that tone. (Wulf)
Yeah, yeah, ya scare me. I'm even wetting my pants while in your terrifying, gut-wrenching presence. See me shiver and quiver? Ooo, ahhh, ooo. (Chris)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Gut Check Quotes #1438625
#19. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I can't have a life.

MaryJanice Davidson

Gut Check Quotes #1397027
#20. Check your ego at the door and check your gut instead. Every right decision I have ever made has come from my gut. Every wrong decision I've made was the result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself

Oprah Winfrey

Gut Check Quotes #1147612
#21. Pray, hope, don't worry.

Pio Of Pietrelcina

Gut Check Quotes #1104531
#22. Hope was a powerful thing. Difficult to risk.

Therese Walsh

Gut Check Quotes #1064445
#23. If you think cat food is for cats, how come it doesn't come in mouse flavor?

Seth Godin

Gut Check Quotes #613815
#24. The ability to choose is at the essential core of our grandeur. Even evil exists because God respects our ability to choose.

William P. Young

Gut Check Quotes #426653
#25. Her kiss didn't sweep away the dark anguish he felt in his heart. Instead, it embraced it. It acknowledged it.

Courtney Milan

Gut Check Quotes #154426
#26. I was one of the boys who made passes at girls who wore glasses. Any girl who was smarter than me - that was a huge turn-on.

Ernest Cline

Gut Check Quotes #23408

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