Top 12 Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes

#1. Pleasure principle, a psychoanalytical term coined by Gustav Theodor Fechner, a predecessor of Sigmund Freud


Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #1253988
#2. If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

Henry Ford

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #152190
#3. "Play it as it lies" is one of the fundamental dictates of golf

Henry Beard

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #254910
#4. Flowers construct the most charming geometries: circles like the sun, ovals, cones, curlicues and a variety of triangular eccentricities, which when viewed with the eye of a magnifying glass seem a Lilliputian frieze of psychedelic silhouettes.

Duane Michals

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #372845
#5. There was something so comforting in the certainty that someone knew about your biggest flaws and was still willing to stick around.

R.K. Lilley

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #551118
#6. Racism is alive and doing too well in America.

Johnnetta B. Cole

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #598103
#7. I am a firm believer that you work as hard as you can, you're diligent, and God's gonna do with it what He wants to do with it. Whether it's big or little, it's still going to do what it needs to do and get into the hands it needs to get into.

John Reuben Zappin

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #824268
#8. I liked projects where I could take things apart and figure out exactly how they worked. The problem is, you can't do that with people.

Leila Sales

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #885842
#9. I think ever since I was a kid I knew subconsciously that I wanted to be an actor. I would walk around the house pretending I was somewhere else.

Kelly Blatz

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #989319
#10. Eight and a half miles can be covered in minutes in a car on an expressway, but what does a man see? What he gains in time he loses in benefit to his body and mInd.

Richard Proenneke

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #1151747
#11. Like every writer, I am asked where my work originates, and if I knew I would go there more often to find more.

Arthur Miller

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #1337592
#12. I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, 'I'm going to mop the floor with your face.' I said, 'You'll be sorry.' He said, 'Oh, yeah? Why?' I said, 'Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well.'

Emo Philips

Gustav Theodor Fechner Quotes #1736167

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