Top 15 Grujic Miroljub Quotes

#1. It's a sweet thing, faith. With it, you can handle any circumstance, any crisis, because you know God always has your back. And when God is for you, who can be against you? Nobody. As my Aunt Hattie says, "One and God are a majority."

Patti LaBelle

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #266038
#2. When sleep puts an end to delirium, it is a good symptom.


Grujic Miroljub Quotes #513289
#3. Through Christ's satisfaction for sin, the very nature of afflictions changed with regard to believers. As death, which was, at first, the wages of sin, is now become a bed of rest (Is. 57:2); so afflictions are not the rod of God's anger, but the gentle medicine of a tender father.

Tobias Crisp

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #518934
#4. Few men are born brave. Many become so through training and force of discipline.

Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #570543
#5. I'm very happy - if I can do even a little bit of work to get the short story out more, I'm thrilled.

George Saunders

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #900039
#6. Pity those who nature abuses; never those who abuse nature.

Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #934356
#7. The Bible never belittles human disappointment ... but it does add one key word: temporary.

Philip Yancey

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1051250
#8. And now it turns out that women can't even talk like men. Which is a clever way to invalidate women's discourse, isn't it? No wonder women can't do magic; no wonder spirits won't listen to their puny, trivial, voices. It's all woven into the basic structure of the language.

Emily Croy Barker

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1157986
#9. Be at peace now and let the tide carry you into calm water. That is all you have to do for the moment. God bless you.

Elizabeth Goudge

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1446134
#10. Regarding comments attributed to me in the Los Angeles Times - allegedly made on a bus trip from Germany to Holland in 1998 - I emphatically denounce such comments as false.

Paul Crouch

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1490312
#11. Counterintuitively, self-hatred is one of the leading symptoms of clinical narcissism. Only by telling yourself and the world how much you hate yourself can you receive the reliable shower of praise and admiration in response that you feel you deserve ...

Stephen Fry

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1512246
#12. In the first case, he personally enjoyed the esthetic; in the second case, he esthetically enjoyed his personality.

Soren Kierkegaard

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1590390
#13. Reading books about gardens is a potent pastime; books nourish a gardener's mind in the same way as manure nourishes plants.

Mirabel Osler

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1625265
#14. He drew a deep breath, struggling to keep his emotions in check, knowing he didn't love her simply in the here and now but that he would never stop loving her.

Nicholas Sparks

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1658995
#15. Play, intrinsically rewarding, doesn't cost anything; as soon as you put a price on it, it becomes, to some extent, not play.

Stephen Nachmanovitch

Grujic Miroljub Quotes #1794889

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