Top 100 Great Opportunity Quotes

#1. Pain is inevitable. It is actually a great opportunity for growth, but when we blame or fail to take responsibility for our suffering, the pain becomes stagnant, and stagnant pain can have a compounding effect if left unchecked.

Romany Malco

Great Opportunity Quotes #45957
#2. Everything that comes our way is so we can grow and evolve, and if we look at it like that, then we have the great opportunity to step into who we always wanted to be.

Debbie Ford

Great Opportunity Quotes #1876473
#3. In Britain, like most of the developed world, stem-cell research is regarded as a great opportunity. America will be left behind if it doesn't change policy.

Stephen Hawking

Great Opportunity Quotes #1865408
#4. I'm always so pleased when I can get a song or be given a song that really speaks to me and I can interpret, but if given the opportunity to really write from the heart and try and bring some personality to whatever this genre would be, it was a great opportunity for me.

Josh Groban

Great Opportunity Quotes #1856165
#5. I think the opportunity to bring together the people in the world of politics, business and entertainment and have an opportunity to listen to their best learning and thinking is a great opportunity.

Erwin McManus

Great Opportunity Quotes #1845128
#6. The massive migration from dumb phones to smart phones is a great opportunity for young companies to take advantage of.

Adam Dell

Great Opportunity Quotes #1836714
#7. Music allows the great opportunity to play with people who turned you on and you love.

Herbie Mann

Great Opportunity Quotes #1833166
#8. I think entrepreneurs have a great opportunity to think of how to make things more understandable, simple and beautiful.

J. Christopher Burch

Great Opportunity Quotes #1820691
#9. We want to dedicate our music tonight to the great opportunity that we all have to begin to truly understand the events of the past few days and to act upon them with courage and with compassion as we make our plans to live in a completely new world.

Laurie Anderson

Great Opportunity Quotes #1809655
#10. Saturday mornings, I've learned, are a great opportunity for kids to sneak into your bed, fall back asleep, and kick you in the face.

Dan Pearce

Great Opportunity Quotes #1797727
#11. I never intended on moving to 'The Good Wife' permanently, but in terms of a next move and something to do to make myself feel good, this was a great opportunity.

Lisa Edelstein

Great Opportunity Quotes #1770172
#12. This is a great opportunity for musicians to display their talent by re-interpreting some classic Kinks songs. Good luck, enjoy, be creative ... be outrageous!

Ray Davies

Great Opportunity Quotes #1759180
#13. When people give away stocks based on forced selling or fear that is usually a great opportunity.

Seth Klarman

Great Opportunity Quotes #1724564
#14. To have been the first woman premier of Victoria was not only a great opportunity but also a great chance to say to the young women of Victoria - Liberal or Labor - 'You can do it, too.'

Joan Kirner

Great Opportunity Quotes #1672134
#15. Every time you take a risk or move out of your comfort zone, you have a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and your capacity.

Jack Canfield

Great Opportunity Quotes #1667709
#16. If a road ends, that creates a great opportunity to develop new abilities to continue! Welcome every challenge in your life!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Great Opportunity Quotes #1667354
#17. Every little opportunity and chance that I get to be on a set, to be a director, to utilize the skill sets that I already have and to learn what I don't know, and to see how I can improve upon that is just a really great opportunity for me.

Eric Balfour

Great Opportunity Quotes #1651995
#18. Capitalism gives all of us a great opportunity if we seize it with both hands and hang on to it.

Al Capone

Great Opportunity Quotes #1618101
#19. We can and should seize upon the energy crisis as a good excuse and great opportunity for making some very fundamental changes that we should be making anyhow for other reasons.

Russell E. Train

Great Opportunity Quotes #1618009
#20. This is a great opportunity for gear heads to celebrate the holiday, show off their hot rods and visit the aquarium.

Dick Miller

Great Opportunity Quotes #1615844
#21. I'd never played a cop before, and this particular role with what she is going thru, especially during the first season, covering her alcoholism to her on the job performance, was a great opportunity for me as an actress.

Nancy McKeon

Great Opportunity Quotes #1615380
#22. Abbott Labs absolutely are on the mend. You were able to buy 15 percent growth over the last five, 10 and 20 years at 13 or 14 times earnings, ... It's a great opportunity. Buy on this dip. We think a year from now the chart's going to be a mirror image on the up side.

David L. Katz

Great Opportunity Quotes #1613149
#23. Emptiness is not a great loss. It creates a great opportunity to fill yourself again and again with great love.

Debasish Mridha

Great Opportunity Quotes #1612874
#24. Making a transition to the adult acting industry was pretty smooth for me, and I had a great balance and a great opportunity not to do just children shows.

Raven Goodwin

Great Opportunity Quotes #1566516
#25. I'd been at Valve since I got out of college. I felt like I kind of grew up there, and I wanted to see what else was out in the world. One of the owners of Airtight Games is a friend of mine, and he asked if I would run a team there. It just sounded like a great opportunity.

Kim Swift

Great Opportunity Quotes #1565869
#26. Great opportunity is all around you and it will inspire you to either take advantage of it or deny that it is there.

Ernie J Zelinski

Great Opportunity Quotes #1537166
#27. Gardeners in regions with very long summer days have a great opportunity, and should use more of the cool colors that literally glow in the low light of morning and evening.

Janet Macunovich

Great Opportunity Quotes #1532049
#28. It's funny, because there are so many stereotypes out there about actors and movie stars in general, but I've had a great opportunity to meet a lot of them, and maybe it's just because they don't behave that way around me, but I rarely see that kind of abuse of power.

Ryan Reynolds

Great Opportunity Quotes #1526038
#29. It's a great opportunity to lower costs without sacrificing quality. If a retailer is not leveraging this capability, they are certainly missing something.

Marc Chandler

Great Opportunity Quotes #1522766
#30. I think that we have a great opportunity to impart our wisdom and our knowledge and our experience to this younger generation. It may be different times, but experience transcends time, and wisdom transcends time.

Victoria Osteen

Great Opportunity Quotes #1514729
#31. What a great opportunity to come to my fifth Olympics, be flag bearer and also be a returning medalist so I have a platform to talk about something and hopefully do some good in this world.

Chris Witty

Great Opportunity Quotes #1505510
#32. I think doing 'Teen Wolf' is just giving me a really great opportunity to possibly get other jobs and show what I can do.

Colton Haynes

Great Opportunity Quotes #1495101
#33. Everywhere you find yourself a great opportunity for you to manifest agape love and give. This must be your lifestyle everyday.

Paul Silway

Great Opportunity Quotes #1494519
#34. Don't forget that SlideShare is indexed by Google. Great opportunity to appear in search results.

Jason Miller

Great Opportunity Quotes #1492504
#35. Remember that just the moment you say, "I give up," someone else seeing the same situation is saying, "My, what a great opportunity."

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Great Opportunity Quotes #1481050
#36. Science fiction is the great opportunity to speculate on what could happen. It does give me, as a futurist, scenarios.

Ray Kurzweil

Great Opportunity Quotes #1462964
#37. The balance of power had shifted in ways that none of us yet understood. There was tension in the air. It was a moment of great opportunity, and greater danger.

Jesse Andrews

Great Opportunity Quotes #1353274
#38. It was a great opportunity that I had to take - my very own theater. That comes along once in a lifetime. It doesn't even seem like 15 years ago - time sure flies by. I've really had a lot of fun with it.

Lance Burton

Great Opportunity Quotes #1340705
#39. Everybody has their moment of great opportunity in life. If you happen to miss the one you care about, then everything else becomes eerily easy.

Douglas Adams

Great Opportunity Quotes #1336501
#40. I play golf for a living. I'm grateful for that. It's a beautiful game, provides a great opportunity.

Zach Johnson

Great Opportunity Quotes #1331094
#41. Waiting in line is a great opportunity to meet people, daydream, or play.

Patch Adams

Great Opportunity Quotes #1326384
#42. As an artist, it's a great opportunity to play a character like this [Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland]. And then, as a person, I had never been to the African continent. So, I knew, personally, it would reshape me.

Forest Whitaker

Great Opportunity Quotes #1325658
#43. A stock market decline is as routine as a January blizzard in Colorado. If you're prepared, it can't hurt you. A decline is a great opportunity to pick up the bargains left behind by investors who are fleeing the storm in panic.

Peter Lynch

Great Opportunity Quotes #1325525
#44. I'm pretty excited about the state of TV these days. There's great opportunity for really complicated relationships, in a way that I don't really see as much in movies anymore.

Paula Malcomson

Great Opportunity Quotes #1320292
#45. The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.

John Burroughs

Great Opportunity Quotes #1315059
#46. 'Twilight' has been a great opportunity, and it's been great fun. Hey, if I'm 50, and someone still wants an autograph for 'Twilight,' OK, cool.

Christian Serratos

Great Opportunity Quotes #1290390
#47. Carrying a movie is both a great privilege, it's a great opportunity, but it can be a great pressure, and sometimes that can make people behave very oddly.

Kenneth Branagh

Great Opportunity Quotes #1275818
#48. 'The Price Is Right,' it was an honor to be offered it because it's such an American institution. To be able to carry on this tradition with a show that has been on for so long, I thought it was a great opportunity for me.

Drew Carey

Great Opportunity Quotes #1269453
#49. Facebook turned me down. It was a great opportunity to connect with some fantastic people. Looking forward to life's next adventure.

Brian Acton

Great Opportunity Quotes #1257621
#50. Its' all about uncertainty, life in itself is a great opportunity, an open space
from which you do have the different taste and it's free. So my friends just do have the maximum utilization of it. Eventually, anything must be taken as a holistic approach rather than to be biased or personal..!!

Alok Das

Great Opportunity Quotes #1227511
#51. I've always acknowledged my debt to Hammer. I've always said I'm very grateful to them. They gave me this great opportunity, made me a well known face all over the world for which I am profoundly grateful.

Christopher Lee

Great Opportunity Quotes #1221223
#52. I'm really excited to be chosen as a VEVO LIFT artist. It's a great opportunity to reach millions more music fans with my sound and let them see the real Rita.

Rita Ora

Great Opportunity Quotes #1199867
#53. The Internet has been a great outlet for storytelling. After all, there are web-based shows that have started online and have then gotten picked up. I think it's a great opportunity for artists to get through the network roadblock. It just allows us another venue to be creative in.

Eva LaRue

Great Opportunity Quotes #1192045
#54. It is such a great opportunity to be the face of a brand which I remember wearing as a little kid and running around in half-naked. Bonds is now getting very serious about fitness, and their range is amazing. It's beautiful and comfy.

Courtney Eaton

Great Opportunity Quotes #1190309
#55. It would make me a lot happier if I could meet up again next year with as many friends as possible from all over the world who I've met during my career. That's where the great opportunity lies, for me personally, in our role as World Cup host.

Franz Beckenbauer

Great Opportunity Quotes #1186035
#56. I'm a sucker for period pieces. There is always great opportunity for research and to delude yourself into feeling like you are in a different time and place.

Paul Dano

Great Opportunity Quotes #1182778
#57. I had the great opportunity to work with some of the greatest artists - the Beach Boys, the Temptations, the Four Tops. Otis Redding. Wilson Pickett. Stevie Wonder. So many great singers. And don't forget Clarence Carter!

Percy Sledge

Great Opportunity Quotes #1178318
#58. The free expression of resentment against one's parents represents a great opportunity. It provides access to one's true self, reactivates numbed feelings, opens the way for mourning and - with luck - reconciliation.

Alice Miller

Great Opportunity Quotes #1149705
#59. We struggle with eating healthily, obesity, and access to good nutrition for everyone. But we have a great opportunity to get on the right side of this battle by beginning to think differently about the way that we eat and the way that we approach food.

Marcus Samuelsson

Great Opportunity Quotes #1144310
#60. Having the great opportunity on a daily basis to sit in front of a blank page is terrifying, and at the same time really exciting. I can't actually get better at my job, because every time you finish something you start with a blank page, with nothing.

Hans Zimmer

Great Opportunity Quotes #1112615
#61. In the middle of adversity there is great opportunity.

Albert Einstein

Great Opportunity Quotes #1101056
#62. The great opportunity belongs to him who can see it, to him who can grasp it. The better part of your chance is right inside of you.

Orison Swett Marden

Great Opportunity Quotes #1094007
#63. Being the number one pick was a great opportunity and meant a lot to me.

Delmon Young

Great Opportunity Quotes #1083321
#64. I'm not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas.

Martha Stewart

Great Opportunity Quotes #1075530
#65. I am very excited to be the head women's basketball coach at Beloit College, ... This is a great opportunity for me. I am looking forward to putting my stamp on the program. I am confident that I can and will be successful here.

Don Adams

Great Opportunity Quotes #1071348
#66. During their lifetimes, every man and woman will stumble across a great opportunity. Sadly, most of them will simply pick themselves up, dust themselves down and carry on as if nothing ever happened.

Winston S. Churchill

Great Opportunity Quotes #1073141
#67. Hong Kong is a nice playground for my street pieces as the architecture is very different from my home city. It's also a great opportunity to take place in a dynamic city of the global art scene.


Great Opportunity Quotes #32058
#68. Whenever there is fear, there is opportunity. When there is great fear, there is great opportunity.

Andy Stanley

Great Opportunity Quotes #70018
#69. Well, if you look at all of the cultures in America, this is a great opportunity for us to really get acquainted with the rest of the world. America is the only place you can do that, but we don't have sense enough to take advantage of that.

Erykah Badu

Great Opportunity Quotes #84941
#70. Every moment offers a great opportunity to write.

Rob Bignell, Editor

Great Opportunity Quotes #93417
#71. Every day solitude for a particular time period is a good way to refresh physically and is a great opportunity to rise spiritually!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Great Opportunity Quotes #152754
#72. But when I clicked over to my e-mail program, it was just another "great opportunity" spam, this time adding the words "don't delete!" to the subject line. With a sense of perverse satisfaction, I deleted it. It was probably the only act of rebellion I'd get away with all day.

Shanna Swendson

Great Opportunity Quotes #162207
#73. We all know that, unfortunately, the media does not always portray the good things that are happening in Iraq and Afghanistan, and this will be a great opportunity for us to glean some information from the Iraqi women who are here for us to also take back to our constituents.

Ginny Brown-Waite

Great Opportunity Quotes #165702
#74. I recognise a lot of myself in these kids who enter shows like Pop Idol. It's very hard to get into the music industry and you have to take every opportunity that you can. Something like Pop Idol is a great opportunity but unfortunately, I think it's tainted by the people that make these shows.

Melanie Chisholm

Great Opportunity Quotes #206744
#75. Where a mediocre mind finds adversity, a great mind finds great opportunity.

Debasish Mridha

Great Opportunity Quotes #223743
#76. Watch yourself. Every minute we change. It is a great opportunity. At any point, we can step out of our frozen selves and our ideas and begin fresh.

Natalie Goldberg

Great Opportunity Quotes #258605
#77. It is just as often a great misfortune to be the child of the rich as it is to be the child of the poor. Wealth has its misfortunes. Too much, too great opportunity and advantage given to a child has its misfortunes.

Clarence Darrow

Great Opportunity Quotes #264256
#78. Great opportunity is only as good as your preparation to take advantage of it.

Tom Black

Great Opportunity Quotes #266635
#79. Each of us has the potential to contribute ... You have a great opportunity to make a new shape of the world.

Dalai Lama

Great Opportunity Quotes #268389
#80. I've always said AOL is great opportunity for somebody.

Barry Diller

Great Opportunity Quotes #280703
#81. In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.

Albert Einstein

Great Opportunity Quotes #323626
#82. Great opportunity for technology/media companies to meet the movers and shakers in the broadcast and media industries.

Kay Koplovitz

Great Opportunity Quotes #338863
#83. The perfect party for me is having six to 12 people for dinner Friday or Saturday - good, fun friends, a lot of artists. I have a beautiful deck that looks over the canyon and Los Angeles on one side, so it's very pretty at night. It's a great opportunity to catch up with friends.

Sofia Milos

Great Opportunity Quotes #349429
#84. A lot of people try to paint this child actor stigma, but I always looked at it as a great opportunity.

Zachery Ty Bryan

Great Opportunity Quotes #411657
#85. Those times when you feel like quitting can be times of great opportunity, for God uses your troubles to help you grow.

Warren W. Wiersbe

Great Opportunity Quotes #413638
#86. I thought I had a great opportunity when I started doing my comic book in 1972. I thought there was so much territory to work in.

Harvey Pekar

Great Opportunity Quotes #414638
#87. I've begun my career working with older heroes. The people I had been fan of, I now work with them. It's a great opportunity for me.


Great Opportunity Quotes #416104
#88. A successful entrepreneur can't be afraid of failures or setbacks. An initial setback can be a great opportunity to take a new and more promising approach to any problem, to come back stronger than ever.

John Roos

Great Opportunity Quotes #451338
#89. I had time to kill at the airport and it was a great opportunity for me to buy dark European chocolate, especially since I have managed to successfully convince myself that airport calories don't count. The

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Great Opportunity Quotes #467180
#90. For nearly five decades the World Federalists have worked to promote a strengthened UN and more effective institutions of global governance. I offer my personal endorsement. Now a great opportunity has opened for the realization of the dreams of the UN's founders.

Walter Cronkite

Great Opportunity Quotes #490631
#91. This American system of ours,call it Americanism,call it capitalism,call it what you will,gives each and every one of us a great opportunity if we seize it with both hands and make the most of it.

Al Capone

Great Opportunity Quotes #496258
#92. Making this movie was a great opportunity for me to explore high-definition. I'm glad I got to see what the challenges are, what makes it better. It works wonderfully.

Debbie Allen

Great Opportunity Quotes #505170
#93. To reveal your greatness, don't wait for a great opportunity. Find a simple opportunity to care and share your great love.

Debasish Mridha

Great Opportunity Quotes #566894
#94. Tonight was a great opportunity to take on the political status quo that has given us trillion dollar deficits and put millions out of work. Our objective was to inject some common sense into the conversation among Republicans at a time when business-as-usual simply won't work.

Gary Johnson

Great Opportunity Quotes #599595
#95. Successful weight management really means a permanent change in lifestyle - and success in this arena provides that person with a great opportunity to model that behavior for friends and family.

Francis Collins

Great Opportunity Quotes #601443
#96. The Games are just a nice, positive way to build friendships, camaraderie and, of course, self-esteem. Plus, the Games are a great opportunity for people to participate in sports who normally wouldn't.

Greg Louganis

Great Opportunity Quotes #603444
#97. My favorite process is writing, from day one. The songs I have written throughout the years were a real great opportunity for me to communicate, because I think tha'ts my prime objective on this planet.

Gloria Estefan

Great Opportunity Quotes #627032
#98. Take advantage of this great opportunity in your life to live it well, to be good, to have good works, and to influence other people for good.

David B. Haight

Great Opportunity Quotes #963033
#99. We are so busy telling God where we would like to go. We wait with the idea of some great opportunity, something sensational, and when it comes we are quick to cry, 'Here am I.' Readiness for God means that we are ready to do the tiniest little thing or the great big thing, it makes no difference.

Oswald Chambers

Great Opportunity Quotes #962405
#100. Darkness is a great opportunity to discover the divine face of the light!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Great Opportunity Quotes #924411

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