Top 34 Great Debate Quotes

#1. He [Louis Brandeis] would have not had any patience with that great debate which you're right to kind of signal between Justice Scalia and Justice Alito about do you need a physical trespass into the home or onto the carriage in order to trigger the values of the Fourth Amendment.

Jeffrey Rosen

Great Debate Quotes #157445
#2. The Senate used to be a place of great debate and accomplishment. Now it is run like a dictatorship shutting out the voices of millions of Americans.

John Cornyn

Great Debate Quotes #523182
#3. When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union. And we won. Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?

Peter Thiel

Great Debate Quotes #1228277
#4. In the great debate that has raged for centuries about what, if anything, happens to you after death, be it heaven, hell, purgatory or extinction, one thing has never been in doubt - that you would at least know the answer when you were dead.

Douglas Adams

Great Debate Quotes #1742387
#5. Now a great debate has been born. The thesis is Democratic Socialism. The antithesis is free-market capitalism. The Obama Democrats have posed the challenge. It is now up to the Republicans to pick it up and fight along these lines.

Dick Morris

Great Debate Quotes #83618
#6. Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers who can cut through the argument debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.

Colin Powell

Great Debate Quotes #959996
#7. To cut 1930s jobless, FDR taxed corps and rich. Govt used money to hire many millions. Worked then; would now again. Why no debate on that?

Richard D. Wolff

Great Debate Quotes #1818947
#8. Al Jazeera aired a new tape of Osama bin Laden. It was the usual stuff, he called Bush evil, the Great Satan, called him a war monger. Basically, the same thing you heard at last night's Democratic debate.

Jay Leno

Great Debate Quotes #983730
#9. Tell a thousand people to draft a letter, let them debate every phrase, and see how long it takes and what you get.

Catherine The Great

Great Debate Quotes #985111
#10. The debate on climate change and global warming has been intensely polarized. A great deal of this 'noise' has clouded the very real and emerging issues that we as an industry and society need to address.

Johnny Chan

Great Debate Quotes #996163
#11. I have always been aware that you have to get people listening before you can change their minds. Any artist's big fear is being ignored, so if you get debate, that's great.

Damien Hirst

Great Debate Quotes #1124298
#12. The great issues facing us today are not Republican issues or Democratic issues. The political parties can debate the means, but both parties must embrace the end objective, which is to make America great again.

Lee Iacocca

Great Debate Quotes #1236822
#13. I spent most of high school working on the debate team, probably at some expense to my grades. Being a member of the team was great training in critical analysis, organization, and logic.

David Einhorn

Great Debate Quotes #1315832
#14. I know that people get angry and I'm generally a fan of emotions. And to be real, it makes great television. A debate where everybody is yelling at each other is totally fun to watch.
Until you realize that's how we choose a president.

Lisa Scottoline

Great Debate Quotes #1465319
#15. There is no debate that social media is a great tool for networking with others in our industry. It can lead to friendships, support, and serendipitous connections with reviewers, agents, reporters, or editors.

M.J. Rose

Great Debate Quotes #1489065
#16. I entered the health care debate in response to a statement in the United States press in summer 2009 which claimed the National Health Service in Great Britain would have killed me off, were I a British citizen. I felt compelled to make a statement to explain the error.

Stephen Hawking

Great Debate Quotes #1666237
#17. When you're talking about a trade you're saying, 'Is it good for this team or that team, did they give up too much?' That kind of debate is great for the game.

Roger Goodell

Great Debate Quotes #1737735
#18. Are you a fun-loving Tigger or a sad-sack Eeyore? Pick a camp. I think it's clear where I stand on the great Tigger/Eeyore debate!

Randy Pausch

Great Debate Quotes #1797004
#19. There is a great case to be made for using religion to win arguments, as long as you only debate with other believers.

Josh Hanagarne

Great Debate Quotes #1805358
#20. The secular world often finds its constituents disenfranchised and solitary as it has spent a great deal of time debating the religious community while failing to build a true community of its own.

Chris Matakas

Great Debate Quotes #959246
#21. The debate over the inherent benefits of Pax Americana should have been settled long ago. But history only settles great debates for as long as people can remember the history.

Bret Stephens

Great Debate Quotes #948240
#22. Intellectual discourse and investigation is admittedly great fun but only truly meaningful when conducted in the service of others.

Sergio De La Pava

Great Debate Quotes #835261
#23. I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great pride - humility in the weight of those great American architects of our history who have stood here before me; pride in the reflection that this home of legislative debate represents human liberty in the purest form yet devised.

Douglas MacArthur

Great Debate Quotes #831300
#24. I don't know where we should take this company, but I do know that if I start with the right people, ask them the right questions, and engage them in vigorous debate, we will find a way to make this company great.

James C. Collins

Great Debate Quotes #829236
#25. You can't be a great mum and work the whole time necessarily; those two things aren't ideal. We have an awful lot to work on and to debate about in relation to our working lives, because it isn't working for a lot of people, particularly for a lot of women.

Emma Thompson

Great Debate Quotes #788190
#26. We all learned in kindergarten that the beginning is a very good place to start. As we have this debate on illegal immigration and illegal entry into this country, let's begin at the very beginning by sealing the borders to this great Nation.

Marsha Blackburn

Great Debate Quotes #604859
#27. We've got the science, we've had the debate. The moral imperative is on the table. Great creativity is needed to take it all, make it simple and sharp. To make it connect. To make it make people want to act.

Andy Hobsbawm

Great Debate Quotes #585419
#28. In my opinion, Fiction is a figment of our imagination & it causes us to dream but Reality taints dreams, and the F.scott Fitzgerald has clearly depicted this in The Great Gatsby.

Parul Wadhwa

Great Debate Quotes #579922
#29. If anything, if you can get somebody interested in something and get them excited, that's great. You should be praised for having opened the debate and having asked the right questions.

Oliver Stone

Great Debate Quotes #496979
#30. Last night, we had the first gubernatorial debate. Some people are criticizing Schwarzenegger for not going. They say Arnold goes around telling people he cares, everything is going to be great, forget about everything he did in the '70s. Hey, it worked for George Bush.

Jay Leno

Great Debate Quotes #468183
#31. But when he spoke, that great voice of his poured out of his chest in words like the snowflakes of winter, and then no other mortal could in debate contend with Odysseus. Nor did we care any longer how he looked.


Great Debate Quotes #397791
#32. Those at too great a distance may, I am well are, mistake ignorance for perspective.

Carl Sagan

Great Debate Quotes #375011
#33. Successfully reframing the climate debate in the United States from one based on environmental values to one based on health values ... holds great promise to help American society better understand and appreciate the risks of climate change ...

George Mason

Great Debate Quotes #257739
#34. During the summer of 2009, the debate on health care reform was emotional and intense. At its best, it represented the free exchange of ideas that makes this country great. At its worst, it generated death threats and acts of violence.

Chellie Pingree

Great Debate Quotes #133471

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