Top 19 Good Camaraderie Quotes

#1. Well, don't just stand there," Philippa urged. "Go and join the group and try to attract his attention." Annabelle gave her a doubtful glance. "Some of those girls look feral. I should hate to get bitten."
-Philippa & Annabelle

Lisa Kleypas

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1028996
#2. Heaven and God are best discerned through tears; scarcely perhaps are discerned at all without them. The constant association of prayer with the hour of bereavement and the scenes of death suffice to show this.

James Martineau

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1799925
#3. The most common format of music on an iPod is 'stolen.'

Steve Ballmer

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1729087
#4. Social scientists estimate that about 70 percent of our happiness stems from our relationships, both quantity and quality, with friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. During life's difficult patches, camaraderie blunts our misery; during the good times, it boosts our happiness.

Eric Weiner

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1700851
#5. I think when people get stuck in situations that go against their soul, they can't be happy. That's all.

Martine Murray

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1555166
#6. Why is it that when someone says "trust me", I always feel less inclined to do so?

Gemma Halliday

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1548192
#7. When you feel yourself to be in critical condition, you must treat yourself as gently as you would a sick friend.

Julia Cameron

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1497147
#8. Maybe the tragedy of the human race was that we had forgotten that we are each divine.

Shirley Maclaine

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1404349
#9. don't bite the hand that feeds you, they said. but, what if they are chewing mine off?

Shareca Cole.

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1298774
#10. We were pretty normal - suburban kids having a good time playing in bands. We were silly. We weren't dark, intense, humorless people. Humor was one of the connecting forces among us. It was more like camaraderie.

David Pajo

Good Camaraderie Quotes #1075749
#11. Good health, peace of mind, being outdoors, camaraderie - those are all wonderful things that come to you when running. But for me, the real pull of running - the proverbial icing on the cake - has always been racing.

Bill Rodgers

Good Camaraderie Quotes #142307
#12. Intimacies between women often go backwards, beginning in revelations and ending in small talk.

Elizabeth Bowen

Good Camaraderie Quotes #939384
#13. I wish I could look back and say that I have learned to love as much as I loved to learn. But if I like, there could be a cauldron boiling for me in hell tomorrow, and who can assure me tomorrow is not already on my doorstep, now that I am as old as an oak tree, and still not consigned to the grave?

Elif Shafak

Good Camaraderie Quotes #904693
#14. This word would define the sensation of having worked and traveled hard, praying for good snow and fresh tracks, and then finding that weather, snow, timing, and camaraderie can come together into a single element.

David J. Rothman

Good Camaraderie Quotes #618704
#15. If we don't change the direction we're going, we're likely to end up where we're headed. Ancient Chinese proverb

Stacey Hall

Good Camaraderie Quotes #561017
#16. Affairs began, drama spread, and traditional, good-old-boy camaraderie was tainted by the temptresses who represented the inconvenience of feminism.

Maggie Young

Good Camaraderie Quotes #475331
#17. There is no evidence of the soul except in its sudden absence. A nothingness enters, taking place where something was before.

Bruce Springsteen

Good Camaraderie Quotes #354122
#18. Leadership, he was discovering, had its ups and downs - kind of like the bowsprit on a swelling sea.

Michael Robert Evans

Good Camaraderie Quotes #250573
#19. The moment our lips met, I knew with pure and piercing certainty that I would have waited for him forever.

Leigh Bardugo

Good Camaraderie Quotes #185457

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