Top 51 Good Bond Quotes

#1. It may comfort you to know that if your child reaches the age of eleven or twelve and you have a good bond or relationship, no matter how dramatic adolescence becomes, you children will probably turn out all right and want some form of connection to you in adulthood.

Charlotte Sophia Kasl

Good Bond Quotes #1664687
#2. I was the good Bond girl, but I wanted to have the dresses and the high heels. I wanted the funky, sexy name.

Izabella Scorupco

Good Bond Quotes #1528128
#3. I define friendship as a bond that transcends all barriers. When you are ready to expect anything and everything from friends, good, bad or ugly ... that's what I call true friendship.

Harbhajan Singh

Good Bond Quotes #891540
#4. There's only so long you can play the silent type standing in the background. 'GoldenEye' was good for that. I was the villain: James Bond was doing all the heavy lifting. I liked that.

Sean Bean

Good Bond Quotes #1844273
#5. Walk toward individuals who exude excellence and goodness, and surround yourself with those who make you a better person. Bond with individuals who are good for your soul.

Kim Bearden

Good Bond Quotes #993276
#6. It's a good sign but rare instance when, in a relationship, you find that the more you learn about the other person, the more you continue to desire them. A sturdy bond delights in that degree of youthful intrigue. Love loves its youth.

Criss Jami

Good Bond Quotes #1001095
#7. An honest man's word is as good as his bond.

Miguel De Cervantes

Good Bond Quotes #1018679
#8. For the most part, I did trust my own judgement. But I was more than capable of screwing up. Just, sometimes, I forgot about that in my quest to move forward.

Gwenda Bond

Good Bond Quotes #1019942
#9. It's very flattering to be remembered as a Bond girl with brains and not just for looking good in a bikini. I was a fan of Sophie Marceau in 'The World Is Not Enough.' I think her performance was very underrated.

Eva Green

Good Bond Quotes #1030703
#10. Oh, yeah, I'm a smoker now.
Well, I'm not, but when Ruby said she was, I just went with it. It was something for us to bond over. Plus, I knew most of the people at the auditions smoked, so it seemed like the thing to do. Also, my mother would have hated it.
All good reasons to take it up.

Leisa Rayven

Good Bond Quotes #1132709
#11. Kindness and good nature unite men more effectually and with greater strength than any agreements whatsoever, since thereby the engagements of men's hearts become stronger than the bond and obligation of words.

Thomas More

Good Bond Quotes #1151387
#12. I think if you go beyond a year - if this continues into the system in the out years, I think there is a risk and that - that we could have a negative reaction in the bond market and that will offset the good that was attempted to be done.

Franklin Raines

Good Bond Quotes #1156775
#13. Like the Bond girl, there's a stigma attached to being a 'Dhoom' girl. You have to look pretty good, and people are going to judge you.

Katrina Kaif

Good Bond Quotes #1165204
#14. For nature does things in good order:
And birds and butterflies recognize
No man-made border

Ruskin Bond

Good Bond Quotes #1265385
#15. A good mother does not live only for her children. She always has some bond with other mothers, no matter what class, nationality or race they may be. All mothers have the same joys, the same sorrows, the same anxieties. All mothers think first of their child and of children.

Werenfried Von Straaten

Good Bond Quotes #1324177
#16. I did a cover of the James Bond theme, and I felt like such a fraud, because the original is so good.


Good Bond Quotes #1377927
#17. I didn't mind walking into danger on my own. Not the concept of it, anyway.

Gwenda Bond

Good Bond Quotes #1462815
#18. It's a good thing about George R.R. Martin: He's prepared to kill off the main guys. You don't get the feeling that the good guy is going to last forever, like James Bond.

Sean Bean

Good Bond Quotes #1487713
#19. There can be neither politically nor morally a good which is not universal ... we cannot reform for a time or for a class, but for all and for the whole, and our very interests will draw us together in one wide bond of sympathy.

Letitia Elizabeth Landon

Good Bond Quotes #1502524
#20. Maybe marriage, like life, isn't only about the big moments, whether they be good or bad. Maybe it's all the small things - like being guided slowly forward, surely, day after day - that stretches out to strengthen even the most tenuous bond.

Sarah Dessen

Good Bond Quotes #1513658
#21. If you promise to love, trust, respect, support and stand by someone no matter what, do not just speak those words when times are good. Live those words when challenges arise. The stronger the love and commitment, the more unbreakable the bond. United hearts will never be easily divided.

Carlos Wallace

Good Bond Quotes #1552109
#22. Mel Gibson would not be a good James Bond.

Sophie Marceau

Good Bond Quotes #1596340
#23. Nothing can quite take the place of reading a good book out loud together. It can be calming, comforting, and inspiring. It is a powerful opportunity to bond and share in the delight of a good story.

Linda Lantieri

Good Bond Quotes #1728257
#24. The English are good at bad guys - the James Bond-style villain, cunning, slow-burning. The Americans are much more obvious about it.

Idris Elba

Good Bond Quotes #1738511
#25. In my lifetime, as a younger man, you were assumed to be an honest person. Your word was your bond, and a handshake was as good as a contract in business.

Mark Skousen

Good Bond Quotes #1760140
#26. Bond reflected that good Americans were fine people and that most of them seemed to come from Texas.

Ian Fleming

Good Bond Quotes #1802325
#27. When I think, where did I laugh the most, where did I eat the most, where did I just feel good all the time, I would say making the Bond movie 'Die Another Day.' To be part of such an iconic franchise and to travel to exotic places - that was the most fun I ever had.

Halle Berry

Good Bond Quotes #370972
#28. Marriage is a holy bond because it permits two people to help each other work out their spiritual destinies. God declared marriage to be good.

Billy Graham

Good Bond Quotes #58814
#29. Strigoi or not, I didn't trust him. He was a jerk, and I silently screamed at Lissa to get out of there, not that my screaming did much good. Stupid one-way bond.

Richelle Mead

Good Bond Quotes #67096
#30. Words There is no good father, that's the rule. Don't lay the blame on men but on the bond of paternity, which is rotten. To beget children, nothing better; to have them, what iniquity!

Jean-Paul Sartre

Good Bond Quotes #78888
#31. is a good idea to check on the calls and what circumstances a bond can be called as most of the bonds are potentially subject to this type of call action. This is especially true for premium bonds. If they are called early, it can affect the yield.

Robert A. Harbeke

Good Bond Quotes #79707
#32. Oh my God. I thought I was going to have an aneurysm right there in line. Your hair smells really good? Your hair smells really good? Who did he think he was? James Bond? You don't tell someone their hair smells good. Not in a mall.

Meg Cabot

Good Bond Quotes #91961
#33. I care about Bond and what happens to him. You cannot be connected with a character for this long and not have an interest. All the Bond films had their good points.

Sean Connery

Good Bond Quotes #97043
#34. A good conversation always involves a certain amount of complaining. I like to bond over mutual hatreds and petty grievances.

Lisa Kleypas

Good Bond Quotes #198636
#35. God has created me to do some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for naught. I shall do good; I shall do His work.

John Henry Newman

Good Bond Quotes #207200
#36. Don't let the way people are, disrupt your day. Understand them for who they are, the good & the bad, but keep a bond with Serenity.

Ace Antonio Hall

Good Bond Quotes #243984
#37. I'm not imagining me being the James Bond girl, because anyway I don't have the good maturation.

Audrey Tautou

Good Bond Quotes #275935
#38. I wanted us to share the sense that the number of wrong moves far exceeds the number of good moves, to share the frightening instability of the correct decision, to bond in being confounded.

Aleksandar Hemon

Good Bond Quotes #335271
#39. It's interesting because a lot of my 16-year-old kids' friends know me from 'Wedding Crashers,' and not so much Bond. My kids have a good laugh. I was 20 then. The look I had then was the look that a lot of their friends are assuming now. They think it's cool. What goes around comes around.

Jane Seymour

Good Bond Quotes #340802
#40. Having friends was weird . . . but in a good way.

Gwenda Bond

Good Bond Quotes #824221
#41. Good weather will do this to people, bond them in their gratefulness.

Elizabeth Berg

Good Bond Quotes #431516
#42. Sometimes, if you have faith in people they'll surprise you. Mom and Dad taught me that. Risk is the price of believing most people want to be good.

Gwenda Bond

Good Bond Quotes #438780
#43. Bond? It is a bit like saying, 'Do you want to play Superman?' Anyone would dream of it. It's one of the most coveted roles in film. I'd be honoured. But I don't know if it will actually happen. I'm just happy with the idea of being associated with it. It's nice there's a lot of good will.

Idris Elba

Good Bond Quotes #455853
#44. Happiness is an elusive state of mind not to be gained by clumsy pursuit.It is given to those who do not sue for it:to be unconcerned about a desired good is probably the only way to possess it.

Ruskin Bond

Good Bond Quotes #456077
#45. To speak against religion (the Christian) is breaking down the bond of good government.

James L. Petigru

Good Bond Quotes #634104
#46. Having rain on your tuxedo is a pretty good reminder that you're not James Bond.

Joel Edgerton

Good Bond Quotes #634317
#47. I love looking at the old Bond films. Maybe it's purely out of reminiscence, the nostalgic things you think about. But there were some very good films made, and I think that the public has enjoyed them, too.

Albert R. Broccoli

Good Bond Quotes #646887
#48. I really don't know if I'm doing any good,' he said. 'James Bond just unscrews things,' said Anathema.

Terry Pratchett

Good Bond Quotes #667376
#49. I wanted more. I wanted another level; that warm and fuzzy bond combined with a big, strong man who was good at touching me in my special places.

Laurel Ulen Curtis

Good Bond Quotes #698809
#50. Mothers and daughters share a special bond." "I never knew how special until it wasn't there anymore. I'm twenty-seven, and when something good or bad happens in my life, I still wonder what my mom would think. I've lived more of my life without her than with her, but it still matters.

Barbara Freethy

Good Bond Quotes #713812
#51. The word of a gentleman is as good as his bond; and sometimes better.

Charles Dickens

Good Bond Quotes #721477

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