Top 100 Fought Hard Quotes
#1. Certainly the soda companies, the junk food companies fought hard against this and today's agreement doesn't mean the battle is over, we still have to pass this bill.
Don Williams
#2. Your heavenly Father has known you from your mother's womb. Only He really understands you and the things that have fought hard to wound your soul and steal your confidence. He sees you through eyes uncluttered by human hindrances and social sentiment.
Victoria Boyson
#3. Lucifer's breath was like fire upon his skin. His eyes bulged from their sockets and he fought hard to breathe.
Shane K.P. O'Neill
#4. I love Ruth Brown, not just her singing, but Ruth Brown has more girl power than anyone, because she fought hard against people who ripped her off and then helped other artists through the Rhythm and Blues Foundation.
Ronnie Spector
#5. [M]y mother fought hard for civil rights so that instead of a mop, I could hold this microphone. And while she may be proud of me tonight, I've got to tell you, Mom, I'm even more proud of you. Thank you, Mom.
Julian Castro
#6. And what some people don't understand was that bleeding wasn't a sign of weakness; it was a sign of strength. It demonstrated to the world that you were vulnerable and ordinary, but when you wanted something enough, and fought hard for it, you were capable of doing extraordinary things.
Natasha Ngan
#7. Don't hide who you are. One thing I have learned is you never hide who you
are. If you want something, you fight for it. When you think you have fought hard enough, fight a little more. Don't ever let anyone or any situation make who you are.
Harper Sloan
#9. I'm not sure why you are playing hard to get," he breathed, his lips so close to my skin that I fought hard not to shudder. "You shouldn't try to play games with me because I'm not a player. I'm the coach.
Adriana Locke
#10. Vote. Even if they are all hopelessly inadequate, pick the least terrible one and vote. My mother fought hard to get you that vote.
Rowan Coleman
#11. The oil industry fought hard to keep Keystone alive, making wildly exaggerated claims that the pipeline - the country's largest infrastructure project - would create tens of thousands of jobs and decrease America's reliance on oil from the Middle East.
Jeff Goodell
#12. America's veterans and troops serving abroad today fought hard to preserve our red, white and blue, from the Revolutionary War to today's Global War Against Terrorism, and Congress' action today is appropriate for one of our most sacred symbols.
Bill Shuster
#13. Liverpool was an industrial town, a poor town. The people fought hard for what they wanted to achieve and there was a hunger there, and that hunger has remained with the musicians.
Pete Best
#14. Do me a favor, okay? Tell my parents that I fought well today. And tell them that I ... that I ... that I fought hard.
Mark Bowden
#16. he fought hard against corruption in all forms, especially with the Canal Ring (every scandal during this time seems to have the word "ring" attached to it, much like every scandal since Watergate has "gate" attached to it.)
Michael Rubbinaccio
#17. Clover was on the verge of tears but fought hard to keep them back. Never let them see you cry. Any sign of weakness put them into a feeding frenzy.
Shaunta Grimes
#18. He'd fought hard, Lida told me, as if there was another way to fight.
John Green
#19. If you lose, it hurts, but as long as you have fought hard, you can still feel good about yourself.
Ivan Lendl
#20. The principle though remains the same, and the important thing is CBS fought hard, very hard, to protect that principle and will fight again.
Floyd Abrams
#21. Consumer groups fought hard to provide investor protections for 'special entities' such as pension funds, schools, and municipalities who purchase swaps. No comparable protection exists in the futures market.
Daniel L. Doctoroff
#22. And my mother fought hard for civil rights so that instead of a mop, I could hold this microphone.
Julian Castro
#23. Ours was a hard love. We'd fallen hard into it, and we'd fought hard to keep it. Our kind of love didn't ask nicely. It took. It ravaged. It consumed the heart whole and asked questions later. The rewards were soul-deep and all-consuming, sweeping through like a wildfire.
Meredith Wild
#24. There was a darkness simmering in him, something beneath the surface that he fought hard to conceal. As terrifying as it was, it was also alluring in a way. Seductive even. Something about his savage skills was damn sexy. "Get
Cassia Brightmore
#25. I'd fought hard, and I learned that I could take a hit and keep going. And I'd never let myself get knocked down again
Taylor Morris
#26. Rough love. Hard, edgy love. Love that made you bleed. Love hard to find, the kind of love you fought to keep.
Jae T. Jaggart
#27. Philosophy is a bully that talks loud when the danger is at a distant; but, the moment she is pressed hard by an enemy, she is nowhere to be found and leaves the brunt of the battle to be fought by her steady, humble comrade, religion.
Charles Caleb Colton
#28. I might not survive Clare. She was truly my ultimate temptation. I never wanted anything more and yet fought so hard against it. But I knew I needed this. I knew she needed this. I had to start this off right. She deserved it, she deserved everything.
J.L. Berg
#29. The battle for the mind of Ronald Reagan was like the trench warfare of World War I: never have so many fought so hard for such barren terrain.
Peggy Noonan
#30. CBS fought very hard on this because it believed and believes that there's a principle at stake here. The principle is that Dan Rather doesn't work for the police, and that people that speak to Dan Rather understand that he's a journalist and not a police agent.
Floyd Abrams
#32. And there isn't a chance in hell I'd miss seeing you walk down that aisle. I've fought way too fucking hard for you.
Christina Lauren
#33. Mrs. O'Hair died horribly, a victim of the world she helped to shape. Without the Deity she fought so hard against, there is no right and wrong, increasingly people are ruled by their passions and humanity is a tragedy waiting to happen.
Bill Murray
#34. We cannot keep turning our backs on gay and lesbian Americans. I have fought too hard and too long against discrimination based on race and color not to stand up against discrimination based on sexual orientation.
John E. Lewis
#35. I live because I am a Warrior and because I wish one day to be in the company of [She] for whom I have fought so hard
John Bunyan
#36. Do you understand the difference between dying for something and dying for nothing? The only reason I fought so hard to stay alive in China was because I didn't want to die for nothing. Today I can die for something - my way, my choice.
Jack Bauer
#37. Love was earned and hard-fought and cherished. It was Marco's face and his rough palm on her cheek. It wasn't something a family got for being a family.
Hugh Howey
#38. private philanthropy is no substitution for hard-fought battles over labour laws and social security, in part because philanthropy can be retracted on a whim, while elected officials, at least in theory, have citizens to answer to.
Linsey McGoey
#39. Freedom. One night when a hard-fought "no" had instead made her unable to accept a man's touch. Even a man she cared for very deeply. She had let Michael believe that her emotional collapse
Dorien Kelly
#40. Our mothers' generation fought so hard to change things and we're the first generation to benefit. And now you get girls in their twenties who say they're not feminists.
Kristin Davis
#41. I tell you what, I don't like a hostile red skin any more than you do. And when they are hostile, I've fought 'em, hard as any man. But I never yet drew a bead on a squaw or papoose, and I despise the man who would.
Kit Carson
#42. He spreads his fingers over my heart, like he's holding it, like it belongs to him, the hard-fought-for territory he's won fair and square.
Rick Yancey
#43. This was a man who'd fought long and hard to keep me, even when I was bent on self-destructing us. This was a man who understood I could be difficult and stubborn and a little bit irrational (okay, maybe a freaking lot irrational), and still loved me.
Samantha Young
#44. Having no travelling companion brings back all the feelings of loneliness that I've fought so hard to overcome. Being on my own, away from the safety of my home, makes my loneliness levels soar.
Jennifer Page
#45. Why is it that the very people who have fought so hard and so long for the simple entitlement to love whom they choose to love are the very ones denied that right by those who routinely take their vows for granted?
John Ridley
#46. The belief that life was hard and often its worst battles were fought in private, that it was possible to walk through fear and come out scorched but still breathing.
Gail Caldwell
#47. Any time you have loose ballots, you have to worry about shenanigans. It's a shame such a hard-fought election has to come down to something like this.
David Axelrod
#48. I knew 'Like Crazy' would be good, I just knew it, and that's why I fought so hard to be on it.
Charlie Bewley
#49. Peace comes at a price, often only at the end of a hard-fought battle.
Toni Sorenson
#50. War is fought in mystery. The truth can take days to travel, and ahead of truth flies rumor, and it is ever hard to know what is really happening, and the art of it is to pluck the clean bone of fact from the rotting flesh of fear and lies.
Bernard Cornwell
#51. He ate a pear. It was a hard one. It fought back against his grinding teeth. It snapped in juicy protest.
Kurt Vonnegut
#52. if you believe yourself worthy of the thing you fought so hard to get, then you become an instrument of God, you help the Soul of the World, and you understand why you are here. Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho
#53. How could you do nothing to him, if you fought so hard?" she asked. "I'm lust and he's wrath!" he yelled. "I'm a lover, he's a fighter!" Virtue - A Fairy Tale
Amanda Hocking
#54. I definitely have the eye of the tiger. I've fought my way to where I am and will continue to do so. I'm a hard worker - I get it from my family. We only know work. Nothing was handed to us. When I believe in something, I go after it. It's very hard to tell me 'no.'
Nicole Scherzinger
#55. The wars of the future will be fought by computer technicians and by lawyers and high-altitude specialists, and that may mean war will be increasingly abstract, hard to think about and hard to control.
Michael Ignatieff
#56. I started out very quiet and I beat Mr. Turgenev. Then I trained hard and I beat Mr. de Maupassant. I've fought two draws with Mr. Stendhal, and I think I had an edge in the last one. But nobody's going to get me in any ring with Mr. Tolstoy unless I'm crazy or I keep getting better.
Ernest Hemingway,
#57. Many of us, particularly those of us with disabilities who have faced persistent discrimination throughout our lives, not least when trying to find employment in the first place, take enormous pride in our hard-fought jobs and careers.
Stella Young
#58. Music makes me alive in a way that nothing quite does. Good art, good film, good books, good dance. Exhibitions, history. Nature makes me feel alive. Georgia in the rain - that makes me feel alive. Compassion makes me feel alive. Hard fought victories for social rights.
Emily Saliers
#59. I didn't want to need you, Leo, I fought so hard to stay standing at the edge of my own life ... when I should have had the courage to walk into yours.
Lisa Kleypas
#60. I look at camping the same way I look at horror movies. All the years that humans fought to get into caves and into shelters - it almost seems sacrilegious to go outside and sleep without a roof. We work so hard to have these things!
Chuck Klosterman
#61. Not now. She'd fought back, hard. Only to have her lawsuit thrown out by the first judge, her lawyers quit on her, and defeat wash over her like a bitter shower of acid. You can't sue a religion. You can't accuse a saint. Stella Connery was of sound mind when she made her will,
Anne Stuart
#62. My generation fought so hard to give all of you choices. We believe in choices. But choosing to leave the workforce was not the choice we thought so many of you would make."2 So
Sheryl Sandberg
#63. I assumed that people weren't doing their best so I judged them and constantly fought being disappointed, which was easier than setting boundaries. Boundaries are hard when you want to be liked and when you are a pleaser hellbent on being easy, fun, and flexible.
Brene Brown
#64. Nothing really worth having is easy to get. The hard-fought battles, the goals won with sacrifice, are the ones that matter.
Aisha Tyler
#65. Women have fought so long and hard for our rights and equality, and now all our attention is put on being a size 0.
#66. We fought very hard for feminism, for women's rights. What I'm seeing today is a very opposite thing. I don't know why, but I see women being put back in the place. And I hate it. We're losing all we worked so hard for and it really bums me out.
Stevie Nicks
#67. It is profoundly important to honor President Johnson's historic contributions to justice and democracy - and to appreciate how hard he fought for the rights of every Texan and every American.
Marc Veasey
#68. The tech and tech media world are meritocracies. To fall back to race as the reason why people don't break out in our wonderful oasis of openness is to do a massive injustice to what we've fought so hard to create.
Jason Calacanis
#69. It's great to win, but it's also great fun just to be in the thick of any truly well and hard fought contest against opponents you respect, whatever the outcome.
Jack Nicklaus
#70. When you've earned something, I mean really earned it, no one can make you doubt that you deserve it. They can't say it isn't yours. There's something about getting a thing that you've bled and fought for that makes the getting that much sweeter.
Rachael Allen
#71. Another day of waiting to lose everything she'd fought so hard to keep. You
Chris Patchell
#72. She already fought so hard to separate herself from her emotions - if she got rid of her thoughts too, what would be left?
Susan Dennard
#73. I want people to be inspired! To remember how hard-fought the battle for the vote was, the debt we owe to women who paved the way for this more egalitarian society we live in, how critical it is to use our vote and to be counted.
Sarah Gavron
#74. Did he fight?"
"Yes, Sam. He fought very hard. He saved my life."
"But you hid"
"Yes." Crushing Bear against my stomach.
"Like a big fat chicken."
"Not like that," I whispered. "It wasn't like that.
Rick Yancey
#75. There was a time when I used to listen to tales of bravery. There was a time when I lived only because I needed to live. But now I live because I am a Warrior and because I wish one day to be in the company of Him for whom I have fought so hard.
Paulo Coelho
#76. It is those same so-called experts who said we had no chance of winning the primary. It will be hard work, but we can win. And if those same people who fought against me work just as hard for me, we will win.
Christine O'Donnell
#77. What stays with you longest and deepest? Of curious panics, of hard-fought engagements or sieges tremendous what deepest remains?
Walt Whitman
#78. We ask the great masses of India to be patient a short time longer, while the cause of freedom is being fought out, not because we want to delay, but because the hard facts of war make a complete change impossible at the moment.
Stafford Cripps
#79. But she had known, better than anyone else, what demons he had faced, had known how hard he had fought to free himself from them. That he had lost the fight in the end made the struggle no less honorable.
Donna Woolfolk Cross
#80. James fought the temptation to repeat "traditional chromosomal energy signature," just because it was such an awesome example of erudition gone weird, and thought hard to answer her question.
Amy Lane
#81. That something that I fought so hard for throughout the beginning of my career is I didn't want to pancake my skin a lighter color to fit into the ... ballet. I wanted to be myself. I didn't want to have to wear makeup that made my nose look thinner.
Misty Copeland
#82. People, workers, the elderly, all these people I see with sympathy and affection. These are the people who have fought the battle of life and who now and then show the hard work and the frustration ... It's all about human activity, it's truth, and we all get there.
Duane Hanson
#83. Tom's army won a great victory, after a long and hard-fought battle. Then the dead were counted, prisoners exchanged, the terms of the next disagreement agreed upon, and the day for the necessary battle appointed; after which the armies fell into line and marched away, and Tom turned homeward alone.
Mark Twain
#84. Nurse Angela, with her love of cats and orphans, once remarked of Homer Wells that the boy must adore the name she gave him because he fought so hard not to lose it.
John Irving
#85. Please give me a chance to make you happy. I make this promise to you in this beautiful garden you fought so hard for, that I will spend every day putting you first.
Amy Andrews
#86. There was freedom in the pain. It meant he was still alive, still feeling, and he felt invincible. Whatever they did to him, however hard they fought, in the end, he would win.
James Patterson
#87. I believe that as women, we must commit ourselves to sustaining the progress made by our foremothers who fought so hard for women's equality and liberation.
Carre Otis
#88. No wonder lawyers, who control the legal system, have fought so hard, and with great success, against "no fault" insurance. No fault, no lawsuits. No lawsuits, no lunch.
Andrew Tobias
#89. Hard as I fought for it to be otherwise, finally I had to admit it too: without my mother, we weren't what we'd been; we were four people floating separately among the flotsam of our grief, connected by only the thinnest rope.
Cheryl Strayed
#90. But if you believe yourself worthy of the thing you fought so hard to get, then you become an instrument of God, you help the Soul of the World, and you understand why you are here.
Paulo Coelho
#91. Self esteem and a healthy body image for people with disabilities are so often hard-fought.
Stella Young
#92. I love a good argument and sometimes I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut if I think someone is wrong ... I've always fought for what I believe in, and I don't quit until I have accomplished what I set out to do.
Kenny Wormald
#93. Crowds rarely cheer too loudly for the defeated, no matter how hard they fought, how great their sacrifices, how long the odds. Maidens might wet themselves over cheap and worthless victories, but they don't so much as blush for 'I did my best
Joe Abercrombie
#94. The idea of not being able to control my own fertility genuinely terrifies me. That one mistake might change your life. That everything I am, and do, could be ended by the repeal of laws our mothers fought so hard for, that women had waited for the entire span of humanity to come about.
Caitlin Moran
#95. I'm a very happy, content member of David Cameron's team. I fought very hard to get my friend elected as leader of the Conservative party, then elected as the prime minister of this country, and I'm very happy being part of that team that is bringing change to this country.
George Osborne
#96. No one lived forever. But you fought for every minute you could get. Bought a little more with a lot of hard work.
James S.A. Corey
#97. When I first started, especially because I got the Critics' Choice before I'd released an album, there was a lot of scrutiny on what my character was, what my background was, what colour my hair was. I fought quite hard for the music to overtake the personality aspect.
Florence Welch
#98. We have fought long and hard to escape from medieval superstition. I, for one, do not wish to go back.
James Randi
#99. To bring about a genuine political realignment, Republicans must kill the Government Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs - the very Goose they have fought so hard and long to possess.
Jeb Bush
#100. You have fought a hard battle, in hard conditions, and held a position until help came. Think of it like that.
Elizabeth Moon
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