Top 32 Forever Mine Movie Quotes

#1. I think I'm going to keep my Irish accent forever now in any movie I make, because chicks dig it and that's all I care about now!

Chris O'Dowd

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #909928
#2. Making sense only to yourself is the most feasible test for human personal understanding

Mpho Leteng

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1854958
#3. This is my one beef with Hollywood: It's great for movie sales, but they've created this fiction for us that, when you have a hard thing in your life, it's going to get fixed, and then your life will be awesome! Forever!

Laurie Halse Anderson

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1797233
#4. You think your life belongs to you? Tenar gave me my life. That's why I have to live, so that I can give life to someone else. Lebannen ... that is the only way we can live forever.

Goro Miyazaki

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1723810
#5. So much of our future lies in preserving our past.

Peter Westbrook

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1656591
#6. The traditions of Hollywood are grand and great and are going to survive forever, in a way. But they're not going to be the only way for much longer. The technology is such now that you don't have to have millions of dollars to make a movie. You can make one with a computer.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1620053
#7. I would like to do a music person's story, a bio. I've wanted to do Aaliyah forever. But I don't want it to always be like, 'I'm singing again in a movie.'

Keke Palmer

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1611095
#8. Life is short. If you doubt me, ask a butterfly. Their average life span is a mere five to fourteen days.

Ellen DeGeneres

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1605018
#9. He's not a movie star, and I'm not his stage manager. We're the same two desperately connected people who fell down a rabbit hole years earlier and climbed out forever changed.

Leisa Rayven

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1574811
#10. I like movies. Movies have afforded me a modicum of luxuries. The thing about the movies is, if you're bad in a movie, you're bad forever.

Anthony Mackie

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1499050
#11. Safety is an emergent property of systems, not a component property.

Nancy Leveson

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1413016
#12. What a joy it is to dance and sing!

Angela Carter

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1168342
#13. The act of making a photograph is less a question of what is being looked at than how.

Margaret Atwood

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #1034137
#14. I live in cinema. I feel I've lived here forever.

Agnes Varda

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #976652
#15. Well I think after leaving prison, and having written three diaries about life in prison, it became a sort of a new challenge to write another novel, to write a new novel.

Jeffrey Archer

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #955054
#16. I want to point the way to something that should forever lure them, when the TV set is broken and the movie is over and the school bell has rung for the last time.

Bel Kaufman

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #947876
#17. It's okay, sweets. Soon, forever starts for us.

Kahlen Aymes

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #71874
#18. This is the single loveliest thing anyone's ever done for me. It's movie lovely. It feels somehow epic and fragile, and I wand the night to last forever, and knowing it can't already has me sad.

Jennifer Niven

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #899218
#19. With animation, if something does not fit, you always have the time to change it. When you make a live-action movie, when your days of shooting are over, they are over forever.

Marjane Satrapi

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #845734
#20. I'm not willing to sign a contract. They want everything. They want the rights to do the movie and everything else they can think of, forever. There's no limit to the contract. In this universe and universes to be discovered - I'm not making this up - this is in the contract.

Isabel Allende

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #795665
#21. The art of these Fifties movies was in sustaining forever the moment before sex.

Twyla Tharp

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #659794
#22. You cannot pick and choose love. Love picks and chooses you, if you are lucky. So what, you might lose everything? What better thing is there to lose if not everything for love?

Jack Dancer

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #632714
#23. A well-known psychologist once said, 'When a child reaches his third birthday, his parents will have given him half of all that they will ever be able to give him in the way of education.

Corrie Ten Boom

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #532993
#24. We're friends, and we're both friends with actresses our age, but we never get to work with each other because there's one girl in the movie, or whatever. For me, it was just so amazing to get to work with Evan [Rachel Wood], who I've loved forever.

Ellen Page

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #504859
#25. Being a movie star is a rare job. Nobody gives you any guarantees that you'll get to do it forever. It's a very lucky and privileged position to be in.

Diane Keaton

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #490084
#26. 'Looper' was so brilliant, and it took me forever to finally see it, but the way that movie ends and the message behind that is so selfless.

Hayley Williams

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #452764
#27. I do not know if all cops are poets, but I know that all cops carry guns with triggers.

Ralph Ellison

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #353174
#28. It was as if I was a character in a movie and the real action was about to start at any minute. But I think some people wait forever, and only at the end of their lives do they realize that their life has happened while they were waiting for it to start. Do you know what I mean, Pasquale?

Jess Walter

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #343915
#29. What people forget is that every movie that gets made keeps making money for somebody FOREVER.

Dave Thomas

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #321764
#30. Shake off the tonnage of old genetics, nitpicking naysayers and hand-me-down Egos hoarding junk in the back of your mind.

Be a Friday night liberty set loose on Monday morning.

Laurie Perez

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #221647
#31. I think I'll feel out of place wherever I go on earth, forever. But that's fine. I have to make my peace with that.

Laura Marling

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #106055
#32. Movies in this country, its very complicated, and we could bang on about it forever, but the French movie industry is very different because its very obviously French.

Mick Jagger

Forever Mine Movie Quotes #101606

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