Top 11 Flibertigibbet Quotes

#1. A church is an interesting place once you get the parson and the people out of it. Real music can get in then, and a real God! Nothing flibertigibbet about religion then.

Mazo De La Roche

Flibertigibbet Quotes #1034047
#2. And even though he enjoyed being around her, he resisted her,
because he was supremely aware that he wasn't the old Robert any longer; he was Bit, a piece of what
he'd once been.

Suzanne Enoch

Flibertigibbet Quotes #184511
#3. The frogs hopping indoors agree that we are on a prison planet.
They themselves are frog criminals that were convicted of doing frog crimes.

Philip K. Dick

Flibertigibbet Quotes #595366
#4. Narcissus weeps to find that his Image does not return his love.

Mason Cooley

Flibertigibbet Quotes #857385
#5. Vas happenin'!" ~ Zayn Malik

One Direction

Flibertigibbet Quotes #861855
#6. I don't just love you, I'm in love with you. Hell, I have been for a while and I wanted to tell you that so many times over.

J. Lynn

Flibertigibbet Quotes #1259364
#7. The universe is bigger than our egos and can supply more than our demand.

Joe Vitale

Flibertigibbet Quotes #1334459
#8. You have to believe in your dreams because sometimes they believe in you.

Simon R. Green

Flibertigibbet Quotes #1390740
#9. Braccas meas vescimini!" I yelled. I wasn't sure where the Latin came from. I think it meant "Eat my pants!

Rick Riordan

Flibertigibbet Quotes #1512561
#10. We managed to prepare a cell-free system which was active when suitably supplemented, and this was a novel result since the process of oxidation was believed to require the integrity of the cells.

Luis Federico Leloir

Flibertigibbet Quotes #1703395
#11. I think movies are good for getting into dream states or exploring weird alternate states of thinking.

Alex Winter

Flibertigibbet Quotes #1777048

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