Top 12 Flatmates Comedy Quotes

#1. The cash held by US companies are hitting all time records. Companies are using some of this money to buy back their own stock at record rates. When a company is doing this it is saying to it's investors: We don't have any good ideas what to do with this, so here--maybe you do.

Geoff Colvin

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #65008
#2. true biblical faith leaves you very vulnerable to reality, because now there is no place to hide. No wonder we prefer abstractions over the actual! We can hide behind abstractions, but Incarnation leaves you both utterly exposed and constantly invited. incorporation

Richard Rohr

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #328679
#3. My closest friend is canine. I have precious few close friends, and most of them are not actors.

Judd Nelson

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #487126
#4. George's eyes moved quickly back to the paper, and his lips twitched as he finished, And finally , to Shauna Fontaine, I leave the knowledge that, when I started it with her, I got a vasectomy.

Kristen Ashley

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #547162
#5. When you just don't think you can, keep going! Getting through those weak moments is how you become stronger.

Denise Austin

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #798221
#6. I am a professional photographer by trade and an amateur photographer by vocation.

Elliot Erwitt

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #893665
#7. we must rid ourselves of the notion that space and time are actual qualities in things in themselves . . . all bodies, together with the space in which they are, must be considered nothing but mere representations in us, and exist nowhere but in our thoughts." Biocentrism,

Robert Lanza

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #904684
#8. Art isn't about where it ends up. It's about the creation.

Lauren Dane

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #1393885
#9. From a technical point of view, there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why - with the existing technology - we couldn't do very high quality audio, because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing, the boom in digital audio has already happened.

Thomas Dolby

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #1410756
#10. Combine nursing homes with nursery schools. Bring very old and very young together: they interest one another.

John Cage

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #1443535
#11. Genius is an overused word. The world has known only about a half dozen geniuses. I got only fairly near.

Fritz Kreisler

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #1603550
#12. There was a 10- and 8-year difference between us, so my brothers were into tormenting me and I was into getting away from them.

Josh Gad

Flatmates Comedy Quotes #1725905

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