Top 13 Flashjack Quotes

#1. But functional was not an aesthetic criterion that Flashjack, as a faery, had terribly high on his list of priorities; it was well below shiny and nowhere near weird.

Hal Duncan

Flashjack Quotes #1441329
#2. I open the door of the cell and go. I am so bowed I only see my feet, if I open my eyes, and between my legs a little trail of black dust. I say to myself that the earth is extinguished, though I never saw it lit.

Samuel Beckett

Flashjack Quotes #68153
#3. Perhaps God dropped them on their heads before they were born.

Ann-Marie MacDonald

Flashjack Quotes #95493
#4. He was your usual man when it came to romance, which is to say he couldn't recite Baa Baa Black Sheep when sober, whereas when drunk, sixteen cantos of Byron's Don Juan was par for the course.

Tyne O'Connell

Flashjack Quotes #616592
#5. The path to inspiration starts upon the trails we've known; each stumbling block is not a rock, but just a stepping stone.

Charles Ghigna

Flashjack Quotes #755244
#6. Tradition lives because young people come along who catch its romance and add new glories to it.

Michael Novak

Flashjack Quotes #801112
#7. Wind-voice looked in amazement at the sword in his claws. "I - I'll keep it safe," he muttered to Winger. "For the hero, when he comes ... "
Winger was smiling a light, dreamy smile that radiated all over his thin face. "The hero is here, Wind-voice," he said, awed. "You're the hero.

Nancy Yi Fan

Flashjack Quotes #1198234
#8. Food culture is like listening to the Beatles - it's international, it's very positive, it's inventive and creative.

Alice Waters

Flashjack Quotes #1357646
#9. I like to talk about food, ingredients, and how to adapt recipes. It's a dialogue.

Yotam Ottolenghi

Flashjack Quotes #1406290
#10. Beauty often fades, but seldom so swiftly as the joy it gives us.

Mignon McLaughlin

Flashjack Quotes #1449157
#11. I am not afraid that the book will be controversial, I'm afraid it will not be controversial.

Flannery O'Connor

Flashjack Quotes #1520802
#12. I don't respond well to mellow, you know what I mean, I have a tendency to ... if I get too mellow, I ripen and then rot.

Woody Allen

Flashjack Quotes #1620940
#13. This is for those of you who have made mistakes, and who are brave enough to correct them, and wise enough to learn from them.

P.C. Cast

Flashjack Quotes #1876355

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