Top 100 Fight For Life Quotes

#1. Before I die, I want to fight for life.

Paulo Coelho

Fight For Life Quotes #542178
#2. To choose to live, to make that choice to fight for life every day, had to be a choice to accept all the sorrows of all of my tomorrows. But if that choice to live was to be bearable at all, I needed to let loose my embrace of the pain, both yesterday's and tomorrow's.

Bobby Adair

Fight For Life Quotes #670058
#3. War had rearranged my priorities. I now clung to memories more than goals or material things. But there were a few irreplaceable items that buoyed my spirit and fight for life. It was at that moment that I realized. Something was missing from my suitcase.

Ruta Sepetys

Fight For Life Quotes #830726
#4. Live Life. Fight for life. Every day is a gift. Don't take it for granted.

In memory of Carter Desmond McFillin.

Tony Curl

Fight For Life Quotes #1336052
#5. I would rather throw myself out of the plane as it crosses the ocean. Since I cannot open the windows, I would die here. But before I die, I want to fight for life. If I can walk on my own, I can go wherever I like.

Paulo Coelho

Fight For Life Quotes #1598320
#6. He knew, though, that there was no such thing as fair in life. Existence had no agenda. Life simply existed. It was up to them to fight for life to be worthwhile and good if that was what they wanted.

Terry Goodkind

Fight For Life Quotes #1739177
#7. These new technologies are not yet inevitable. But if they blossom fully into being, freedom may irrevocably perish. This is a fight not only for the meaning of our individual lives, but for the meaning of our life together.

Bill McKibben

Fight For Life Quotes #581
#8. Give a man a noble cause and he would fight to the death for what he believed in,but get the woman he loves to leave him and his once honourable principles would cease to be quite so important.

Mike Gayle

Fight For Life Quotes #5116
#9. I think there is a heritage which I'm proud of, which is a fight for democracy, a fight for social justice, a fight for freedom. My grandfather went to jail or exile six times in his life, fighting for his principles for democracy, or for his country. And my father twice.

George Papandreou

Fight For Life Quotes #6817
#10. A profession is like a great snake that wraps itself around you. Once you are enwrapped, you are in a slow fight for the rest of your life, and the lightness of youth leaves you.

Mark Helprin

Fight For Life Quotes #10670
#11. Until it had been clearly explained that men were always and always partly wrong in all their ideas, life would be full of poison and secret bitterness. Men fight about their philosophies and religions, there is no certainty in them; but their contempt for women is flawless and unanimous.

Dorothy Richardson

Fight For Life Quotes #23070
#12. The value of your life is not measured in your success but your failures, your ability to fight, to make a better day for yourself is what you will remember in life's last challenge.

Westley Tusa

Fight For Life Quotes #25482
#13. That was the way things worked. When you were looking for the big fight, the moment that you thought would knock everything over, nothing much happened at all.

Ann Patchett

Fight For Life Quotes #29901
#14. I'll be writing as long as I can hold a pen in my curled, crimped arthritic hands and then I'll dictate it, if it comes to that. They'll have to pry my pen out of my cold, dead fingers - and even then, I'll fight 'em for it. Guaranteed.

Wanda Lea Brayton

Fight For Life Quotes #45977
#15. I know you don't love me. But I'm going to fight for your love. There are some things in life that are worth fighting for the end. You are worth it.

Paulo Coelho

Fight For Life Quotes #51737
#16. Life is hard, but it's also crazy-beautiful. Fight for your best life. You deserve it.

Carmen Rodrigues

Fight For Life Quotes #57075
#17. You'd put our parents at risk for some piece of tail?" Ghleanna demanded.
"She saved my life."
"You can fight your own battles!"
"Not when I'm knocked out on my ass!"
"You mean knocked out on your fat ass!"
"My ass, like the rest of me, is perfection!

G.A. Aiken

Fight For Life Quotes #59202
#18. The real truth of life is on the streets. Photograph the daily lives of people, and how they exist, and how they fight for space and time and pleasure.

Don McCullin

Fight For Life Quotes #60902
#19. You are a fine and talented woman, whose potential is yet to be realized given the love and support and luck we all need. Where you lost the will to fight for what is yours, where you gave away control of your life, is the mystery you are now unraveling. When you get it all back, hold on to it.

Isabel Vincent

Fight For Life Quotes #62778
#20. He knew there was no one to restrain him now, and he knew that he was beaten. But an animal will always fight for its life to the bitter end; no animal ever licks the boots of his executioner.

Georgi Vladimov

Fight For Life Quotes #67128
#21. This is the time for a young man to stop saying, "Why is life so hard?" He takes the hardness as the call to fight, to rise up, take it on.

John Eldredge

Fight For Life Quotes #70728
#22. You have to fight for your life. That's the chief condition on which you hold it.

Saul Bellow

Fight For Life Quotes #78220
#23. Your life is important. Fight for it. Honour your highest potentials.

Nathaniel Branden

Fight For Life Quotes #80377
#24. Happy people don't fight for the sake of fighting.Happy people don't hurt each other.Sadness must be inside every human being.That made it lighter to bear the burden of a less than fulfilled life.

K.J. Kilton

Fight For Life Quotes #80641
#25. Those who are weak don't fight.
Those who are stronger might fight
for an hour.
Those who are stronger still might fight
for many years.
The strongest fight
their whole life.
They are the indispensable ones.

Bertolt Brecht

Fight For Life Quotes #83971
#26. The eagle had two natural enemies: storms and serpents. He embraced the storm, waiting on the rock for the right thermal current and then using that to carry him higher. While other birds were taking cover, the eagle was soaring. An eagle would never fight against the storms of life.

Karen Kingsbury

Fight For Life Quotes #84169
#27. Do you know what makes you weak?" said Holland. "You've never had to be strong. You've never had to try. You've never had to fight. And you've certainly never had to fight for your life.

V.E Schwab

Fight For Life Quotes #89854
#28. Nothing is ever perfect. There is always some good in the bad and some bad in the good. What is important is to know if the good can make up for the bad. Fight only for those things that matter. Because otherwise after a point the battle will seem pointless.

Mansi Soni

Fight For Life Quotes #98860
#29. Well Buddhism, 'shmoodism', I didn't go to India looking for Buddhism. I was looking for truth, or God, or a better way of life or happiness, fulfillment, meaning, purpose. And a way to become peace in the world and not just fight for peace, as we had in the 60's.

Surya Das

Fight For Life Quotes #100520
#30. I gave my life for freedom-This I know;
For those who bade me fight had told me so.

William Norman Ewer

Fight For Life Quotes #101850
#31. My husband would do anything for me ... ' It's degrading. No human being ought to have such power over another."
"It's a very real power, Harriet."
"Then ... we won't use it. If we disagree, we'll fight it out like gentlemen. We won't stand for matrimonial blackmail.

Dorothy L. Sayers

Fight For Life Quotes #103040
#32. I think part of running for president, people want to know who you are, what influenced you, what motivates you, not just where you stand on issues but what is in your heart and what were things in your life that led you to believe the things you believe in, and fight for.

Karen Finney

Fight For Life Quotes #111800
#33. Bantu Philosophy: People cling to life and are not yet at the stage where they wil fight for the quality of that life. They feel as long as they are surviving, that is enough.

Michela Wrong

Fight For Life Quotes #138996
#34. They say a good man is worth fighting for. But a man who's good for YOU shouldn't make you fight just for the right to be in his life.

Kyra Davis

Fight For Life Quotes #141777
#35. I will not. I will never surrender. I will fight through to the finsh, whatever the outcome. I will not quit. I will not betray and desert the best thing in my life. No, no, I will not surrender...Earth is the place for love.

Edward Abbey

Fight For Life Quotes #141786
#36. The wonders of life ... you and I are the light! Seek within ... there is no one to fight ... love is all ... we are one ... concentrate on bringing forth your sight ... breathe deep ... the universe is waiting for you divine ones.

Sereda Aleta Dailey

Fight For Life Quotes #144257
#37. All my life, you've been my Almost." He softened slightly, his gaze touching over the features of her face as if memorizing her. "I want you, Leah. I've always wanted you. But wanting isn't enough. You have to fight for it too, and you're not going to.

Jill Shalvis

Fight For Life Quotes #157372
#38. Look, man. Nothing worth having comes easy. You gotta fight for what you want in this life. You taught me that. Just thought you might need a reminder.

Jennifer Bonds

Fight For Life Quotes #160014
#39. When life gives you lemons, take out the salt and the shot-glasses and fill them up with tequila. Fight for what you really want and never, ever settle for anything less. Don't exist. Live.

Teodora Kostova

Fight For Life Quotes #163910
#40. Because of GLHR's crusades ... we're beginning to learn the awful truth about workers around the world who are slaving away their lives in sweatshops, who are denied the right to join or form a union in order to fight back and provide a better life for their families.

John Sweeney

Fight For Life Quotes #180627
#41. No, I'm not mistaken. I know you don't love me. But I'm going to fight for your love. There are some things in life that are worth fighting for to the end. You are worth it.

Paulo Coelho

Fight For Life Quotes #185024
#42. I am strongly pro-life, and have fought to protect the rights of the unborn my entire career. I will continue to fight for this cause because I value the sanctity of all human life.

Rob Bishop

Fight For Life Quotes #188268
#43. Persevere in the fight, struggle on, do not let go, think magnanimously of man and life, for man is good and life is affluent and fruitful.

Luc De Clapiers

Fight For Life Quotes #194922
#44. For the love of God. Fight for what you want.Get hurt. Cry, Scream. Screw up. Fall in fucking love.But do it brcause you're doing what you wanted to, not because someone else told you it's what you're supposed to do.

Kenzie Cade

Fight For Life Quotes #212048
#45. Life is hard, kid. you gotta be harder. you gotta take it on and fight for it and be a fucking man about how you live it. if you're too much of a pussy to do that, then maybe you should leave, 'cause you're dead already

James Frey

Fight For Life Quotes #216908
#46. Life is a bit hard sometimes, and sometimes you have to step up and fight fights that you never signed up for.

Joel Spolsky

Fight For Life Quotes #224364
#47. Aden had only ever had one true friend, someone he knew would fight for him and with him regardless of whether he held any power or not. The others in the squad he trusted, but Vasic occupied an entirely different place in his life, until it was as if their blood was the same.

Nalini Singh

Fight For Life Quotes #225677
#48. I have stood in a bar in Lambourn and been offered, in the space of five minutes, a poached salmon, a leg of a horse, a free trip to Chantilly, marriage, a large unsolicited loan, ten tips for a ten-horse race, two second-hand cars, a fight, and the copyright to a dying jockey's life story.

Jeffrey Bernard

Fight For Life Quotes #227749
#49. Fight With Your Obstacles,
Be the Obstacle For Your Obstacles
Which Are Trying To Stop
You From Achieving A Success

Nithin Kumar

Fight For Life Quotes #227806
#50. Dar's been through enough in his life, and his legs are only a small part of it. Don't play with him, Cassie. If you're not serious, leave him the hell alone."

"And if I am serious?"

Sean smiled ruefully. "Then you're in for the fight of your life.

Justine Davis

Fight For Life Quotes #230673
#51. Yeah of course, it's a lot of emotions, a lot of different thoughts, it's a big thing, the biggest I've done in my life so far but still it's just a fight for me, I go in there and have fun basically. I'm doing something I love to do.

Alexander Gustafsson

Fight For Life Quotes #233262
#52. Shit happens to the best of us, Cara," Damian says suddenly. "It's how you deal with it that counts. You've gotta fight for what you want, otherwise this life will chew you the fuck up and spit you right out. You're either a fighter or a nobody,

Michelle Horst

Fight For Life Quotes #236705
#53. I don't believe in pretending to be someone else. I'm what I actually am in real life. For instance, like any normal girl, I fight with my mother. I mean, it is just fine. In fact, I fight daily with my mother.

Shreya Ghoshal

Fight For Life Quotes #241255
#54. The older you get, the more you fight for your own identity and start to live your own life.

Tia Mowry

Fight For Life Quotes #241707
#55. Fight for the beauty in your life

M.J. Abraham

Fight For Life Quotes #241886
#56. Her eyes were clear; she hadn't been crying. She was a cop's wife first, a woman second; she wouldn't give in to tears as long as Wyatt was fighting for his life because she was fighting with him in spirit.

Dean Koontz

Fight For Life Quotes #243385
#57. I will fight death for my right to live until my last breath.

A.J. Compton

Fight For Life Quotes #243386
#58. Gabriel Oak: "It's time for you to fight your own battles... and win them too.

Thomas Hardy

Fight For Life Quotes #247203
#59. Jiu Jitsu is basic training for life. We are training not to learn how to fight, but how to live.

Chris Matakas

Fight For Life Quotes #250690
#60. Thou shalt not have your life on a golden plate, Thou shalt fight for it

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Fight For Life Quotes #258294
#61. Often women are pitted against each other for an easy joke, so they fight or steal each other's boyfriends. That's not really true to life.

Hannah Simone

Fight For Life Quotes #262558
#62. It's okay to be happy, it's okay to live your life exactly the way you want it ... It's okay to find what makes you happy and then to fight for it. To dedicate your life to discovering who you are.

Derrick Jensen

Fight For Life Quotes #267038
#63. Eve is a life giver; she is Adam's ally. It is to both of them that the charter for adventure is given. It will take both of them to sustain life. And they will both need to fight together.

John Eldredge

Fight For Life Quotes #272027
#64. All brave men love; for he only is brave who has affections to fight for, whether in the daily battle of life, or in physical contests.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Fight For Life Quotes #277262
#65. Time spent worrying - about anything - provides no emotional or physical benefit to us; such things only weaken us for the fights we must endure in our lives.

A.J. Darkholme

Fight For Life Quotes #283082
#66. The fact that we have to fight for something so essential to life as the integrity of seeds, speaks to the real drama of this present time: that we have to fight to preserve what is most fundamental and sacred to life.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Fight For Life Quotes #285758
#67. Fight for the rights of all;
deny justice to none.
The tears of the innocent are worth more
than the smiles of the guilty.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Fight For Life Quotes #286488
#68. I feel like I'm a fighter. I've fought my whole life to get to where I'm at. I like fight movies. When someone gets knocked down, I like to root for him to succeed.

Ricky Schroder

Fight For Life Quotes #298031
#69. Anyone can battle for pride, power, vanity, greed, or hate, but war should always be approached with an equal measure of wisdom and strength. It's not just enough to know when to fight, but to know when to lay down the sword and negotiate. Not everything in the world is worth fighting for.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Fight For Life Quotes #302421
#70. That paper
it sits there, open at the employment section. It sits there like a war, and each small advertisement is another trench for a person to dive into. To hope and fight in.

Markus Zusak

Fight For Life Quotes #304123
#71. To live an honest life you have to strive hard, get involved, fight, make mistakes, begin something and give it up, begin again, struggle endlessly, and suffer loss. As for tranquility - it's spiritual baseness.

Leo Tolstoy

Fight For Life Quotes #319462
#72. Life sucks. It's all random bullshit that adds up to nothing but chaos. Serendipity: accidentally finding something wonderful while not looking for it. A few get lucky. The rest of us fight for what's left over.

Adriana Law

Fight For Life Quotes #337627
#73. If I were a liberal Democrat, people would say I'm the super genius of all time. The super genius of all time. If you're a conservative Republican, you've got to fight for your life. It's really an amazing thing.

Donald Trump

Fight For Life Quotes #340699
#74. You have to fight really hard for a private life, and sometimes you don't have one. It just gets to you after a while. It's tough.

John Carpenter

Fight For Life Quotes #347716
#75. Bondage is the life of personality, and for bondage the personal self will fight with tireless resourcefulness and the most stubborn cunning.

Aldous Huxley

Fight For Life Quotes #351253
#76. There are worse things to be than a disease," she said, idly thoughtful. "When you have one, it reminds you that you're alive. Makes you fight for what you have. When the disease has run its course, normal healthy life seems wonderful by comparison.

Brandon Sanderson

Fight For Life Quotes #352469
#77. It was just him and me. He fought with honor. If it weren't for his honor, he and the others would have beaten me together. They might have killed me, then. His sense of honor saved my life. I didn't fight with honor ... I fought to win.

Orson Scott Card

Fight For Life Quotes #355162
#78. I should move away from his touch. But he's a constant storm in my life, clouding my head, ensuring I make bad decisions. He doesn't do it on purpose, he knows we're not good for each other, but there's something about us that makes us fight back harder, thinking we can overcome it.

Brittany Butler

Fight For Life Quotes #357875
#79. My neighborhood was rough, but I live a great life now. I don't fight that much now. I don't look for it anyway, but if someone hits your mother, whether you're a star, an accountant, or an astronaut or anything ... I mean it's your mother, so I lost my mind.

Shia Labeouf

Fight For Life Quotes #364330
#80. Intent and dreaming is nice but its not, will never be enough. If you want something bad enough in life then you must fight for it or go after it. Life doesn't just come to you.

R.M. Engelhardt

Fight For Life Quotes #371132
#81. Good stuff doesn't just happen. You have to fight for it.

D.J. MacHale

Fight For Life Quotes #371589
#82. I had traded the fight against love for the fight against loneliness, the fight against life for the fight against death.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Fight For Life Quotes #374252
#83. We put our life on the line to fight for them, put on a show and these guys take our money so whatever happens to Bob Arum, Don King or anyone else is fine with me.

Larry Holmes

Fight For Life Quotes #374751
#84. There is no man, and no place, without war. The only thing we can do is choose a side, and fight. That is the only choice we get - who we fight for, who we fight against. That is life.

Gregory David Roberts

Fight For Life Quotes #378382
#85. If you love somebody, tell them. If there is conflict, let it go and fight instead for peace. Break the numb false silence and break the distance too. Laugh and cry and apologize and start again. This life is short and fragile but friendship is among the greatest miracles.

Jamie Tworkowski

Fight For Life Quotes #379949
#86. Expect the unexpected in life, love, religion, politics and many more such drivers for humanity. These will ask you to fight and you need courage to fight them.

Santosh Kalwar

Fight For Life Quotes #391241
#87. Learn to be difficult when it counts. In school as in life, having a reputation for being assertive will help you receive preferential treatment without having to beg or fight for it every time.

Timothy Ferriss

Fight For Life Quotes #398097
#88. A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction.

Rita Mae Brown

Fight For Life Quotes #400356
#89. I came to these lands because when a man threatens me and I look away, he has taken something important from me. If I fight and die, all he can take is my life. My courage, my dignity remain. Shall I do less for the nation I have made? Shall I allow them less honor than I claim for myself?

Conn Iggulden

Fight For Life Quotes #400683
#90. is too short to live without the things you want, to not fight for the things you love...

Natalie Ward

Fight For Life Quotes #401725
#91. She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. 'Time' for her isn't something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.

Roman Payne

Fight For Life Quotes #406532
#92. Fight the good fight for the faith; take hold of eternal life, to which you were called and have made a good confession. 1 Timothy 6:12

Beth Moore

Fight For Life Quotes #408302
#93. Peace is precious to us. It is the way of life we strive for with all the strength and wisdom we possess. But more precious than peace are freedom and justice. We will fight, if fight we must, to keep our freedom and to prevent justice from being destroyed.

Harry S. Truman

Fight For Life Quotes #423295
#94. If all you do is fight for your own life then your life is worth nothing

Dave Filoni

Fight For Life Quotes #423378
#95. As my future crumbled before my eyes, I grasped for the rope. My entire life's struggle was ending here, in plain view of my enemies. How was it possible? Had had I let things come to this?

Tony McMahon

Fight For Life Quotes #448285
#96. If you knew you had to fight for your life tomorrow, would you change your training today?

Bruce Lee

Fight For Life Quotes #457475
#97. If you want success, roll your sleeves up and fight for it!

Arlene Brown

Fight For Life Quotes #460009
#98. Life's fulfillment finds constant obstacles in its path; but those are necessary for the sake of its advance. The stream is saved from the sluggishness of its current by the perpetual opposition of the soil through which it must cut its way. The spirit of fight belongs to the genius of life.

Rabindranath Tagore

Fight For Life Quotes #474566
#99. The glory of the world is transitory, and we should not measure our lives by it, but by the choice we make to follow our personal legend, to believe in our utopias and to fight for our dreams.

Paulo Coelho

Fight For Life Quotes #486559
#100. One day you'll meet someone who will consume your very soul. When you meet that person, you'll know. And if that person ever tries to leave you, fight for them, because once they're gone, life will become a chore.

Belle Aurora

Fight For Life Quotes #492496

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