Top 38 Ever Repetitive Quotes

#1. A new collection of matter and information to present to the universe and to which it in turn will be presented; different, arguably equal parts of that great ever-repetitive, ever-changing jurisdiction of being.

Iain M. Banks

Ever Repetitive Quotes #1242130
#2. Tragedies are all right for a while: you are concerned, you are curious, you feel good. And then it gets repetitive, it doesn't advance, it grows dreadfully boring: it is so very boring, even for me.

Simone De Beauvoir

Ever Repetitive Quotes #349153
#3. The rain landed on my skin with a barely audible patter and changed the tempo of its repetitive dance, letting the wind change its course and angle. The cold soon seeped through my dress and into my bones. An iris from my garland fell in my lap.

Erica Sehyun Song

Ever Repetitive Quotes #268970
#4. There are estimates that 2 to 3 percent of cancers in the U.S. each year are engendered by exposure to repetitive imaging.

Eric Topol

Ever Repetitive Quotes #282186
#5. I need grit and struggle and Los Angeles is terribly nice, but people, once they get there, cease to be real. Constant and repetitive fulfillment is not good for the human spirit. We all need rain and good old depression. Life can't be all beer and skittles.


Ever Repetitive Quotes #296385
#6. So robots are good at very simple things like cleaning the floor, like doing a repetitive task. Our robots have a little tiny bit of common sense. Our robots know that if they've got something in their hand and they drop it, it's gone. They shouldn't go and try and put it down.

Rodney Brooks

Ever Repetitive Quotes #303256
#7. I'm always looking for films, but the horror scripts that I get tend to be very repetitive and often not that interesting.

Joe Dante

Ever Repetitive Quotes #313562
#8. Unlike running on a road or concrete, natural surfaces are more forgiving and offer a more varied terrain, ultimately resulting in less repetitive micro-trauma to bones and joints than running on hard pavement does.

Dean Karnazes

Ever Repetitive Quotes #314494
#9. Mindfulness helps us see the addictive aspect of self-criticism - a repetitive cycle of flaying ourselves again and again, feeling the pain anew.

Sharon Salzberg

Ever Repetitive Quotes #332232
#10. I was starting to wonder if repetitive exposure to nightly hallucinations resulting in earth-shattering climaxes could have any long-term side effects.

Darynda Jones

Ever Repetitive Quotes #348544
#11. If danger arises in the present moment, there may be an emotion. There may even be pain. But that's a challenge, not a problem. For a problem to exist, you need time and repetitive mind activity.

Eckhart Tolle

Ever Repetitive Quotes #264312
#12. Do you know that scientific teams throughout the world have studied the act of swinging? Studies have shown that repetitive self-stimulatory behavior such as rocking or swaying releases endorphins, which reduce the sensation of pain and have the ability to block pain.

Shelley Coriell

Ever Repetitive Quotes #354690
#13. NBC News found that FEMA has redrawn maps even for properties that have repeatedly filed claims for flood losses from previous storms. At least some of the properties are on the secret 'repetitive loss list' that FEMA sends to communities to alert them to problem properties.

Bill Dedman

Ever Repetitive Quotes #426453
#14. Sometimes I have thought that a song should look disappointing on the page - a little thin, perhaps, a little repetitive, or a little on the obvious side, or a mixture of all of these things.

James Fenton

Ever Repetitive Quotes #443798
#15. I don't tend to redraft, I will try to tidy it up, but basically I feel what I write down first has got the impetus, it may be clumsy, it may be repetitive, but a good editor can take that out. That first writing bit is the best thing you will do.

Gerald Seymour

Ever Repetitive Quotes #449831
#16. He had heard many of his customers talking about 'repetitive strain injury' over the years and he was sure that, if he was capable, he too would suffer this - especially with the industrial tooling he carried around everywhere that he went.

Stephen Craig

Ever Repetitive Quotes #451244
#17. his life a constant uphill battle. No matter how hard he worked or how much he followed the rules, nothing ever changed, his life a monotonous country two-step. Quick, quick, slow, slow, run, run, walk, walk, a tedious, repetitive dance that never ended in a glorious crescendo.

Julia Bramer

Ever Repetitive Quotes #944585
#18. The British system had requirements, including Latin. I'm not positive you ever had to know Greek, but there are certainly kinds of curricula where you had to know Greek too. I think in Britain there was the most mindless, repetitive sort of learning.

William Scott

Ever Repetitive Quotes #1619755
#19. It's the repetitive thing that brings space. That's one of the things I love secretly about hip-hop. Jazz doesn't have that element. It changes every bar, nothing is ever the same.

Robert Glasper

Ever Repetitive Quotes #1781247
#20. The Great Depression of the 1930s saw more American unmarried women working from nine to five, mostly in repetitive, boring, subordinate, dead-end jobs. But the number of working women doubled between 1870 and 1940. During World War II it doubled once again.

Helen Fisher

Ever Repetitive Quotes #1870248
#21. Jazz exemplifies artistic activity that is at once individual and communal, performance that is both repetitive and innovative, each participant sometimes providing background support and sometimes flying free.

Mary Catherine Bateson

Ever Repetitive Quotes #118717
#22. Your emotional understanding about the preciousness of your human birth comes through conscious, repetitive mind training.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Ever Repetitive Quotes #11559
#23. Magic, Quentin discovered, wasn't romantic at all. It was grim and repetitive and deceptive. And he worked his ass off and became very good at it.

Lev Grossman

Ever Repetitive Quotes #20942
#24. It is a strange, repetitive feature of action movies that the infuriating go-by-the-rules boss of the maverick hero is almost invariably Black.)

David Graeber

Ever Repetitive Quotes #30958
#25. Without inner revolution outer action is repetitive

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Ever Repetitive Quotes #31503
#26. My desire to self-destruct is a one-night stand
on Groundhog Day.
Fucking repetitive. Repetitively fucking.

Kris Kidd

Ever Repetitive Quotes #31614
#27. Would say about 80 to 90 percent of most people's thinking is not only repetitive and useless, but because of its dysfunctional and often negative nature, much of it is also harmful. Observe

Eckhart Tolle

Ever Repetitive Quotes #49608
#28. I don't want to be totally repetitive and doing the same thing over and over again for the rest of my life. I don't want to do that at all.

Alex Pareene

Ever Repetitive Quotes #91983
#29. Memory is not particularly linear - it is associative, repetitive, subjective and porous. But the writer needs to convey disorder and dysfunction without making the novel itself disorderly or dysfunctional.

Dana Spiotta

Ever Repetitive Quotes #109338
#30. Innately, there are qualities in human beings that are always repetitive. There are things like love and hate and jealousy that are just going to be there forever.

Shiloh Fernandez

Ever Repetitive Quotes #250232
#31. Surfing is an individual expression of one's own worth and one's own ability to participate directly with nature. And what makes it really enjoyable to me is that every wave is different ... there's a special, non-repetitive pleasure in it that never gets boring.

Otis Chandler

Ever Repetitive Quotes #124828
#32. Humans don't excel at performing repetitive manual work.

Bernard Golden

Ever Repetitive Quotes #140668
#33. Farming is repetitive in a rhythmic, cyclical way that is by turns comforting and frustrating; some people find it invigorating, while others flee to the city and never look back.

Samantha Johnson

Ever Repetitive Quotes #172949
#34. Formula creation is magnitudes harder for computer algorithms than actually executing within a formula. But once the genre is created and the formula is known, then the computer can do the repetitive task of executing within the genre.

Philip M. Parker

Ever Repetitive Quotes #176177
#35. I sit watching until dusk, hypnotized. I think of the sea as continually sloshing back and forth, repetitive, but my psyche goes with the river- always loping downhill, purposeful, listening only to gravity.

Ann Zwinger

Ever Repetitive Quotes #176526
#36. It's a story of little girls who are pressed into working in sweat shops in games, who spend all day doing repetitive grinding tasks like making shirts, which are then converted into gold and sold on eBay.

Cory Doctorow

Ever Repetitive Quotes #194945
#37. What I love about Sonny's playing is that he is so inventive within the mainstream Jazz vernacular. Because he knows so many ways to deal with musical material, he is never repetitive and hasn't had to invent a new language. Also, he never asked me to do anything but swing!

Pete La Roca

Ever Repetitive Quotes #203307
#38. Today's records, even though they may be lyrically repetitive and not saying anything particularly heavy, they have energy.

Carole King

Ever Repetitive Quotes #232140

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