Top 18 Empathizing With Others Quotes

#1. I'm so sorry, Jace." His eyes gleamed in the darkness. "I don't understand why mundanes always apologize for things that aren't their fault." "I'm not apologizing. It's a way of - empathizing. Of saying that I'm sorry you're unhappy.

Cassandra Clare

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1111688
#2. I have often said that loneliness is the predominant attitude in our culture. A person can be lonely in the midst of a party; he can be lonely in a crowd. Loneliness may be experienced by the rich and famous or the poor and unknown.

Billy Graham

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1833396
#3. The art of writing is not as solitary as one might think. When it finally dawns on us one day that our task as writers is to share what we know of the human spirit, we suddenly discover that we were never truly alone.

Hal Zina Bennett

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1773531
#4. The strangest thing was, as beautiful as I found her to be, she admitted that she wasn't always comfortable in her own skin. I found that hard to believe until she explained herself. All of the sudden I was not so much in awe of her but found myself empathizing with her.

Michele Jennae

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1590713
#5. To be present - really, truly present - in art and life requires empathizing with uncertainty and wrestling with risk.

Andy Greenwald

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1451274
#6. Empathizing with someone's 'no' protects us from taking it personally.

Marshall B. Rosenberg

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1415985
#7. The habit-forming pain,
Mismanagement and grief:
We must suffer them all again.

W. H. Auden

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1401943
#8. I'll have these internal moments where I'm empathizing with someone else or feeling something myself, but I'm like, "How can I see the best in this situation?" Sometimes those are the moments where you can have the most clarity.

Zooey Deschanel

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1349889
#9. I was tired of being a haunted house' he said. 'Thank you for coming home.

Mira Grant

Empathizing With Others Quotes #1314791
#10. After an hour's drive, he pulled off onto a gravel road and followed it back to a lake surrounded by woods. At one time, the place had been special. He had gone fishing there with his sons when they were younger.

Angela Roquet

Empathizing With Others Quotes #192705
#11. A good competition for comedians would be where a comedian has a conversation and is then quizzed on what the other person says.

Dana Gould

Empathizing With Others Quotes #677709
#12. There's no reason why a society consisting of rational beings capable of empathizing with each other, complete and having no natural reason to compete, should have a government, laws, or leaders.

Valerie Solanas

Empathizing With Others Quotes #644940
#13. I love surprising people with a present or a gift or a stage performance or anything.

Michael Jackson

Empathizing With Others Quotes #572080
#14. The thing that inspires me most is empathizing with people's flaws and seeing how they deal with them. That sort of connection you feel with someone when you realize that maybe even the negative things that they've said or done are because of insecurities or injuries they've endured.

James Mercer

Empathizing With Others Quotes #490356
#15. There are hundreds of thousands of Scots who acknowledge English, Irish or Welsh parts of their very being. Lives and destinies are similarly intertwined in Catalonia and Spain, in Ukraine and Russia.

Michael Ignatieff

Empathizing With Others Quotes #413499
#16. Music therapy, to me, is music performance without the ego. It's not about entertainment as much as its about empathizing. If you can use music to slip past the pain and gather insight into the workings of someone else's mind, you can begin to fix a problem.

Jodi Picoult

Empathizing With Others Quotes #269365
#17. A modern revolutionary group, explained Abbie Hoffman, headed for the television station, not the factory.

Mark Kurlansky

Empathizing With Others Quotes #236119
#18. In return, Giovanni told me that empathizing Italians say L'ho provato sulla mia pelle, which means 'I have experienced that on my own skin.' Meaning, I have also been burned or scarred in this way, and I know exactly what you're going through.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Empathizing With Others Quotes #199560

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