Top 14 Egeon Quotes

#1. Hopeless and helpless doth Egeon wend, But to procrastinate his liveless end.

William Shakespeare

Egeon Quotes #1315230
#2. Everything I've done I've just fallen into.

David Johansen

Egeon Quotes #105088
#3. Do you have to open graves to find girls to fall in love with?

John L. Balderston

Egeon Quotes #256116
#4. Destruction is a man's will,
Nevertheless Prevention is also a man's will,
Its a man's choice to choose between Destruction and Prevention.

Babu Rajan

Egeon Quotes #351158
#5. Why do I act as I do? To tell you the truth, I have absolutely no idea why. It is simply my nature to act as I act, and that's all I can say.

Raymond Smullyan

Egeon Quotes #370816
#6. Hating someone is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat. Invest your energy into something more worthwhile.

Perrie Edwards

Egeon Quotes #394074
#7. John Cusack is a dream. I did one one-on-one scene with him and we got to shoot it so many times, and he did it different every time.

Nora Dunn

Egeon Quotes #509832
#8. Just let awareness have its way with you completely.

Scott Morrison

Egeon Quotes #545630
#9. My age, my inclinations, are no longer what they were.


Egeon Quotes #1292777
#10. She looked a lot better. In fact, she shimmered with health, as if someone had injected her with glitter.

Rick Riordan

Egeon Quotes #1425965
#11. Timeless awareness occurs to very few in this world, to step beyond the circle of fear. The body has created a magnificent arena of fear. We have developed ways of seeing life that exclude us from seeing life.

Frederick Lenz

Egeon Quotes #1524366
#12. (A)nything not acting as a propaganda arm for the Democrats or the Leftist agenda is considered conservative these days.

Tammy Bruce

Egeon Quotes #1738820
#13. oh, the heartbreakingly beautiful
tender weight of being human.


Egeon Quotes #1821763
#14. John Moncur has been much more effective since he came on

Alan Green

Egeon Quotes #1830041

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