Top 51 Dressed Down Quotes

#1. Poor kids often dressed up. It was rich kids who dressed down, carefully assembling a blue-collar costume: eighty-dollar designer jeans that had been professionally faded and tattered and worn-out

Joe Hill

Dressed Down Quotes #520265
#2. Suddenly I felt vastly underdressed. Hell, even the woman dressed down as a hobo had diamonds on.

Kim Harrison

Dressed Down Quotes #599454
#3. I think clothes are very much a representation of your attitude and the way you feel. I really love to be dressed down, though.

Trey Songz

Dressed Down Quotes #986292
#4. I feel like jeans and a T-shirt have become Establishment. Everyone's dressed down. So actually, putting on a jacket is the anti-Establishment stance.

Thom Browne

Dressed Down Quotes #1175063
#5. Half of the people in this room are more dressed up than on any other day in the year, and the other half are more dressed down.

Bill Murray

Dressed Down Quotes #1229990
#6. It's just a dress. But you? You're beautiful. Dressed up, dressed down, not dressed at all. You're beautiful every way you come ... especially when you come.

J.M. Darhower

Dressed Down Quotes #1280411
#7. His gaze met hers. It was crazy. Dressed down in worn blue jeans and a black shirt, he was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen.
And the moment was sort of perfect.
Even with the deer head staring over his shoulder like a total creeper.

J. Lynn

Dressed Down Quotes #43242
#8. At the Academy Awards every year, there are best-dressed stars - and worst-dressed stars. But it's the worst-dressed that go down in history.

Brad Goreski

Dressed Down Quotes #1407897
#9. When it's time to get dressed, put on your clothes. When you must walk, then walk. When you must sit, then sit. Just be your ordinary self in ordinary life, unconcerned in seeking for Buddhahood. When you're tired, lie down. The fool will laugh at you but the wise man will understand.

Linji Yixuan

Dressed Down Quotes #916383
#10. I used to hate getting dressed, getting in front of the camera and walking down the red carpet. It bothered me because I felt like I couldn't be what they wanted me to be. Now it's still not my favorite thing, but I get through it a lot easier because I know that my work brings value to who I am.

America Ferrera

Dressed Down Quotes #1393039
#11. Von Neumann, by contrast, wore a three-piece suit at almost all times, including on a donkey ride down the Grand Canyon; even as a student he was so well dressed that, upon first meeting him, the mathematician David Hilbert reportedly had but one question: Who is his tailor?45

Walter Isaacson

Dressed Down Quotes #1302201
#12. Whenever my teenage daughter comes down the stairs dressed like a tramp for her date, I think to myself: 'Damn, why won't her mother wear something like that ?'

David Henry

Dressed Down Quotes #1262131
#13. Lord St. Vincent sees to it that his wife is dressed like a queen. I'll tell thee summat: if she wanted the moon for her looking glass, he'd find a way to pull it down for her.

Lisa Kleypas

Dressed Down Quotes #1144521
#14. Couldn't dance because it would awaken carnal desire, which in my case was not only awake, it was dressed and down on the corner waiting for the bus.

Garrison Keillor

Dressed Down Quotes #1115399
#15. We had individuality. We did as we pleased. We stayed up late. We dressed the way we wanted. I used to whiz down Sunset Boulevard in my open Kissel, with several red chow dogs to match my hair. Today, they're sensible and end up with better health. But we had more fun.

Clara Bow

Dressed Down Quotes #1007705
#16. All dressed up with nowhere to go," said Iko from the doorway.
Cinder spit out the flashlight with a laugh and glanced down at her oil-stained cargo pants. "Yeah, right. All I need is a tiara."
"I was talking about me.

Marissa Meyer

Dressed Down Quotes #970988
#17. Karras showered and then dressed in a T-shirt and trousers. Sitting down to his desk, he discovered a carton of Camel non-filters, and beside it a key that was labeled LANGUAGE LAB and another

William Peter Blatty

Dressed Down Quotes #952010
#18. She had no recollection, later, of having decided what to do next, or of having hunted for something to wear, but somehow she was hurrying down the stairs, dressed in shadowhunter gear, the letter in one hand and the chain with the ring clasped hastily around her throat.

Cassandra Clare

Dressed Down Quotes #1859509
#19. I was getting dressed and a peeping tom looked in the window, took a look and pulled down the shade.

Joan Rivers

Dressed Down Quotes #1439933
#20. The mass of the rich and the poor are differentiated by their incomes and nothing else,and the average millionaire is only the average dishwasher dressed in a new suit.

George Orwell

Dressed Down Quotes #1514826
#21. We've dressed up in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen.

Benjamin Guggenheim

Dressed Down Quotes #1578111
#22. So many little girls dream about their wedding day. But with actresses, sometimes it's the inverse, because we get to be the centre of attention, looked up and down, dressed up for premieres all the time. The pull isn't quite as great.

Natalie Dormer

Dressed Down Quotes #1578779
#23. He raised one eyebrow. Infuriatingly. Then he looked me up and down, but not in a meaningful way like Jake used to, more as if i was a horse, which was weird because he hadn't yesterday when i was actually dressed as one.

Diane Messidoro

Dressed Down Quotes #1588762
#24. The Southern past, the Southern present, the Southern future, concentrated into Gertrude's voice, became one of red clay pine-barrens, of chain-gang camps, of housewives dressed in flour sacks who stare all day dully down into dirty sinks.

Randall Jarrell

Dressed Down Quotes #1601460
#25. I literally went straight to New York City from Iraq, which was bizarre and complicated. I was walking down Madison Avenue, and it was spring, and people were smartly dressed, and it was so strange because there was no sense that we were at war. It was something to grapple with.

Phil Klay

Dressed Down Quotes #1609983
#26. I was just about to get up when Dad rushed into the kitchen. He was in pajamas, which was totally bizarre. Dad never came down to breakfast until he was completely dressed. Of course, his pajamas even had a little pocket and handkerchief, so maybe he felt dressed.

Rachel Hawkins

Dressed Down Quotes #1675602
#27. If I go up to Harlem or down to Sixth Street, and I'm not dressed up or I'm not wearing my jewelry, then the people feel I'm talking down to them. People expect to see Mrs. Astor, not some dowdy old lady, and I don't intend to disappoint.

Brooke Astor

Dressed Down Quotes #1722168
#28. Why are you taking her side?'
"I'm not. But if I find out you did this, don't expect me to support you just because you're my son. It's despicable, what happened to her."
'What she did is despicable.'
"What she did, she did with you. Now get dressed and get down there.

Robin York

Dressed Down Quotes #1832969
#29. I dressed in my bedroom, tugging on a pair of jeans, T-shirt, and heavy brown sweater that I'd picked up at a thrift store and loved down to holes.

Devon Monk

Dressed Down Quotes #1843852
#30. He is dressed in a long, white robe and in his hand is a white cap. I draw up as he passes down the hall; he does not see me. Shortly I hear a horse leaving. There is much I do not know about him, but tonight I know one of his secrets. He is a midnight rider.

Nancy B. Brewer

Dressed Down Quotes #524555
#31. We often tell ourselves off for wasting time in chairs, fully dressed, when we could be doing the same lying down in bed, face to face and naked.

Ian McEwan

Dressed Down Quotes #31335
#32. There's a pounding at the bedroom door, followed by my mum's voice. "I know your in there, you little shit, and I'm giving you two minutes to shut it down, get dressed, and get out of there."
We look at each other in the mirror and laugh as we simultaneously say. "Busted.

Georgia Cates

Dressed Down Quotes #52961
#33. We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.

Albert Einstein

Dressed Down Quotes #107304
#34. I often wonder if God recognizes His own son the way we've dressed him up, or is it dressed him down?

Ray Bradbury

Dressed Down Quotes #177479
#35. Writing is a kind of performing art, and I can't sit down to write unless I'm dressed. I don't mean dressed in a suit, but dressed well and comfortably and I have to be shaved and bathed.

Peter O'Toole

Dressed Down Quotes #183062
#36. Reign of blows cascading down upon your shoulders Far too many men dressed up as soldiers The lamb is brought to the ground Under the weight of the Crown A crown of thorns and dark deeds The swastika and the hammer and sickle Are symbols that reap only weeds

Andy Partridge

Dressed Down Quotes #221442
#37. I remember when 'The Right Stuff' opened in Hollywood. I got dressed that morning and drove my car down to the theatre that it was playing on, thinking that there would be mobs of people outside. When I looked, there was nobody there.

Irwin Winkler

Dressed Down Quotes #271784
#38. I love getting dressed up for red carpet events and having my hair and makeup done professionally - that definitely helps with nerves of going down the red carpet.

Jessica Ennis

Dressed Down Quotes #445187
#39. Imagine the day after the Berlin Wall came down if everybody in East Germany was plump and comfortable-looking and dressed in Caribbean pastels, and you'll have a pretty good idea what the Fort Lauderdale Airport terminal looks like today.

David Foster Wallace

Dressed Down Quotes #479942
#40. Every couple of seconds out here they're honoring somebody. You've got to get dressed, go in and sit down. Invariably somebody makes a speech.

Dom DeLuise

Dressed Down Quotes #503301
#41. Dressed in black pants, a white button-down, and a leather jacket, he was sophisticated but cool. A man about town, a globetrotter, a secret cat whisperer who would sell his soul for an apple pie. And he was mine.

Alice Clayton

Dressed Down Quotes #869188
#42. I feel like girls should dress down a little bit on the holidays, even though the instinct is to get really dressed up.

Chris Benz

Dressed Down Quotes #551336
#43. Rap is something you can just throw on the skillet and fry up real quick. That's how it comes to me, my train of thought. It's like getting dressed - I don't have to sit down and stare at clothes, I just pick what I like and put it on. But rock, you gotta put it in the oven and let it bake.


Dressed Down Quotes #573064
#44. Jake frowned and looked down at his identically dressed infant. "How do you know which one is which?"
"A father always knows," Big Tag said. "Also, I marked this one with a Sharpie. See, it looks like a tiny mole right behind her ear.

Lexi Blake

Dressed Down Quotes #616238
#45. She found herself, for the first moment, looking at the mysterious portrait through tears. Perhaps it was her tears that made it just then so strange and fair ... the face of a young woman, all splendidly drawn, down to the hands, and splendidly dressed ... And she was dead, dead, dead

Henry James

Dressed Down Quotes #623570
#46. I try to work in the mornings. Usually, I write in my pajamas and slowly assemble myself. I don't get organized and sit down and get dressed. I do the laundry. I drift in and out of writing.

Sue Miller

Dressed Down Quotes #638675
#47. Everything seems urgent until I sit down to write. Suddenly nothing else matters. It's only when I stop, that it's a problem that I'm not dressed, there is no dinner and the house looks like it's been burgled.

K.T. Bowes

Dressed Down Quotes #724335
#48. The traditional flowers of courtship are the traditional flowers of the grave, delivered to the victim before the kill. The cadaver is dressed up and made up and laid down and ritually violated and consecrated to an eternity of being used.

Andrea Dworkin

Dressed Down Quotes #733748
#49. Jimmy looked down at himself. Clean jeans and a clean gray sweatshirt. "Am I not dressed right?" "Hell if I know. Mom says I'm hopeless at picking out clothes. I guess the cowboy genes outweigh the gay ones.

Kim Fielding

Dressed Down Quotes #744326
#50. If you see me walking down the street, you're gonna see the same guy as you do on stage, dressed the same, looking the same, and nothing changes. I'm just one person.

Daryl Hall

Dressed Down Quotes #769334
#51. She walked confidently next to him. Her black hair was slicked down and tucked behind her ear. "To better fight Guardians with, my pretty," she had told him earlier that morning.

Marie Johnston

Dressed Down Quotes #773218

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