Top 26 Drank In My Cup Quotes

#1. Yet sometimes, when the secret cup Of still and serious thought went round, It seemed as if he drank it up, He felt with spirit so profound.

William Wordsworth

Drank In My Cup Quotes #815876
#2. She poured me a cup of coffee and I drank it standing by the back door, looking out of the back garden. I felt it scald my tongue but it did not warm me. It was heavy with sugar but it did not taste sweet. I gave a little sigh. There are some days when nothing seems right.

Philippa Gregory

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1823255
#3. Broad, wholesome, charitable views .. can not be acquired by vegetating in one's little corner of the earth.

Mark Twain

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1809287
#4. The first time we met I told you I was a detective. Get it through your lovely head. I work at it, lady. I don't play at it.

Raymond Chandler

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1752359
#5. It seemed as if hell were put into His cup; He seized it, and at one tremendous draught of love, He drank damnation dry.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1576803
#6. A warlock summoned the Angel Raziel, who mixed some of his own blood with the blood of men in a cup, and gave it to those men to drink. Those who drank the Angel's blood became Shadowhunters, as did their children

Cassandra Clare

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1409291
#7. Till the first friend dies, we think our ecstasy impersonal, but then discover that he was the cup from which we drank it, itself as yet unknown.

Emily Dickinson

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1364950
#8. What was in the cup Jesus drank at His crucifixion? It was the wrath of God.

Jerry Bridges

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1344725
#9. Dr Howell drank from the special cup which was tied around the handle with red cotton to distinguish the staff cups from those of the patients, and thus prevent the interchange of disease like boredom loneliness authoritarianism.

Janet Frame

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1211387
#10. At the local coffee-shop, hunched in one of the secretive, high-backed booths with hundreds of peoples' names gouged into the wood, we drank cup after cup of black coffee and talked frankly about sex.

Sylvia Plath

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1194740
#11. I set the coffee aside and got a cup of water instead. I could never see why people drank that stuff. It tasted like soil boiled in mud, wit a topping of dirt.

Brandon Sanderson

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1159409
#12. In my family, as in all dysfunctional families, instead of parents who act as strong and nurturing role models for their children, you get these needy people who use their children. I was the kid who tried to take on the marriage.

John Bradshaw

Drank In My Cup Quotes #1034657
#13. Cofounder relationships are among the most important in the entire company.

Sam Altman

Drank In My Cup Quotes #918014
#14. We may anticipate bliss, but who ever drank of that enchanted cup unalloved?

Charles Caleb Colton

Drank In My Cup Quotes #63407
#15. I do admire your love for a gamble." He took her cup and drank from it as well. "I was simply thinking out loud earlier. There's no harm in thinking."
"I have my own thoughts. I am wondering why my father ever respected you.

Marie Rutkoski

Drank In My Cup Quotes #774464
#16. Jesus drank a cup of wrath without mercy, that we might drink a cup of mercy without wrath.

J. Oswald Sanders

Drank In My Cup Quotes #713412
#17. Christ took your cup of grief, your cup of the curse, pressed it to his lips, drank it to its dregs, then filled it with his sweet, pardoning, sympathizing love, and gave it back for you to drink, and to drink forever!

Octavius Winslow

Drank In My Cup Quotes #651547
#18. Will there never be an end that also has a beginning? Will there never be continuity bridging the awful void between now and some other time, a time in the future, a time in the past?

Flora Rheta Schreiber

Drank In My Cup Quotes #517827
#19. Suddenly the drunken sweetheart appeared out of my door.
She drank a cup of ruby wine and sat by my side.
Seeing and holding the lockets of her hair
My face became all eyes, and my eyes all hands.


Drank In My Cup Quotes #438684
#20. Most of you are conditioned by the media.

Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev

Drank In My Cup Quotes #420660
#21. One gal drank a can of floor wax and topped it off with a cup of Clorox, trying to separate herself from the same world he was in.

Fannie Flagg

Drank In My Cup Quotes #402766
#22. [On living in New York City:] I'm oblivious to everything. I just don't notice anything. I sat in a coffee shop, drank half a cup of coffee before I noticed there was lipstick on the cup. There was wadded-up gum and lipstick on the napkin. I must have been sitting on that woman's lap for an hour.

Laura Kightlinger

Drank In My Cup Quotes #359158
#23. Friendship is a word, the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm.

Augustine Birrell

Drank In My Cup Quotes #328828
#24. I'll fight with every breath in my body to stop the out of control spending and debt that are bankrupting our kids and grandkids.

Ted Cruz

Drank In My Cup Quotes #160707
#25. Nico drank from the chalice, then offered it to Jason. "You asked me about trust, and taking a risk? Well, here you go, son of Jupiter. How much do you trust me?"
Frank wasn't sure what Nico was talking about, but Jason didn't hesitate. He took the cup and drank.

Rick Riordan

Drank In My Cup Quotes #78339
#26. He put the coffee in the cup. He put the milk in the cup of coffee. He put the sugar in the white coffee, with the tea-spoon he stirred. He drank the white coffee and he put the cup down. Without speaking to me.

Jacques Prevert

Drank In My Cup Quotes #72467

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